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"Just bring the box back and place it in our box" Coulson instructs them after much debate about how to retrieve the item. "Yes sir" ward says and the coms go quite.
"Ok, fitzsimmons prep the lab and make sure you have a plan on how to contain this virus while you are working on it" May says and they both nod. "Trip" May says and trip looks up at May "yes ma'am" he says, "your with me" she says rolling her eyes as she turns and walks out.
"So" trip asks May "what do you need me for" he sits down on a chair. They were currently both sitting at the bar. "You can make good gin and tonics, yes" May asks, "yes ma'am" trip says grinning and jumps over the bar to make May a drink "I certainly do and I have nothing at all against drinking trust me but are you allowed to drink on a mission" trip asks sliding a long glass of gin and tonic with lemon across the bar. May just nods and downs the gin and tonic "can you do anything stronger" May asks and trip shakes his head in a joke disapproval but stars to make make another drink. "So do you want to talk about it" trip asks after Agee minutes and May looks at her drink, "nope" she says and finishes it "ok let's go check on the lab rats" she says and they leave.
"Ok guys, we are on our way back prep the lab" Coulson says thro the coms. "We are ready sir" Simmons says and you can hear coulson's chuckle thro the coms "of course".
"Fitz can you go and get the 3-D scan machine it's not in the lab" Simmons says and fitz nods "yeh I was using it I'll go get it" he says and walks away. The ramp slowly opens and coulson car drives up. once it's parked skye gets out holding a large silver box, "is this it" Simmons ask and skye shakes her head mockingly "by it do you mean herpes" she says sarcastically (quote from the fault In our stars) Simmons rolls her eyes and laughs "whatever". Skye ward and coulson all head to the lab, "no wait" coulson says "don't put it on the lab Simmons and fitz will need if for work, can we put it in the small room where you keep all of fitz inventions" coulson asks Simmons and she nods "sure" she says and skye puts it in the room on the table, locks the door behind her and then starts to take off her protective gear, ward does the same. "Ok common" Simmons says to coulson, skye and ward. "What" ward says, "I need to check your vitals" Simmons says and they all wait for her as she quickly nips into her lab to get some gear. "So..." skye says to ward, he looks at her "what" he says,
"Oh so you can speak" she says and folds her arms, "what are you talking about" he says,
"You are ignoring me" skye says and he shakes his head, "nope" he says, "oh sorry so all those times I talked to you you had a throat infection and you just magically recovered" she says sarcastically. wards sarcastic reply was cut off by Simmons walking into the room. "Oh wow" she says, "what" ward snaps and she shrivels a bit, " I was just gonna say I could cut the tension with a knife" she says, "don't snap at Simmons it's not your fault your jealous of me and trip, we are just friends" she says, "hi that's me" trip says as he and May walk into the room. "Skye that's not....",
"Look I get it, but things can't go back to the way it was because I can't remember the way it was, so sorry if that effects you but it's not like it doesn't suck for me too" she says and a tear slides down her cheek. Everyone is silent triplet comes forward and hugs skye and ward storms out causing skye to cry more. "Simmons I have the...3-D...oh wow did I miss something" he asks and Simmons just shakes her head "I'll tell you later" she says "ok, I'm gonna go and put this in the closet since the labs in use" he says and walks away. "Skye are you okay" coulson says and she nods "sorry" she says and he shakes his head "you did nothing wrong" he says, "oh my god" Simmons says her face pale "FITZ" she screams and runs toward the small room where he went to out his 3-D Machine that same room that skye put the item. "What's wrong" he says through the glass door, he goes to open it but before he can coulson presses the big red button that locks the door from the outside. "Sir ??" Fitz asks "what's going on",
"Sir please open the door he probably isn't infected yet" Simmons begs but coulson stays quite. "Infected?" Fitz asks, then it clicks he turns and looks at the metal box that holds the infected item inside. "But it's not airborne" fitz says,
" we don't know that and we think there is a possibility it has adapted" coulson says,
"But you said we would put it in the lab" he says to Simmons who is crying.
"It's ok fitz we will make a cure" Simmons says and he nods "yeh of course" he says.
Fitz pov
I stare at the walls lined with shelves filled with my inventions. Simmons and I Have just finished writing up another theory and syrum that she has gone to test, this will be the third and we have been working all night and day. she won't stop and eat or sleep but that's Simmons, persistent and stubborn. Luckily this is like a mini lab so I can occupy my time running test on the 'item' and working on old machines. "Fitz" Simmons says and I go over to my window/door, "hi" i says hopefully, she shakes her head "it didn't work, the rat just died like the last" Simmons says sadly, "we will get it" I say comfortingly. "Ha I should be comforting you not the other way around" she says. Her eyes are red from crying and she is losing hope, so am I. "Hey guys" skye says and sits beside Simmons on the bench. "Muffin" she asks holding up a plate of muffins, "yup" I says and she slides one through the hole at the bottoms of the door that they use to give me anything I need, sort of like a jail door "thanks" I say,
"Simmons you have to eat" skye says putting an arm around her shoulder, "no I have to help fitz" she says "I have to go in" she says standing up, "um Simmons no you can't you'll get infected" ske says and grabs Simmons hand "I don't care I can't let him die knowing there is somthing I could have done, I forgot to tell him, this is my fault and I can't let him die" she says.
"Well you can't come in" I say and she just shakes her head "yes I can" and with that she presses the red button that unlocks the door,sirens start to blare through the plane, they slide open and before skye can close them Simmons is standing inside the room with fitz.
"Simmons what have you done" skye says and the others come running in. "We heard the siren.....simmons why are you I the room" ward says, "she just ran in" skye says. "Simmons that was very stupid of you you could have contaminated skye" coulson says and Simmons looks down "I'm sorry" she says, no one says anything. "Ok Simmons let's get to work" he says.

Third person pov
"Simmons, I don't know what you think you're doing, but..."
"I'm doing what we always do. We're gonna fix this. Together" Simmons says and fitz sighs, "You don't have to help me Simmons it will just put you endanger and I don't want that" he says and a tear escapes his eye,
"But I want to help" she says almost begging,
"I don't need you" fitz says blatantly lying, "really Because I'm pretty sure that every minute of every day, You've been stuck in a lab right beside me. At the academy, at sci-ops, this plane. You've been beside me the whole damn time!" She yells and then walks over to fitz and says softly "You can't fix this without me and we have to fix this" she says ending the conversation, fitz just nods.
"Ok everyone ready" fitz says and Simmons nods "she goes to take fitz hand but he moves away "as much as id like to Jem, I can't risk passing on the virus" he says sadly and she nods "if I don't have it already" she says, "don't say that your fine you haven't experienced any symptoms, where as I have, plus you haven't touched the damn thing, I have" he says and she nods, nervous.
"Fitz this has to work I have no other ideas, we have run out of possible antidotes and there are no other mice to test on" she says and there is silence. skye clears her throat "hello" she says waving her hand "can we please get this over with" she says, skye had been sitting on a stool outside the room ever since Simmons ran in, Not leaving to eat or sleep, it was clear how close she and Simmons where and she almost always had tears in her eyes. Trip had been sitting with her aswell holding her hand.
"Yep ok" fitz says "Simmons" he says motioning for Simmons to do her thing. She picks up a large needle that is filled with there current antidote, she injects it into the mouse. A couple of seconds later Fitz picks up two large shockers and turns on the electricity, A soft buzz fills the room and then as he shocks the mice a large spark erupts and everyone is still. "Oh my gosh" Simmons says when the mouse doesn't drop dead "we did it we did it" she says and jumps up and down. As if on cue the mouse starts to go crazy and drops to the floor of it's cage.
Everyone is still.
"No" Simmons says and looks at fitz who is looking at the mouse like it's gonna jump back to life. Outside the room skye is sobbing and May is rubbing Skye's back, coulson, trip and ward all have teary eyes. "NO" Fitz yells and slams his hand on the bench, as he does Simmons goes flying back and slams into the wall. "Holy shit" coulson says as fitz runs over to Simmons "oww" she says rubbing her head, as she pulls away her hand there is blood on it. "Simmons I'm so sorry" I didn't mean to do that i.."
"Fitz it's ok it's a side affect" she says and he hugs her to his chest "I love you Simmons but you have to go" he says,
Simmons is silent "you love me" she asks and he laughs nervously "of course I do I have for as long as iv known you" he says and kisses her forehead "now please go" he says and helps her up. Fitz looks at coulson and he nods his head walking over to the door and opening it "thanks sir" he says, skye takes the dizzy Simmons and the door shuts on fitz leaving him alone again. "Sir may I have some time alone" he asks and coulson nods "whatever you want" he says and everyone starts to file out, "sir wait" he says and everyone turns "umm I know the protocols in these situations but could you please let my dad know fist and tell them it was quick and that I love them" he says and everyone stops,
"We are not there yet" Coulson says sadly,
"Please sir, just promise me" he says and Coulson nods grimly, "thanks sir" Fitz says.

Hey guys
Yay I'm at 8k !! Thanks so much for everyone who's been with me since the get go !!
Also for those who want it after this plot line there will be philinda because I love them 😘❤️
Hope your all having fun holidays !!!
Bye xx

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