Part 3 Chapter 4

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The classes looked a bit different. A deatheater was supervising the actual teacher to make sure nothing inappropriate according to them was taught. Muggle studies included learning how they were cowards and animals. Dark arts now meant learning about all the worst spells and curses. I studied as good as I could but my thoughts were only full of ways to kill horcruxes and how to sneak into the headmasters office. 

The corridors were less crowded and everyone seemed to be on their toes. I caught a glimpse of Zabini in class and he only smirked at me. I did my best to keep away from Draco. I knew he probably did the same. I could see his hair peaking up behind heads now and then but we did not meet in class or at dinner. 

"I did know that the school had changed, but not this much. I feel like I am in prison, constantly being watched or overheard." Grace said as we retreated back to our dorm after dinner. 

"I know, but there is not much we can do about it. The death eaters have invaded the whole government by now and we are basically in the claws of you-know-who. I don't see how we would be able to change this." Frieda said and threw her books on the bed.

"I need something else to think about..." Grace said and jumped up on her bed.

"I don't know about you, but I could do with some fresh air. A walk down by the sea or to the owl tower could do me good." Frieda said and leaned on her bed post.

"I think I'll just stay here. I just feel like some alone time if that is alright." I said and sat down in my bed and gave them a smile.

"Of course. We'll be back before curfew." Frieda said and they hurried out of the room.

As they had left, I took out my mother's notes and searched through them again. I knew I wouldn't find anything new though. I decided to take a walk down the corridors. Maybe I could find an idea on how to get into the headmaster's office.

I took on a warmer shirt and went out. The common room was quiet even though a few students sat in the corners whispering to each other. I passed them and went out through the doors to the stairs. It was dark and damp. I couldn't hear anyone even though I passed a few people. 

I sat down in the window by the square and hugged my legs with my arms. Even though it was the start of fall, it felt like winter. The school had never felt so dead.  I could picture the dead body of Dumbledore over at the corner of the square. Just where I had seen it a few months ago. The clouded shy was just as dark as that night. 

"You are not allowed to walk the corridors alone. Please return to your common room immediately or I'll have to take this matter further." A dark voice said behind me and I quickly change my position to face whoever was speaking to me. It was Carrow, the new teacher of dark arts. I was not fond of him. I heard rumors about him using the cruciatus curse on a student.

I stood up from my seat and held my head down.

"She was with me sir. I was only leaving her for a second." I heard a voice say. I felt a chill on my back.

"Mr Malfoy. I believed better of you than to leave a student unattended. But alright for this time. Follow miss Radcliff back to the dungeons." Carrow said and gave Draco a suspicious look before nodding and continuing down the corridor.

Draco looked down on the floor and turned to walk away as Carrow passed a corner.

"Thank you." I said quiet and looked up on his back. He stoped in his steps and I could see his body move with his breaths. It was still as fragile as the last time I saw him. 

"You're welcome. You really should return to the dorms. Carrow is not to be trusted." He said, still turned away from me. 

"Did you do it?" I whisper. I could see that he heard me and his body grew stiffer. He looked down on the floor and saw his eyes glancing behind him. 

"I can't talk about it." He whisper back. I take a step closer to him. 

"You didn't, right?" I say and reach my hand towards him but not enough to touch him. He turns around still facing the floor. 

"Follow me." He say and walk past me with heavy steps. I follow him as we pass corridors and walk up the moving stairs. The castle was quiet and I could hear my heartbeats echoing in my ears. As we reached a secluded floor, he stopped in front of a large wall. He closed his eyes and before I knew it, a door started to emerge from the wall. The hinges and nocks of a wooden door were suddenly as clear as if it had always been there. He pushed it open and looked at me. I followed him and he closed the door behind me. We stood in a room filled with artifacts of different kinds. A chair, a mirror, a cabinet. I turned to look at Draco and he finally looked at me. 

"It's the room of requirements. We can not be disturbed in here." He say and look around him. He walk over to a large black cabinet. "This is how I brought the death eaters into the castle. There is a twin cabinet outside of Hogwarts." I walked up and touched the black wood. 

"I was suppose to kill him. I had got the orders from the dark lord himself, but I couldn't do it." He say and turn away for a moment. "I was a coward and a disgrace to my family."

I sat down on a chair close by. Draco had met him then? Spoken to the person I was trying to destroy.

"I can't even do what I am told. I had tried so many times. That curse on the necklace, the poison, nothing succeeded. Snape had to do it all himself and I had to be remembered as the coward and failure. A death eater who can't kill." He was not looking at me as he spoke. "Even better is that I was falling for someone, someone so different from the life I was living." I walked up behind him and touched his back with my fingertips. 

"You are not a failure for not killing people Draco. I think the failure would have been to actually do it." I put my forehead on his shoulders. He turned around so that my face faced his chest. 

"What are we doing Adeline?" He whispers in my hair. 

"I don't know. I really wish I had an answer to all this. But I just can't let you go." I say and breath in his smell. 

"Do you really want to be a part of his army? Killing innocent?" I say and turn my face to the side to hug him better, I could feel his bones under my fingers.

"Of course not. But if I don't, he'll kill me, and my family." I hug him tighter.

"I was hoping on that."

"I heard rumors about you leaving before the school year ended. Was everything alright?" He asks after a moments silent.

"Yes. I just knew Dumbledore very well. I needed some time alone.... "

"I knew you two met frequently. What were you talking about.?" He asks and kiss my head.

"I wish I could tell you, but it has to stay between me and him a while longer. What I can tell you is that he knew my parents, and knowing that has brought up so many questions about my identity." 

We stayed in the room for a long time just talking before we decided to leave before the curfew would start. 

"So what are we?" Draco asks as we walk out the wooden door to the corridor.

"Answer me one question," I say and grab his hand.

"What?" He say and look at me. His grey eyes hidden in the dark sockets. 

"Will you fight against me when the war starts?" I say and look down on the floor, afraid of the answer.

"I am damned to serve him, and going against him would mean the death of my family. I wouldn't be able to do that. But you must know, I will never, never, hurt you, even if he would order me to do it. The death of Dumbledore can confirm that." He say and hug my hand tight.

"Thank you." I say and kiss him softly. "Then, I guess, we don't have to hide." I say and grab his hand and smile.

"I love you Draco. I can't explain why, but I do. And even though it brings so many difficulties and secrets, I can't see a reason for why I should hide it when we are all trapped in this prison together." I say and start walking away, holding his hand.

I hear Draco smirk, it was a long time since I heard that, then he pull my arm towards him so that I face him. He grab my face and smile. 

"I love you Adeline. With or without secrets."

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