Part 3 Chapter 6

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It had been a few weeks. I had still not had the courage to get into the library past curfew and the school work had kept me buzzy for quite some time. We had heard  about a student being tortured under the cruciatus curse during defense against the dark arts for walking out past curfew. According to the rumors, students at the class were forced to practice the curse during class. Those who objected were sent away to the principle and returned hours later white as ghosts and unable to speak. Draco had kept an eye over me wherever I went and my friends were starting to wonder if he had some kind of obsession, but I informed them that he only wanted to make sure I wasn't the next victim of the curse. 

My mother's notes had made me more and more certain on the idea of objects connected to Hogwarts houses being Horcruxes. I had found out about the missing Hufflepuff cup and the Ravenclaw diadem from old magazines and apparently the Slytherin locket was also gone. Because of Voldemort's obsession towards Hogwarts I had no doubts about these objects being connected to him.

"The blasting curse. One of the curses that can do great work if used right. It has been used in some famous battles during history." Amycus Carrow stood in the front of the classroom. Defense against the dark arts was no longer focusing on how to protect ourselves but rather on how to do as much damage as possible. 

"Miss Radcliff. Would you do us the honor of showing us how to perform a blasting curse?" Carrow asked as he wandered around the classroom. I looked up from the book and saw Draco stare at me from the other side of the room. Grace and Frieda sat quietly beside me afraid to look up.

I looked up to meet Carrows eyes and saw his dark eyes stare down at me. I gave him a nod and something that would resemble a smile before getting up and grabbing my wand. He pointed me in the direction and nodded towards a crow sitting in a cage in the corner of the classroom.

"On my command miss Radcliff. Get your wand ready. I want you to use as much power as you dare, without killing us all." Carrow said and stood ready behind me. I took a deep breath and held a firm grip around my wand. It's only a bird. I could do it. I breathed out and looked up towards the cage trying to focus on the metal cage instead of the bird inside it.

"Now." Carrow said and I raised my wand.Feeling the energy reaching out in my fingers.

"Confringo!" I shouted and pointed the wand straight forward. The cage exploded and caused pieces of metal and feathers flying in every direct in a cloud of fire. I leaned away to try and hide from the sharp metal. 

"Well done miss Radcliff. You can return to your seat." Carrow said and smirked in my direction. I looked over at the area where the cage had been and saw a large burnt circle on the ground with small areas of smoke. Metal laid on the ground in small pieces and I noticed glass chatter from the close by window. Feathers were still soaring in the air and I returned quietly to my seat. As I sat down I felt a sting on my cheek and noticed that a piece of metal had pierced into my skin. I dried away the few drops of blood and looked over at Draco. He looked at me with worry in his eyes and I looked away as soon as I met his eyes. Frieda and Grace didn't look at me. 

"Now. I want all of you to read about the curse and how it comes that miss Radcliff was able to not only cause the bird to explode, but also create a large enough fire explosion to singe the floor surrounding it. Her example is just what I want you to learn in here. How to take a scurse and use it in your own advantage. A great wizard is someone who can control and use the magic for their own purposes without hurting themselves in the process." Carrow smirked and kept looking over at me with pleasing eyes. I was not happy to have killed a bird and pleased a death eater, but for some reason I felt proud.

"What was that?" Frieda asked as we were out in the corridor.

"What do you mean?" I asked and looked at her and Grace. I saw Draco glance at me further away while talking to Zabini.

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