part 2 chapter 12

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Eliza waved me off at the station as usual and I made my way towards my friends.

I hugged all of them before we walked on the train. They were all chatting but I was looking for someone particular. Draco.

We sat down as the train started moving. And then I saw him. He was sitting with Blaise. His eyes were hiding in their holes and his face was so skinny that I could see his bones.

He looked at me but I was to shocked to smile. He was sick. He really was.

I looked down on my hands and tried to consentrate on something else.

"What do you think Adeline?" Liona looked at me and I looked up.

"Sorry! What were you saying?" I said and looked at her.

"The NEWT. Are we gonna succeed?" She said and I smiled.

"Oh. Yes of course. Don't you think so? We fixed the OWL's." I say and she nod.

"Yeah you might be right." She say and I look out the window. Hogwarts would soon appear behind the mountains.

We were warmly welcomed by the professors as we once again had returned for a semester at Hogwarts.
Ribbons seemed to like being back and curled up as usual in my bed.

Liona was her usual lazy self but I couldn't help feeling deeply for her loss. Losing a parent you barely knew is nothing compared to losing someone you've grown up with.

"I heard she was to be married. Really tragic." Frieda said as we walked down the corridor.

"And her other siblings? How are they handeling it?" I ask and she raise her shoulders.

"I don't know. As a big family I guess they just have to be there for eachother."
We turned the corner and passed Blaise and Draco. Blaise raised his eyebrows and gave me a proud look while Draco just looked down on the floor.

"He's still mad?" Frieda say and look at they as they leave.

"Yeah I think so. But he'll get over it. He'll marry some pureblood from the wealthiest family in France or something." I said and we both laughed.

"We should have understood though. Best friend with Malfoy." Frieda laughed and I tried to laigh with her. But I didn't find it funny. I didn't hate Draco the way Frieda did and I just couldn't help wondering if Draco really was as bad as she said. I had only known him a year and she had a long history with him. How could I have feelings for him when he was my best friends enemy?

The studying for exams and essays were one of the most boring things I could do after returning to Hogwarts. We were sitting in the great hall amongst other students turning page after page. Reading about different runes and witches and potions.
Of course they were not until the end of the semester but both me and Frieda wanted to be prepared.

"I can't believe it! It only been two weeks since we came back from christmas and you two are already studying for the NEWT!" Grace say and take a bite from her apple. "At least me and Liona don't have such hurry. We'll just get help from someone later or stay up all night before. Right Liona?" Grace say and Liona nods.

"I guess you're right. I just don't feel like studying. And I didn't fail last time." Liona look at me and I just laugh.

"Well. Do as you want. I just need to do it now. Something tells me this semester is gonna feel much faster than the last." I say and keep searching in my book.

Liona and Grace found our studying very boring and decided to take a walk instead. It was still snow outside and they heard someone was messi g around with professor flittwick in the yard so they hurried outside to watch.

The great hall was quiet and most people were outside or in their common rooms. But in the far end was Draco, Crabbe and Blaise sitting. I watched Draco. He was gone in his own thoughts while Crabbe was eating and speaking at the same time. For being a posh proud student, Draco truly didn't care about how his friends acted. Crabbe truly hadn't learned his table manners.

Then Draco got up and I looked back in my books quickly. He left the great hall and I looked at Frieda. She was focusing on her textbook deep in her thoughts.

"I'll just leave for the lavatories quickly." I said and she grunted a 'mhm' as reply.

I quickly left my seats and walked towards the big doors. Then I looked at both directions trying to see where Draco went. I walked up the stairs and saw as he dissapeared around the corner. The corridors were almost empty and the snow made the halls very bright.

I hurried to jog down the corridor and stoped as I reached the next corridor.

"Draco!" I said and looked around me to see that no-one were close. He stoped and I was biting my lips. He then turned around and I smiled.

I walked up to him and stoped a few steps away from him.
"About that thing before christmas." I said and looked down on his feets. "Did you mean it?"
I now slowly looked to see his expresion and he was grinning while taking a breath.
"You truly are the most annoying person I know." He say and laugh while smiling. The smile made me smile too. "But yes. I did. I meant it. All of it."

I was smiling wide and so was he.

"Well, then I guess I have to tell you too. That. I like you. Even though you can be the meanest and most arrogant person at this school, you are the only person I want to be with right now. Because when I meet you I don't see the rich brat. I see the boy who cares. The boy who helped me in my weakest time without asking why and the boy who would never hurt a person without a very good explenation. So yes. Draco Malfoy. I like you. Crazy stupidly much." He grin and put his hands in my hair. I smile and grab his blaizer.
Then he lean in and easily touches my lips. I smile and do the same.

He grab my waist and lead me to the window close by. There he press me to the wall and I didn't want to let go. A spark of warmth and adrenaline run through my body. This was complicated but felt so right.

When we after a while heard footsteps in a corridor close by we had to let go and we both smiled before I jogged away back to the great hall.

I had a big smile on my face as I reached the doors. I had to stop and take some deep breaths before walking in to Frieda. I had to think of something serious so that I wouldn't look suspisious. When I reached Frieda, she was still in deep focus and didn't say anything when I sat down. But then she leaned back and stretched her arms.

"I think we've been here long enough. How about a walk?" She said and I looked down on my books and then nodded.

We took a walk around the yard and watched the younger student playing in the snow.

"You know. I believe something terribly dark is happening to the school very soon. I've had the feeling since we came back from break." She said as we reached a corner. I tried being focused on her words but all I could think of was Dracos touch and lips.

"Yes something will certainly happen. I am sure of it too. The question is just when and what." I say and look out the windows.

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