Part 3 chapter 3

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Eliza and I had decided to return to the house at Magdalen Crescent. The chock I had after Dumbledore's death had faded and Eliza had convinced me that we could still be safe in England. If Voldemort saw me as a threat, he would have found me already. I had found some things that could help me and now all I had to do was try to figure out how to destroy a Horcruxes and then stop Voldemort from finding all of the deathly hallows. 

We arrived at the street late at night. The house looked empty and it was a long time since we were here. 

Eliza opened the door and almost stepped on a parcel on the floor in front of the door. 

"It is adressed to you." Eliza said and handed me the small parcel.

I walked into the living room. Ribbon jumped up in my lap and I stared at the parcel for a minute before I unwrapped the paper and held a letter and a small glass bottle.

I put the bottle on the table before me and opened the letter.

Dear Miss Adeline Radcliff,

We pay our condolences after the unfortunate death of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. In his testimony he mentions your name and wished that you received this item. 

Would there be any questions, please inform me or the ministry.


Rufus Scrimgeour

I put down the letter and examined the bottle. It contained a transparent liquid. I tried to understand what it was and why Dumbledore would leave this for me. Eliza walked in.

"Anything interesting?" She said and took the letter from the table.

"He mentioned this in his testimony." I said and put showed her the bottle. "Do you know what it is?"

Eliza took the bottle and examined it. When she had turned it in every possible direction, she returned it to me.

"I would guess on tears, or some other emotional potion. I have never seen anything like this before." She said and raised her eyebrows before walking into the kitchen. I turned the bottle around but it didn't make me any smarter.

I had organized all my notes and books according to dates and what I knew and didn't know. The horocrux, which I believed it was, was kept on the table next to my bed. I had still not found anything about how to destroy it, but I knew it was possible somehow. The bottle was stored in my jacket and I sometimes took it out to examine. One idea was that it could be something like the memories I had seen when me and Dumbledore used the pensive to teach me more about my history. But it that was the case I would have to find a pensive. 

The next term at Hogwarts would begin in a week and a letter came one morning as a surprise to me. I opened it to find an invitation to the next term at Hogwarts. Snape had taken over as headmaster and changes would be made when it came to teachers. The term would begin In September as usual and the train would leave from Kings Cross. 

Eliza and I sat at dinner discussing it for a long time.  

"I am concerned about you. This is not going to be a normal term.  I am not sure of what to do anymore. I can keep you here for as long as possible but I also know that the ministry will come knocking if I don't send you back to Hogwarts. I have a feeling everything will go down at the school if a war is coming and I would not like to see you caught in it all." Eliza was concerned and tried to think of every possible way to keep me safe.

"But if I go back, I have a chance of trying to hide the truth. It is more suspicious to stay hidden than trying to treat everything as normal. I know my friends are probably dying to know how I am." I said and put up Ribbon in my lap. 

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