part 2 chapter 17

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That afternoon I planned on confronting Draco again. I had to see it to trust that he was a deatheater. That would end this thing between us once and for all. He was a deatheater. I was sertain. Why would he otherwise act in such a way when I asked polietly?

I had changed clothes and was walking towards the common room when Frieda came and stoped me.

"Just let it be for a while. He doesn't deserve whatever hell is breaking loose when you meet him next time. At least wait till after the exams are done. For your own good. We need to finnish these NEWT's." Frieda said and turned me away from the commonroom.

I took a breath and looked at her. She gave me a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright! But don't think I'll let this pass. He has it coming."

"He's had it coming for 6 years yet nothing that has happened to him has changed him." Frieda followed me back to the dorms.

"By the way, you missed the mail. There was a letter for you" Frieda said and gave me a brown envelope.

I sat down on my bed and opened it.


I've heard rumors about you meeting someone. I hope he is worthy of you and that you don't trust him upon to many of your secrets yet. Your history is large to carry but I hope that day will come when all this will be over and you won't have to hide it. I got a letter from Dumbledore that told me you are doing great on your tests and that you will probabaly find mostly destinctions on your grades. I am so proud of you and can't wait for you to come back for break. Say hello to Ribbon for me.

Love, Eliza

I folded the paper and put it on the night stand.

I layed down in my bed and looked up in the four poster bed. Maybe I needed something else to focuse on after all. If Draco was a deatheater there was no need for me to speak now since the damage was already done. I had friends who cared and the future war would probably not start tomorrow.

The spring air was wonderful and we had decided to continue our studying on the courtyard.

One more NEWT was done and we only waited for the last one tomorrow morning. Then it would be the final week before summer break.

"Can you believe we only have two more years here? It sounds so unreal when you think of it." Grace said and layed down on one if the stone benches.

"Good someone can focuse on the future." Frieda said and looked up from her book. "This school is probabaly the only thing keeping us from the worries around the world. My mum told me in her latest letter about the deatheaters. They are traveling through the countryside burning down houses and trying to recrute people. I am not sure we will be able to do our usual trips as usual. This summer we will just meet to make sure everyone in the family is alright." She looked worried but at the same time put together. Then she looked around as to see if anyone could hear her. "I heard some of the parents to some of the students have already been recruted. Some volonteered and some were forced to." She returned to look in her book and I looked at Grace and Liona.

"I know. I heard it too. I just hope they won't come to our neighbourhood this summer. I just want to relax and focuse on something else." Liona said and closed her book. "This unstopable war is taking to much of my energy and I am honestly scared."

I remained silent. If the deatheaters were searching recrutes I only hoped they wouldn't pay Eliza a visit. If they got as much as a hint of my existent I would have nowhere to hide.

The final NEWT was probably the easiest for me. But my thoughts were somewhere else. Draco, his dark truth kept haunting me. Even though I knew it was true, that he had now become a deatheater, I wanted it to be false. I wanted him to stop whatever made him be this way. So after dinner when everyone wanted to relax after the finals, I followed Draco untill I found him alone in a corridor on the second floor.

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