chapter 7 Dumbledore

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I liked Hogwarts. Very well! Only thing I was a bit concerned about was the dark arts. If we wasn't supposed to use our wands. How would we be able to do the OWL's? I had heard alot about them and everyone was talking about how hard they were. I was also studying history of magic, charmes, transfiguration, care of magical creatures and Runes and we got essays and homeworks most of the days. My essay to professor Snape was handled in on thursday and he looked a bit dissapointed that I had finished it in time. What could I do to get him to like me? He was supposed to be my mentor and I didn't really feel like talking to him if anything happened.

At breakfast this morning the mail came. I saw a big brown owl flying in to the great hall and I recognised him as Pepper right away. He dropped a small letter in front of my plate and I hurried to open it. It was from Eliza. I had been so busy that I had totally forgot to send her a letter.

Dear Adeline

I guess you are enjoying Hogwarts since I haven't got a letter from you yet. How did the sorting go? Didn't I tell you not to worry? Have the teachers treated you right and how is Ribbon? I met Fudge the other day and he hope you enjoy your school. He said something about a professor Umbridge that you could talk to if you needed to. Hope everything is alright and I look forward to hear something soon.


I folded the letter and put it inside one of my books.
"Anything special?" Frieda asked and looked up from under her blonde hair and smiled with her blue eyes.

"Just a letter from the lady i live with. I had totally forgot to write to her." I say and smile.

We had dubble potion after breakfast and I was happy to see that Snape didn't treat me as bad as Potter. But he still wasn't pleased with me. Once again I got an essay about the potion we were doing.

I walked up the stairs just as a saw a brownhaired boy.

"Hey! Neville, wasn't it?" I say and run up to him.
"Oh, hi!" He say and give me a strange smile.

"Didn't see you after the sorting. Did you find your toad?" I say and he look around as if seeing if anyone saw us.

"Yeah! He always comes back after a while. Ehm... Nice to see you. Ehm. I have to go. Got. Ehm. Have to help Professor Sprout." He said and I hurried to say bye before he was gone.

I walked down to our common room and started on the essays. If I wanted to be good at this, I had to work.

"Hey Radcliff!" I didn't look up from my armchair. My mind was fixed on trying to explame how many times you had to stir the potion untill adding the dragon juice.

"Studying are ya?" I now hear as someone jump down in the armchair opposite mine. I look up to see Draco sitting and examining one of my parchments with a frown.

"Yes I am. I got a strange feling that professor Snape doesn't like me." I say and look back down in my book and start writing on a new piece of parchment.

"Snape?" He say and I feel him grinning as he put down the parchment he was holding on the table. "Just got a bad day. That Potter always goes on my nerves." He say and laugh as he put his arms up behind his head almost waiting for me to laugh. But I wasn't laughing. He stop laughing and I sigh as I keep on writing on my essay.

"Hey! I can make a first-year do that for you. There are lots of stupid kids that would love to earn some extra points. Being a prefects has it's privileges." He say and grin.

But I wasn't grinning.
"No thank you! I need to do this on my own." I say and look up and give him a smile and push away my dark brown hair behind my ear.

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