Part 3 Chapter 9

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It was just days before break now. Every assignments was due this week and the teachers had high demands on our projects. Carrow had not asked me to perform any new curses before the class but he kept a close eye on my performances. Carrow had began to teach us the unforgivable curses and how they were best performed. Goyle had been asked to perform a cruciatus curse on one of the first years who were found past curfew. The screams and images were stuck in everyone's memory since then. We had been asked to perform it on various creatures in class as practice, but not everyone had succeeded, which led to Carrow cursing their  eyes or hearing for the rest of the class. I had done it without too much problem, which pleased him exceedingly. 

"I hope to see your skills improve next semester. You have great powers that need to be used, miss Radcliff." Carrow said as I handed in my last assignment before break.

"Thank you professor." I said without looking at him.

"I would be happy to work as your mentor if you wish to practice outside of the class room." His words made me chilly and I tried giving him a smile.

"That's very kind of you professor, but I have not thought about pursuing a career within the Dark Arts. Thank you for the offer." I said and turned away from him to walk out of the classroom.

"I hope you reconsider. I believe the Dark Arts could be just the place for you. I'll see you next semester." He said behind me. I didn't bother answering. Instead I walked towards the door where my friends were waiting.

"What did he say? He looked very keen to talk to you." Frieda said as I joined them.

"He wants to be my mentor." I said quietly and looked behind as to see that nobody else heard me.

"You didn't say yes. though, right?" Grace said worriedly and I smiled.

"No of course not! It just worries me that he had considered it." I said before we continued down the corridors. 

I had to return the book to the library before Christmas break and I had tried to not read it too much. I would not find any more information on Horcruxes in it, but it could teach me more about the powers he possessed. I had read through all his curses and it disturbed me how much I wished to try them. I could realize myself sitting and doing hand movements under the desks or muttering words to myself. As soon as I realized I had looked around to make sure nobody had noticed. Some curses were never mentioned in any of the school books and some were part of the restricted sections magical spells. Madame Pince did not care that much when I returned it and still thought it a bit strange of me to want to borrow an old version of the new and updated text books.

The cup was well hidden under clothes and books in the trunk and my mother's coat had its usual spot at the top. 

"Tell me you'll write to me during break. I really need proof that everything is alright. Me and my parents will go to our mansion in Yorkshire, just to get away form any muggle societies." Frieda said as she packed her trunk with all the books.

"I'll try."  I said and the others agreed. "Just promise me you'll stay away for trouble. I really wish to see everyone safe and sound back here after break."

We went to the last dinner of the semester. The usual Christmas spirit that used to surround the castle was non-existing this year. Instead, the ceiling in the great hall was as dark as usual and the candles floated slowly. The professors sat quietly at the from table eating their food. Snape had been extremely quiet and hidden this semester which was unexpected for a headmaster. Draco grabbed my hand and led me to the table.

"I have heard rumors about Carrow offering to mentor you. Please tell me you didn't accept." He whispered and looked over at the professors' table where Carrow was smiling towards me as he caught my eye.

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