chapter 3 platform 9 3/4

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We had left Diagon Alley and got home just in time for dinner. Eliza had put a charm on the cutlery and then put on the stove for the potatoes to boil.

I had gone up to my room and left Ribbon on my bed. She seemed to like it and had curled up on my pillow right away.
It had started to rain and I sat at my writingdesk. I missed Norway but at the same time I didn't want to go back. I was thinking about writing something to the minister of magic in Norway and thank him for what he had done for me.

I scribbled down some sentences on a parchment and folded it before running down the stairs.

"Would you mind if I use Pepper?" I ask Eliza. She was sitting in the armchair in the livingroom readin the Daily Prophet, a wizard magazine.

"No. He could need some exercise." Eliza say and look up from the magazine. I walked up to Pepper, Eliza's owl and gave him the folded paper.
"This is to Norway so you will have to fly a long way." I say to him before he take off and fly out the window.

"Writing to some old friends?" Eliza say and I sit down in the other armchair.
"Actually not. I wrote to the ministry in Norway. I thought I should thank them more for what they have done for me while I lived in Norway." I say and take one of the toffees from the small table.

On the front page of the daily prophet was a picture of young boy. He was acused of lying about something. I recognised him. Harry Potter. He had won the Triwizard Tournament last year but he was so much younger than everyone. Victor Krum was furious I heard and Karkaroff just the same. It wasn't even allowed for such a young boy to participate but in some way he managed. I had read the daily prophet and they were saying all kinds of stuffs about that Harry Potter. That he was an attention seeker and so on. I don't bothered about it. What I had heard from some people at Durmstrang he was just an innocent boy.

"What happened to Harry Potter?" I ask and Eliza look up from her magazine again and look on the front page.

She put it down and look at me. She looked a little worried.

"Nothing according to the ministry. I heard from Dumbledore at the beginning of the summer that He claims to have seen You-know-who, Last semster during the Triwizard Tournament. He say he saw him and that he killed a boy, Cedric Diggory. Fudge has gone out and said that all of it is a lie. They write about Harry Potter being an attention seeker and how he just want to become famous. You-know-who can't return and Fudge even start blaming Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster at Hogwarts, for being a liar!" She look around as if to make sure nobody was near and then looked at me.

"If Fudge could choose, he would get a new headmaster and make sure all of this was covered up. He is sure You-know-who can't return." Eliza said that with a low voice and she looked at the windows where the rain was smashing on the glass.

"Hogwars might not be what it used to be ten years ago. Durmstrang might have been a good school to stay at. But nothing says to be safer than Hogwarts. If there is one person You-know-who does fear, it's Dumbledore." Eliza look out the window. It was raining quite alot now. This summer had been very dry here in England and some rain would do it good.

"Do you think he has returned?" We were speakinh in low voices now and I looked at Eliza. She was not sure if to answer.

"I would not make up my mind about it. But if there is one person i truly trust, it's Dumbledore. And he is not the person to tell lies." It was starting to feel cold and I pulled my sweater harder around me.

"You went to Hogwarts, didn't you?" I ask and take another toffee. Trying to get to a better subject.

"Yes I did. A real Rawenclaw." She say and smile. I remember the letter about the sorting and looked at Eliza.

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