part 2 chapter 8

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The snow was covering the castle and the christmas decorations were covering the halls. The commonroom was filled with people and the fire was cracking. I had been spending all my previous nights sitting by the fire re-reading the letters from my parents. It all just felt so unreal still.
But one thing was clear, I had to look forward and make them proud. Which meant leaving the problem with my grandfather to the boy who lived.

"What a great day isn't it? Tomorrows last day before christmasbreak and also your date with Blaise. Have you got anything to wear?" Grace say and look up from her hot coco.

"Hm.? Yeah. I asked Eliza to send me a dress. I think you'd like it." I say and smile at Grace while I gaze over  at Blaise who cleaerly was watching me while speaking to Draco. Speaking of him. Draco was not seem very much anymore. He rarely showed up in the common room and had quit quidditch. He's temper was clearly high and anything could turn him into a mean brat that he used to be. But I knew there was something more to it. Where was the nice and kind boy I met last year? Something was seriously wrong. i didn't care if he hated me for it. But I needed to find out what.

The last exams were due today and my essay in potion had to be finished.
Me and Frieda sat in a corner of the common room as Liona comes in.

"Studying? Still? How can you? I just scrambled something on a paper and handed it in. At least I'll pass.." Liona jumped down into one of the chairs.

"Some of us want to do something after our graduation you see." Frieda say as she finish her sentence.

"Like you can't do it without good grades." Liona say and start brushing Ribbon who had joined us.

"Hey. I was just wondering something. have you noticed something strange about Malfoy?" I say while I stare into my parchment.

"Malfoy?" Frieda say and look at Liona then at me. "Why would we notice anything about him. Sure he's not playing quidditch anymore, but he's surely just doing it to be able to hang around Crabbe and Zabini more." 

"By the way! isn't that secret dinner tomorrow?"Liona say and they look at me.

I sigh. "yes it is."

"Gush I'd do anything to swap place with you." Liona say and look up to the cealing. I looked at her and then Frieda. I wasn't really in the party mood and I had heard rumors about Slughorns secret society or whatever it was. I had told Eliza about the party and she sounded so happy for me. I hadn't told her about the letters though. It felt too personal to tell anyone yet. I had thought about Dumbledore and if I should talk to him again. Maybe I could see that memory again. just to make sure everything really was happening. I packed my things and walked up from where I was sitting.

"I'm just heading down to professor Snape with these papers. see you at dinner?"  I say and pick up Ribbon in my arms.

"Sure! can you give this to him from me?" Frieda said and handed me her parchment.

"Sure!" I say and wak out of the common room with my bags over my shoulder. I wasn't actually heading towards Snape's office. but since I had to hand in Frieda's paper, i needed to go there too.

I knocked carefully on his door before I heard that dark sound.

"Professor? i just came to hand in these papers." i say and walk up to his desk.

"Put them there miss Radcliff." he say and nod towards a spot on his desk while reading through a book.  "And can you walk up with these papers to the headmaster. he's expecting them."

"Of course, professor. i'll do it right away" i say and take the papers.

I was almost running towards Dumbledore's office. I passed Pancy on my way.

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