part 2 chapter 2

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We sat at lunch and talked about our first classes and how we all had been looking forward to starting school again. Of course not for all the studying but for all our friends.

"Can't believe how fast the years go by. This year is our sixth year and soon we'll be in our eight year and then out. What are we supposed to do whit our lives? I can't even find my spellbooks and get in time for class. How shall I manage a real job?" Liona stared down at her lunch.

"Okay. You need to calm down! It's just our first day. Don't worry!"  Grace said and took a bite from the chicken.

I wasn't worried about what we would do when graduating. There were so many other things to worry about. Like Voldemort.

I had got a message from Dumbledore. He wanted to meet me in his office after dinner.

I had managed to make up an excuse for why I needed to see him. I wasn't okay with telling everyone that I was the grandchild of the most evil man alive.

I had left Ribbon in my dorm and sneaked up towards Dumbledores office when I saw him. Draco. He was walking around on the third floor. He looked concentrated and kept staring ahead of him. I hid behind a corner to try to figure out what he was doing. But then I heard two people chatting just behind me and I saw Draco stop and turn around. I caught his eyes and we stod there looking at eachother for a moment before I looked down and hurried away down another corridor.

I reached Dumbledore's office and said the password to open up the stairs behind the gargoyle.

I quietly knocked on the big door.
"Miss Radcliff?" I opened the door slowly, "come on in and take a seat."

I closed the door behind me and walked up to his desk.

He looked down on me over his half moon spectacles.

"I am glad that you could pay me a visit. I wanted to talk to you." He sat down and gestured for me to sit down too.

"I wanted to know how you handled the things I told you last year." He looked at me concerned but with sympathy in his eyes.

"Thank you, professor. I did have a hard time getting it into my head. But I can assure you, I haven't gone mad, yet." I managed a smile and he laughed a friendly laugh.

"I hoped so. I could see that you were a strong girl when I first saw you." I looked down on my hand.

"So I was hoping you might be ready to hear your story. I have some things you might want to know about your family history. But I want you to know that it is alright if you don't want to. It is up to you how much should be left a secret." He looked at me and I took a breath. Then I looked up.

"I want to know, sir. I really do." I said and I saw him smile.

"Well then, follow me." He said and led me to a lonely part of his office. There was a big pensieve. He looked through some bottles and then dropped something into the water. He looked at me and smiled.

"Let's start where it all began." He said and then everything started spinning and I was draged down into the pensieve.

I landed next to Dumbledore on an empty road.

"I have taken you with me to the memory I have collected about your grandmother. Merope Gant."

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When we came back to Dumbledore office again I felt dissy. I had just seen my relatives. They were mean and evil, but they were still my family. Accused of torturing a muggle. A muggle Merope was in love with. She was abused by her family and looked so damaged. But I had seen myself in Merope. Her dark hair and dreamy eyes. How she longed for something other than her real life. Dumbledore had told me what had happened to them. Merope had used a lovepotion on the muggle, Tom Riddle, and married him. I do not say that what she did to Tom Riddle was a good thing. But I could see why she did it. She was lonely. She needed some kind of love. Love that her family never gave her.

I sat down in the chair at Dumbledores desk.

"Merope died a young age. Her husband, if to call him that, left her when she stoped using the potion. She believed he would stay when he found out about the child. But she was left with the young child, Tom Marvolo Riddle. Marvolo after Merope's father and Tom Riddle from his father." Dumbledore watched me every move I made and I just looked up at him listening to every word he said.

"They were my family. I can't say that I hate them even though they did evil things. They still are a part of me." I said and shook my head.

"I knew you'd say that. No-one can hate their family. No matter what they've done. It's something that is inside us."

"Now, you need rest. But come back the same time next week. You have alot of family history to catch up on, miss Radcliff. And I hope you understand that you can't tell anyone about what I tell you here. It is too riskable for the school. But remember that you can always tell me if you don't want to know anymore. We only choose for ourselves what we want to see." He looked at me and I nodded.

"Good night then, miss Radcliff. Sweet dreams!"

"Good night, sir." I said before I walked out of the office and towards the dungeons. It was late and everyone was in their dorms.

I thought about what I had seen in the pensieve. Marvolo, Merope's father, Tom Riddle, the beautiful muggle next door. And the parsletounge. The language Gaunt used when speaking to eachother. I had understod every word they had said when Dumbledore had understood none. It was horrible. But still I wanted to know more.

There was so much to discover. So many untold stories. I stepped into the Slytherin common room and continued in to my dorm. They were all sleeping. But I felt wide awake.

I took my sweater and went back out to the castle. I took the way out to the yard and continued to the bridge. I stopped on the middle of it, watching the land. The sun had gone down in the horizon and everything was dark. A few lights came from the towers of Hogwarts and I thought I could see a boat far of in the horizon.

I felt the cold september breeze run through my hair and I tucked my sweater around me. I could stand here all night.

"A little late for a walk isn't it?" I turned to see Draco walking towards me.

"It's never to late for a walk." I said and he stoped beside me looking out trough the hole next to me. He looked out over the land just as I had done and I looked at him.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Even when it's dark, it still shows us the most beautiful picture." I said and leaned on the edge taking in the fresh air.

"Yes I guess." He said and I could feel him look at me.

We stod in silence for a short moment.

"You know, I am not headboy anymore so I can't tell people that they are doing something wrong. But you are walking outside of the school, way past bedtime, Radcliff. That could give you attention." I couldn't resist smiling. I looked at him and smiled.

"Well, so are you, Malfoy."

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