chapter 11 your future

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As the OWL's were getting closer, every fifth year had to attend Mandatory career meatings with our head of house. I had no idea what I was gonna talk to Professor Snape about.
My appointment was set during the defence against the dark arts class which made me feel better about it because then I didn't have to listen to Umbridge stupid lessons.

I walked down to Snape's office down in the dungeon and knocked.
"Come in, miss Radcliff." I heard him say from inside.

I opened the door and slowly walked up to his desk.
"Sit down." He said and I sat down in the chair next to me.

He looked up from his desk and I looked down on my hands.
"So? Miss Radcliff. Have you given any thought about what you'd like to do after Hogwarts?" He said examined me. I looked up at him and opened my mouth slowly.

"I have been thinking about the international magical cooperation or international affairs considering that I have spent many years in Norway." I looked at him as to see his expression.

"Not bad miss Radcliff. You do have good international knowledge from your previous studies. And you will not need to take a NEWT in potion for that. Though I would recommend you to pay more attention and try harder. When Working in the ministry it is always good to know how to use potions. And I would recommend you to take the potion next year for safety. That is, of course, If you complete the course." Snape scribbled something on a parchment and I looked around his dark room.

"I take everything that might be propper. I promise you professor. I will try harder!" I said and he gave a small grumpy sound.

Snape gave me information about the subjects I might need and gave me straight information about what courses I needed to pay more attention to.

"Now. I don't want to see anyone not handing in their homework on thursday so I suggest you go and work on that one. You have a clear view about your future miss Radcliff, and I am sure all my students will do their best to reach their goals." I took my books and parchment and stood up.

"Thank you professor!" I said and smiled at him even though I knew he would not smile back at me.

"You're welcome" he said quiet before I walked out of his room up to the great hall for dinner.

It wasn't as bad as I had thought. Of course he wasn't that happy about my potions but he did after all give me information for my future. Maybe you just had to get to know him before liking him. And he was strict because he knew what we needed to be doing.

Frieda, Liona and Grace was already sitting at the table eating.
"How was the meeting?" Grace said as I had sat down.
"It was great. I think I start to understand why all the slytherins like Snape. He is quite nice. A good, straight answer, and I don't really feel so bad about next year. I just have to succeed in potion and I might make it to work at the ministry." I said smiling.

"Great! Might need a new minister. Care to take the post?" Frieda said and we all laughed.

We ate the food and then I turned to the girls.

"Do you know Blaise Zabini?" I ask and look at the girls reaction.
Frieda looked at the others.

"His a pureblood." Grace say and look around her as to make sure no-one heard her.

"His family are well known in the ministry. Family friend with the Malfoys." Liona filled in.

"He seemed nice. I met him earlier." I say and look at their exprecion.

"Well, just keep your eyes open." Frieda say and we keep on with our food.

The classes were more and more about how to prepare for the OWL's and I was more than nervous.

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