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Andy POV- walking into the station, the air felt different. I had saw everyone's car so I know who's here and one car specifically stood out to me Roberts. I was dreading the words 'Herrera my office now' I was hoping they wouldn't come I was sadly mistaken when I quickly passed his office I was half way to the lockers when I heard the door open "Herrera!" Damn it. I turned "My office now" "good luck" Vic whispered to me I sighed then walked into his office and closed the door "you wanted to see me sir?" "This is not a captain and subordinate talk" "Ok then, why am I here Robert" "you know why, I want to know what the hell happened and why Rose is currently at the hospital getting 15 stitches" I didn't really have a need to explain myself but I knew I would be able to leave this office until I did.

Robert POV- I was standing waiting for an answer when she sighed "Ok then, someone knocked on my door and I opened it when I saw Rose I was about to say something but she punched me, I warned her not to do it again that didn't seem to faze her and I wasn't going to sit there and just let her keep hitting me so I beat her ass, but before you say anything I was pulling my punches and I tried to stop her multiple time" "And how did you attempt that" "I warned her to stop hitting me or she wouldn't like what would happen next well that's what I was going to say that anyway she kinda cut me off by punching me" I couldn't tell if I wanted to be mad at Andy or Rose, I know Andy was just defending herself but she did a lot off damage. Andy's phone had rung "I need to take this" I nodded she moved to the corner of the room and started whispered

The call

(Hello?) (Andy hey so I just dropped Rose off at her place) (Mhmm is she ok) Andy asked while rolling her eyes (She'll be fine it's just a few stitches) (Yeah id say 15 is a few) (what how did you.... is sully with you) (in his office now having a very unwanted conversation right now) (look I'm almost at the station just leave his office and do what you have to) (I don't think I can leave) (ok then that's an order from your chief) (Well in that case yes sir) Andy smiled because she got the ok to leave his office.

Andy POV- "I'm going to go now" "We're not done talking" "Sorry orders from our chief" I almost ran out when he stoped me "Wait....please" God his voice wait no ughh why me "I just, I just want to know if your ok" "I'm fine" "I'm sorry" "No, no more apologies we grown Robert, we know what we did and I'm not 100 percent sure I'm sorry about it. Everything that happens because of what we did is most likely well deserved but we did it and we can't change that so no more apologies" "No more apologies" "No, no more" "Ok then" I'm not entirely sure what happened but one moment we're talking the next my legs are wrapped around him and my back is to a wall, my lip that had gotten busted during the fight was healing but he bit my lip witch made it reopen it hurt for a split second but other things occupied my mind. We parted only for a second to catch our breath when someone knocked on the door it took a second for us to register the knock but when we did I had gotten off of him and we parted from each other. I opened the door and walked out ignoring Lucas who was at the door.

Lucas POV- Andy had practically run out of that office when I walked in so I didn't have time to talk to her or even ask if she was ok "What was that about?" "Nothing I was just asking her what happened" "Mhmm" I looked around to see if anything by was out of order and it wasn't so I continued "Well I dropped Rose off at home" "is she alright" "She'll be fine, her pride is a bit hurt but other then that she's fine" "Should I go check on her or will that make it worse" "I don't know, none of my past relationships have tried to fight my wife" "Haha very funny" "Honestly you can't do anything now but do your job if you choose to worry about her later then so so but you can't be distracted" "yeah ok" "So you and Andy?" "Hmm? What about it" "what was really happening before I got here" "you caught us we were about to have sex" he said sarcastically "What do you think, she just got into a fight I was asking what happened and if she was ok" I put my hands up in a surrender "Ok ok im sorry" I laughed "Look I have to go I might be back later to see how everything goes" "Alright see you later luke" I left. I heard a lot of loud talking in the locker room people questioning Andy no doubt. I got into my car and went to work.

Yeah I know boring chapter 🤦🏽‍♀️ sorry I'll keep writing tho and try to make it better but till then, thank you for reading and I welcome any feedback and or ideas.
Stay safe❤️

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