A word

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Robert POV- We were coming back from a call when I noticed Lucas was standing at reception he looked pretty serious "Hey what's going on" he didn't even pay any mind to me" "Herrera a word!" Something was off about that, he doesn't call Andy 'Herrera' and he definitely doesn't do it with that tone. "Sully I have to use your office" "Yeah alright, why are you calling Andy" "I need to talk to her that's all" Andy walked in "Hey Lucas what's up" "we need to talk" once Andy heard his tone her face was just as confused as mine "About" "Privately" "Ok" she shrugged and they went into my office I was watching from a distance and as soon as Lucas spoke I saw Andy's demeanor change she looked pissed off and not the usual pissed off, she looked like she was about to explode from anger.

Lucas POV- "Why did you need to talk to me? Is this about Vic?" "No.... I read you juvenile file" she looked angry once those words came out my mouth and the look in her eye was the same as when she went to fight Rose "You did what?" "I read it" "After I specifically asked you not to" "Yes" it was silent which was creepy because even with all the noise outside the office you could only hear the quiet, which I guess doesn't make sense but it's the best way I could describe it. "Andy how come you never said anything to anyone" "Is this a friend conversation or a boss conversation" she sounded like she cooled down "Friend" "I didn't fucking tell you because it's not anyone's business" Never mind, not so cooled down "you know what before I go any farther what did you read" her tone was cold I've never heard Andy sound like this. "I read about your mother, your time in the system, your time in juvie, what you did to your father" I stopped it was hard but I could see she was thinking "My mother is none of your business, my time in juvie is none of your business neither my time in the system, and my father is damn sure none of your business. My past is my past and those records were sealed for a reason." "Andy I just want to figure you out" "You don't need to figure anything out!" I could tell this wasn't going to go my way so I wanted to switch things up "Fine this is no longer a friend talk I'm your boss" "are you fucking kidding me" "No I'm not, none of this came up in your check and when you started this job it was specifically asked if you had spent any time in jail, juvenile or just regular prison which means you lied which means I can investigate" "I don't care if your my boss, you don't need to know about my private life" "Fine then but I do need to know why you went to juvie" "Fine then" she finally gave in but I could tell she wasn't happy "When I got to my foster house I was instantly bullied, when your in foster care sometimes you have to learn to grow up fast because no one will be there to help you. There was one boy he was nice to me but he wasn't a good guy I was 14 he was 16 he took me with him everywhere he was the closest thing I had to someone who cared about me, well that's how I thought back then.... Anyway one day he called the house and I answered he told me him and bunch of his friends were drunk and needed a ride, he said to just grab Amy's car and pick him up. I was a pretty good driver so I wasn't worried about it, I stole her keys and I went to pick them up. When I parked to help some of them in the car one of their girlfriends thought I was trying to hook up with him" "You were 14" "And she was drunk, it didn't matter all that mattered was I was a girl touching her man, so she said some things and Stefan my foster brother warned the girl to stop while she could but like I said she was drunk so nothing really mattered, things got out of hand and we fought" "you fought her?" "Yes" "What happened" "Well for starters I got charged with grand theft auto and arrested for assault" "but the girl what happened to her" "She went to the hospital if I can remember correctly 2 broken ribs a broken nose broken arm and her head got pretty busted up" damn 14 year old Andy did all of that? "Ok that was the first time why the second" "like I said my foster brother wasn't the good guy in this story when I got out Amy had volunteered to take me back into her home which I'm not sure how that worked out but it did so Stefan took me out again said that what I did was badass and I should be proud we ended up in an ally next thing I knew there were cops and he was stuffing something in my pocket we both got locked up after that." "How did you end back up with your father" "That's not need to know, you said juvie wise, you got what you needed now can I leave" "Just one more thing" "What" "What happened to Stefan where is he now" "I don't know, I haven't spoken to him in a while" "you kept in touch with him"

Andy POV- Of course I did which is probably why I got into more trouble then needed but I love him as if he was my real brother, and going over everything just made me want to get in contact with him. "Yes" "Why would you do that he basically got you arrested multiple times" "You don't know what your talking about" I got up and left he called my name but I ignored him. Why the hell would he do that I get I'm private about my life but who just randomly looks into your entire life. I don't even know if he told Vic about it or anyone else. Here I was going back and remember things I thought I had left in the past. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and saw that Travis was already cooking and some were helping others were sitting I wasn't really in a social mood but I sat the table anyway. I found myself texting Stefan (hey" "As I live and breathe is this my little sis texting me" "haha very funny, I just wanted to see how you were doing" "Everything's good, Emma is pregnant again and Jose is asking about you" "is it all right if I come see you guys later" "Yeah you know your always welcome, hey you still work at the fire department right?" "Yeah why") he responded but before I could read it I was interrupted "Ouu who's Andy texting" they attempted to grab my phone "You know sometime you guys act like your kids" I joked to get them off my back. "Hmm would that have anything to do with the mystery friend of yours from the other day" "Tsk mystery" Jack mumbled and everyone turned to him "Wait does he know who it is or... is it him!" Travis said pretending to be shocked "No it's not him, and I already told you guys just a friend nothing more nothing less" "Hmm well I for one am happy for you Andy" Ben said "Ben is old he doesn't count" Dean joked and they laughed. As we were all talking the captain came in "Alright listen up, the chief just let me know that tomorrow there will be a school field trip and the children will be visiting our fire station. Now I'm not sure if you guys have gone through this before but-" "Clean the fire station make sure all hazardous objects are out of reach" "And or hide them" "Any personal talk is not to be spoken about during said field trip our only Focus should be the kids" "Oh and the most important rule of all" we all said this one in sync "Never lie to the children because it shows you have no values" Robert was shocked by how we all spoke different rules "Capt Herrera I'm guessing" "Yes sir" "Alrigh then let's get started"

Ummmm I don't really have anything to say this time anyway 😂
Stay safe ❤️

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