Fake tears

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Andy POV- "Just one last question, is there anything that made you think or question the child's safety" "It's in my report" "Alright then thank you for your time" she walked out "Hello sky are you ready" She nodded no the ran and hugged me tightly, it hurt but I hugged her back. "Here, my number if you need anything or just wanna talk call me alright" she nodded sky went with Amy and when I turned around Robert looked confused "What?" "Why were you so involved with the girl, no one else knew but you saw the signs, how" "I don't know I just knew"

Robert POV- I wondered how she knew, none of us saw the signs and by what I read in her report she knew as soon as she saw the father interacted with his daughter. "Oh um I forgot, you can say no but Rose wanted to sit down and have a conversation with you" "When" "Like I said you can say n- what?" "When" "Tomorrow" "Ok time and place" "I uh don't really have the details but Lucas will pick you up he's going to be there I will be there as well" "Ok" I shrugged "Well um I'll be at the desk if you need me"

The next day

Lucas POV- I was waiting in the car for Andy when she finally came into the car "About time" "Hey this can't be rushed" she laughed "Why was this meeting place a secret?" "It wasn't really a secret" "Mhmm, So why did she want to speak" "I'm not sure she asked me if I could set something up and I said it wouldn't really be a good idea but she wanted to talk to you" "Sounds fun" "Yeah well speaking of, how are you doing" "What do you mean?" "Well even though they aren't as bad you still got hurt so how are you doing" "Pretty good actually everything is healing nicely" "That's good, also I may or may not havepulledyourfilesoIcouldreadmoreaboutyou" I said quickly hoping she wouldn't react to badly "what?" "I may or may not have pulled your file so I could read more about you" "well it's not much my academy days weren't so bad" "Well I have a buddy down at the police station who got your actual file" "You did what!?" "Look it's not like that ok I haven't read it, it's just I feel like I don't know you, after Rose had said something to you I saw a look in your eyes I've never seen before and you also said something that just made me curious about your past" "Look just don't read it alright, that's my past and I'd like to keep it there" "Do you ever plan on talking about your past?" "Don't know probably not, but as my friend you shouldn't go digging into my personal life" "Yeah I know, sorry"

Robert POV- I had gotten here the same time as Rose, let's just say she wasn't to happy to see me "Hey how are you" I noticed her stitches and bruises and well everything else I knew andy did some damage but the way Lucas spoke about it made me think it was minor, this makes Andy's injuries look like she really did fight a tree. "Like you care" "I do care" "Sure, you know this is what your little thing did to me right" "Andy isn't a thing and it's not like she started it" "Right, you know this is your fault right" "Don't shift the blame onto me, no one told you to go to her house and physically harm her" "why are you even here I wanted to talk to her alone" "that's not going to happen, we aren't going to interrupt we just want to make sure nothing else happens besides talking" "whatever" Andy and Lucas had finally gotten here and by the looks of it they also had a bad conversation "Come on let's find a place to sit" we all sat down, it was silent at first but Andy broke it "Why am I here" "Because I wanted to speak to you" "About" "The other day I had went about things the wrong way, I shouldn't have put my hands on you. It's just I was angry I moved my entire life to be with Robert and all that was destroyed by one woman in a short amount of time." She started tearing up and I noticed Andy rolled her eyes

Andy POV- she was putting on a show nothing she was saying was genuine and it pissed me off but I stayed and listened at this point she was full on crying "So you see I should have been more angry at Robert then you, and I just want you to know I accept your apology and I thank you for admitting you were wrong" I'm sorry I sat through this whole performance for her to accept an apology which was no longer valid "Wait wait wait not once did I hear an apology" "Because I'm not apologizing I'm accepting your apology when you told me everything was your fault" I almost laughed in her face "Any apology I've given you went out the door the second you punched me" she wiped her tears "So your not sorry for what you did" I mean I was sorry and I should act like the bigger woman here but that also went out the door "No not at all, like I said any apology or sympathy I had for you is gone, and that nice little show you just put on a few seconds ago, no one cared for it, I don't care if your not sorry about the situation I don't need anything from you it's clear you need something from me, what do you want a sorry well your not going to get one, this will be your last time speaking to me or about me and to be very clear it is not my fault your boyfriend wanted to fuck someone else, so instead of looking for other people to blame why don't you ask yourself if you were even happy in the first place." I got up and walked away, and as dramatic as my exit was I still had to wait for Lucas because he was my ride. After a few minutes Robert had came up to me "I'm taking you home" "I'm going home with Lucas" "No he's taking Rose home, my car now" "I'm good" "Andy. I wasn't asking" I'm not sure if he was upset or he was just being assertive because I probably wouldn't have gotten into the car if he didn't "Fine" I got into the passenger seat. "Damn it" I mumbled before he got into the car, he started driving and it was quite I hate the quiet it's times like this I wished I didn't live so far away. I started texting Vic < hey how are you?" "Are you talking baby wise" "yes" "Better, I'm still throwing" "Have you told Lucas yet?" "No, I was planning on telling him today when he got back, is he taking you home now?" "No, Sullivan is" "What, why are we talking about me what's going on" "Well after my talk with Rose I was waiting for Lucas but Robert told me to get in his car and he'd be the one taking me home" "Has he said anything to you" "no that's the problem you know how I feel about the quiet" "yeah you hate it, why don't you just talk to him" "About what?" "I don't know ask him why Lucas didn't take you home, let me know how it goes" "alright I guess">

Robert POV- It was quite and Andy was on her phone. I'm not really sure what I was expecting when I told her to get in the car, she was being hard headed about me taking her home so I more so demanded then asked. I was pulled away from my thoughts when Andy said "Why are you taking me home and not Lucas?" "Rose had taken a cab to get there and since she doesn't like me we thought it'd be best if Lucas took her home" it went back to quiet I could tell she didn't know what to say but I also know she doesn't like the quiet "How's your bruise healing?" "It's only been a day but it's getting better" "Good" damn now I don't know what to say "Are you mad at me" "About?" "What I said to Rose" I really wasn't, maybe just a little surprised but not mad "no" "Are you sure I would get if you are, well I'd try to understand but still" "Andy I'm not mad" "Alright" she laid her head back and closed her eyes.

Andy POV- when I woke up I was in a bed, it wasn't mine though the blankets were black and the alarm said 1:00AM I don't have an alarm, where am I? I heard some noise from the other side of the room so I looked, only to see Robert in a towel he was all wet I'm guessing he just got out the shower, Damn his body. "Um" I said getting Roberts attention "Oh sorry did I wake you?" "Uh no, where am I" "Yeah um we got to your place, turns out you don't like to be woken up so I just thought I'd bring you here and let you sleep." Ok what do I do now "Um oh" um oh is that all you can say, what the hell I don't know what to do "I can take you home if you want" "He looked like he was barely awake enough to get dressed let alone drive "No it's fine, I know I already slept here but do you mind if I stay the night" "No of course not, if you need anything I'll be on the couch" "What no I'm not going to push you out your own bed I'll take the couch" "Andy I'm not letting you take the couch" I got up and started walking "Well to bad I'm taking the couch, night" before I could make it to the door he body blocked me. You'd think he was sculpted or something, damn "Robert I'm taking the couch" "I'm not letting you" "Well I'm not letting you" "Fine Ill sleep in the bed" he finally gave in "thank you that wasn't so hard" "Only if you sleep in the bed" as in both of us on the bed, well nothing can really come from that so screw it "Fine" "Alright then I'm going to get dressed" "If you want to take a shower you can wear a pair of my boxers and a T-shirt" I did want to take a shower so I got up he gave me a towel and some clothes then I left to shower

Robert POV- I was laying down I heard the water shut off not to long ago so Andy should be coming out soon. I was right she had come out she was wearing my boxers but my shirt went past it, it's crazy how she made something as simple as that look so good. Once she laid down I said "Goodnight" "Night" goodnight what the hell goodnight is the last thing I want to say to her right now. I couldn't sleep my mind was running a mile a minute, Andy was sound asleep Maybe I just need water or something I don't know. Right when I decided to get up Andy had turned around and her arms wrapped around me her head laid on my chest, I looked down at her she was asleep I had pushed her hair that had fallen behind her ear. I hadn't even realized I feel asleep.

Andy POV- I woke up In the middle of the night and noticed the way I was laying I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable so I slowly got off him and turned my back to him, that didn't really work out for me because he ended up wrapping his arms around me and he pulled me towards him. Damn it why is he so comfortable I didn't want to move truthfully I was fine like this but would he be in the morning damn it why is this so difficult I've never had this much trouble with a guy. I had drifted off to sleep so I guess I'll find out in the morning.

Hey, how does everyone like the story so far lmk in the comments. As always
Stay safe and stay strong❤️

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