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Warning ⚠️ short chapter only Robert POV

Robert POV- I walked inside the house and to my surprise rose was sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Hey babe" "where were you" "I was drunk and couldn't remember where I lived so I slept at someone's house" "who's" "uh Andy's and Mayas" she chuckled "of course" "of course what?" "Make sense you were with her" "I wasn't with her per say she just let me sleep at her place" "and where did you sleep?" "On the couch, where is this coming from" "you know when you got home from the bar that day you were half asleep, you uh you were talking about how beautiful a woman was and how smart and a bunch of other things" she chuckled again "I stupidly thought you were talking about me and when I ask you said you weren't talking about me, I pushed it off I blamed it on the fact that you were drunk. But then I saw how you looked at her and one of the few thoughts that came to my mind was that you never looked at me like that" "And the others?" "That you cheated on me and slept with her so I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you did not sleep with her please don't tell me you got into some kind of engagement just make me look like an idiot at this point because I'm hoping I'm wrong." She began tearing up "I didn't sleep with her" she exhaled "but I did kiss her" now full streams of tears were down her face i went to her "please don't cry I didn't-" she pushed me away "don't come near me" I nodded she was quiet "please say something" "I want to work this out with you but I need to trust you won't do this again" truth be told I didn't know if I was going to do it again so I couldn't promise her that I wouldn't. I'm a horrible person but it felt wrong to just break her heart and I don't know what would hurt worse me staying even if I don't know if I love her anymore or just ending it now (It hurts more to say even when you don't love the person. Don't be that person guys and girls alike anyway back to the story!!) "I don't know" "do you want to be with her" "i-I don't know" "I think you need to figure that out" she started getting her stuff to leave "Rose I'm sorry" "don't apologize to make yourself feel better, you did what you did now deal with it" she left I sighed "damn it" I whispered to myself.

Sorry for the short chapter every now and again I'm going to do just one persons POV but still hope you enjoyed
Stay safe and stay strong❤️

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