Not happening again

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For story line, Andy's mom left her when she was 13.
Also quick question I've seen some things on Instagram about borina or something like that and I know where I stand on the topic but I just wanted to see others peoples perspective of it?

Andy POV- we ran out of drinks so I went to grab more for everyone I heard footsteps behind me. From the corner of my eyes I saw it was Rose I rolled my eyes knowing she was either going to try and talk to me or try to hit me again. "Andy" she called Andy I turned "What's up?" I tried to stay calm seeing ass we were at a work event "Can we talk" "Don't know are you going to try and hit me again" it came out a lot more sarcastic then I meant to be "That's what I wanted to talk about.... After I did that, not to long later Robert came to me and told me I had to apologize but I never did so I just wanted to apologize now." "Mhmm" I wanted this conversation to end so badly "You know it's just, well try to look at it from my point of view to me-" I got upset when she said that and cut her off "I did look at it from your point of view, your view is all I've been looking at it from that's why I let you fucking hit me and that why I've been trying to avoid you. I don't want anything to do with you, I've gone over everything in my head multiple time and yes I fucked up I'll admit that but you standing here constantly antagonizing me about things I'm no longer worried about is really making me no longer give a shit about how you feel" she scoffed "I came over here to apologize you think I enjoy this, I'm being the bigger woman here and your acting like a child" "You say your apologizing and yet you insult me in the same sentence and I promise you if I was acting like a child this conversation would be going very left right now, but it's not I'm having a conversation with you that is very unnecessary. I don't care that you hit me and we both know that apology is bullshit. So go back to your boyfriend enjoy your time with him and leave me alone for today, actually just leave me alone in general whatever game you have going on in your head you win ok." I was getting so annoyed and angry that I had to walk away we were out in the open but I felt like I needed air so I just started walking, no clue to where but I just let my feet take me away.

Vic POV- I realized Andy never came back from getting the drinks, I started to get worried. "Does anyone know where Andy went" everyone shook their heads "she went for a walk" Rose answered "You know this how?" "I just finished talking to her" I hadn't realized how I was looking at her till Lucas lightly shoved me "I'm going to go look for her" "Hey bring back the drinks on your way back" I nodded and went off to find Andy. I was walking for at least ten minutes when I found her sitting on a bench "Hey Andy!" She turned, I went up to her "What happened why'd you leave?" "I just went for a walk" "what's wrong" "nothing" "Andy I know when your lying" she sighed "Do you ever just randomly remember something and all the feelings you felt come back to you" "All the time.... what are you remembering?" "My mother actually" "I thought you said you didn't know her" "No.... I did, she uh she left when I was 13" I was really surprised, I mean I'm sure she had her reasons not to tell anyone but still if she knew her mother till she was 13 why lie "And you miss her?" "God no, best decision she ever made" now I was confused "Did you not like your mother?" I could tell that hit a nerve because she just shut down she ignored my question "We should get back" I wanted to push the topic but I knew that wouldn't get me far so I just nodded.

Lucas POV- it's been a few minutes since Vic went to find Andy I looked around to see if I could see them but I couldn't, everyone was indulged in their own conversations by the looks of it sully didn't like the way his was going. I decided to try and save him from whatever was going on. "Hey sully, Andy and Vic are taking to long come help with with the drinks." He nodded and got up "So what's happening there?" "I was just asking her what she had said to Andy, and she got all defensive saying I shouldn't be worried about her and how she was acting like a child, I'm just tired of petty drama." "Sully can I ask you something" he nodded "Why are you with Rose, it's clear your not happy" "I... I was happy with Rose I was but I don't know we came to Seattle and everything changed, I know she's angry with me for dragging her out here with me I guess that's when our problems started, and they finished with Andy but then we started up with her and even if I try to stop thinking about Andy I can't because Rose brings her up every five minutes and I don't like hearing her talk about Andy like that." "Look sully your my friend so I can tell you this but, I don't think she's good for you anymore and I'm also not saying to shoot your shot with Andy but just try being alone for a bit or don't be alone but if your not happy with Rose there's no reason for you to be together." He sighed "I don't know what to do, let's just get the drinks" "huh what drinks?" "The one you asked help for" "Oh uh right" we started grabbing drinks "Damn you guys are inpatient" I heard and looked up to see my beautiful wife "Inpatient, it's almost been an hour" Vic laughed "Still impatient" "Vic can I talk to you" "Mhmm" "uh Andy could you uh" "yeah I got it" she said smiling.

Andy POV- "Hey are you alright" "hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine" "I'm not sure what Rose said but I'm sorry" I didn't see any point in starting anything "She didn't say anything wrong she just apologized" "Are you sure" "yeah everything is fine" he nodded and it looked like he believed what I said. "What do you think their talking my about?" "Hmmm Luke is probably asking why there isn't enough beer and Vic is reassuring him telling him there's some at home in the fridge" He started laughing "That strangely sounds accurate" I chuckled. "Hey um for what it's worth you look really beautiful today" I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as if I were some high school girl who couldn't control her emotions in front of the boy she liked "Thank you, you look really good as well" He looks good really that's what you say. I mentally slap myself "Come on let's get these drinks back before more people come looking" "Yeah"
We walked back to the rest of the crew "About time I'm dying here" Maya said dramatically "Oh these are only for us we didn't grab you guys any" I said pointing between me and Robert "Captain come on we're dying here" "Hmm I don't know lieutenant what do you think" "I guess they've earned it after we beat 23 yesterday" everyone cheered and started talking about station 23 "I didn't even notice them there". Everyone was happy and laughing which I really needed to see it made me feel better and there was one smile in particular that made me smile and it was perfect. "Look at that they don't hate you" he smiled at me, I swear that smile could be my undoing.

Please do let me know what you think I'm always happy to see feedback and I'm glad your still here.
Stay safe❤️☺️

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