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Sullivan POV- it's damn near been a entire week since that whole incident with Stefan. Hell the day after she acted like nothing happened, she hung out with sky they cooked they danced honestly they did things that I'm not sure if I'd be able to after a night like that. Although even with all of that this week she's been great, she hasn't snapped at anyone she hasn't had an attitude she's been really focused with sky and Vic's baby. She didn't speak about it so I didn't speak about it, doesn't mean I didn't want to I mean you hear that the woman you like almost killed her father and there are possibly more stories like that it kinda throws you off a bit. I had so many questions but I knew I'd get no answers. After all I'm not even in a relationship with her, I don't even know what we are to be honest.

L- So she wants to do that and I don't care so what do you think?

S- Huh? Oh Um I'm sorry I didn't hear you.

L- Clearly, where's your head at sully?

What should I say there's nothing logical about me and Andy's relationship so I can't just blurt out "Oh you know I just happen to be sleeping with someone and I'm their boss but now I found out she has some deep routed dark past and she's very touchy about it so I can't ask her anything about it or she's going to boot me out her life" maybe there's another way of asking. No there's no point, he knows to much.

S- Um actually I have to go talk to your wife. It was great seeing you Luke.

I said rushing out the office and into the kitchen.

S- Hey any of you seen Vic?

T- Shes puking her guts out in the bathroom, Andy's with her.

S- Thanks.

I rushed to the bathroom and knocked. Andy opened it.

A- What's up?

S- You have a call at the front desk.

A- Who is it?

S- I'm not sure.

She sighed

A- Vic I'll be back.

She walked out and I walked in.

V- That was quick.

She said but then started throwing up.

S- Um sorry to interrupt whatever this is. I just needed to talk to you.

She stopped then looked at me. She took a few deep breath's then got up and rinsed her mouth out.

V- What do you want?

S- Uh I just have to ask you something about Andy.

V- Does it have to do with this brother I've been hearing about all day.

S- You know?

V- Yes I do. Anyway hurry up before she gets back.

S- she got into an argument with her brother and he said something to me.

V- About her dad right.

S- Yeah.

V- Listen Andy is like an onion, you have to peal her one layer at a time. Much unlike my husband who just cut through to the middle and now she's not speaking to him.

S- I'm lost.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

V- I'm saying don't be like Lucas and try to get straight to the bottom of things because that won't work. You cut through the that onion and your going to miss key details.

S- Right but how am I supposed to peal if every time I try she pushes me away.

V- Well considering your practically fucking her why don't you just talk to her. She's going to push and if you back down then she's just going to keep pushing because she knows if she pushes hard enough then you leave.

Caught between two worldsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon