The day after

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Sky POV- I woke up with a thick blanket over me which I appreciated much more when I lifted said cover and got a blast of cold air. I don't remember falling asleep with one on though. I got up and walked around I stopped at a closed door, the only closed door I've seen so far in this house so curiosity got the best of me. I tried to open the door but it was locked I was also quickly met with Andy's voice "Morning" it startled me so I quickly turned "Didn't mean to scare you" she smiled warmly "Someone's an early bird huh" she wasn't mad that I was just snooping around? I know I shouldn't be snooping around, it was pretty stupid I don't want he to get rid of me. "Ok not much of a morning person I guess" she said and I realized I didn't respond to her "Oh sorry I just woke up and....." and I was snooping "You know I'm going to give you a little tip that will make it easier for both of us to live together alright" she said and I nodded "If you have a question just ask, I'm typically and open book when I'm not hiding my past" she chuckled. I nervously smiled "Um what's behind the door" she walked away and came back with a key in her hand then opened the door I saw a bunch of boxes, they were labeled but I couldn't see them since the room was so dark "What are they?" "My files, arrest records, journals I had to keep in juvie, pretty much anything that has to do with my past is in here" "There's a lot of boxes" "I have a long past" I looked up at her I could tell she was in thought but she quickly snapped out of it "Come on we'll get some food in ya then try to find you a school" she said walking out the room. I followed after her and she locked the door "What do you mean school" "You didn't think you'd just be staying home 24/7 did you?" "I mean that was my plan" "Yeah well that can't happen so we're going to get you into a school today" "Does it have to be today" I groaned "Todays my only day off so yes." She made breakfast then we went out looking for schools we found a few she like then the ones she like she let me choose between them, I picked the one I liked best and she signed me up. We got into the car "Alright so you start tomorrow your taking the bus so I'll walk with you for your first time then you'll take it from there" "Ok" "And don't worry I know how kids can be so I'll wait a far distance, that way I can still see you and you can avoid the embarrassment that you teenagers seem to have when getting dropped off." I smiled and chuckled "Thanks Andy" "No problem, oh so seeing as you fell asleep last night you have a room to situate today so get on that when we get back ok" "Mhmm" I nodded, I did have to put my clothes away, and put on my bed sheets. We got to the house and I picked up my room. Once I was done I went to look for Andy "Andy?" I called out while walking to the living room but she wasn't there so I went to the kitchen "Andy?" I called again and got no response, I began to get worried. I saw the front door slightly opened so I ran to it, I heard "I don't give a shit why you did it asshole, the point is you did so I don't want any bullshit apology" "Andy?"I opened the door quickly and she turned "Ill talk to you later" she immediately hung up, I saw she was annoyed but once she saw the look of worry on my face she smiled "Hey, you done with your room" This woman could just snap her emotions away. One minute she was annoyed and upset now she's smiling" "What's going on?" I said still worried from my previous thoughts of what had happened to Andy. "Oh nothing just a phone call, are you alright?" She asked shifting the topic onto me "Yeah I just thought... I just thought you left" "Well if I did you still shouldn't be worried your kinda living in my house I wouldn't have anywhere to go" she joked and I felt kinda dumb for thinking that she would leave "hey not anytime soon or unless your not comfortable but I'd like you to meet my brother" "You have a brother?" "Well I met him in foster care and he became my brother you know" I smiled and nodded "Yeah soon when I get more comfortable" "No problem, come on let's get you inside." She said and we walked inside but that didn't stop my curiosity about who she was just on the phone with "So you remember how you said I could ask you things because your an open book" "Yeah" "Wh-" was this to invasive should I even be asking her this what if she gets annoyed with me "Who were you on the phone with?" She gave me a smile "Someone is very curious?" "Sorry" "No it's fine, to an extent though sometimes things need to be left alone alright" I nodded "But to answer you question that was someone named Lucas he's my best friends husband but also like a brother to me." "Is that the one who you asked for me to meet" "No that's my brother, Lucas is like a brother, I have very complicated relationships" she chuckled "So why'd you sound upset at him?" "Because he did something I asked him not to and I'm upset at him" she said slightly irritated "oh" "But you don't have to think about that considering it's my problem, now I think I have some school supplies that I can give to you come on" and that was the rest of our night, she helped make sure everything was ready for school tomorrow and then we ate. She let me watch tv which my father never let me do so I was happy to see that there was a lot of stuff I had missed and I would be able to catch up to.

Welp I'm really liking sky's story line, how her and Andy interact. Let me know what you think if ur still here😭 anyways stay safe

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