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Robert POV- Andy was walking away and Vic just sighed in frustration then she looked at me "I don't care what's going on in you life but get your girlfriend in check" she walked away but then stoped "respectfully sir" now she walked out. Wait did Rose do that to Andy! I Chased after Andy this time to her bunk "Who did that to you!?" "It doesn't matter can you leave I want to try to sleep before our next call" "Did rose hit you" she rolled her eyes "no, now can you leave" "I'm going to talk to rose" "you do that" she said sarcastically "Andy I promise this won't happen again" "Oh my god Robert I told you It doesn't matter" it was risky but I did it anyway "Andy it does matter" I said while placing my hand on her cheek. "I don't want to see you hurt because of me" "Robert I ruined a fucking relationship, I ruined your relationship I'm not hurt because of you, I'm hurt because of what I did I'm a grown woman who made a mistake and I'm owning up to that so please let it go and get out." I moved my hand and left. Why would rose punch her I've never seen her get violent with anyone and there's been plenty of time she could have.

After shift

I drove to where rose was staying and knocked on the door. She opened it "We need to talk" she let me inside and I turned to her "How have you been" "I've had better. Why are you here Robert" "did you punch Andy" she chuckled "You know for a split second I thought you had come here to talk about us but no it's about the girl you cheated on me with" "It's not about that rose, you can't come to my place of work and assault one of my people." "She deserved it" "Your lucky she didn't press charges!" "Right, when did I become the one who did wrong!" "When you punched her!!" "You think I wanted to punch her! You think I wanted to go against what I believe in! YOU- YOU BREAK MY HEART AND THEN COME HERE LIKE I OWE YOU SOMETHING!" "You don't owe me anything but you do owe andy an apology" "YOU WANT ME TO APOLOGIZE TO THE WOMAN WHO WAS SNEAKING AROUND WITH MY MAN! I LEFT EVERYTHING BEHIND MY FAMILY MY FRIENDS MY JOB AND WHAT TO BE CHEATED ON BY YOU" I understood what she was saying she followed me across the state and I did this to her. "Rose you deserve so much better then what I could ever offer you and I'm sorry that I dragged you out here away from your life" "Robert I don't want anyone else I want you I've invested almost 4 years into this I don't want it to go down the drain" "you could never trust me again rose you know that" "I could I will just please promise me you won't be involved with that woman that's all I ask that's it" Andy made it clear she didn't want to be involved with me and rose was right it was almost four years. "Fine rose I won't be involved with her romantically but you will apologize for punching her" "fine"

3 days later

Andy POV- "Travis really?!" "What it was either that or tell him 'Hey I don't want you to meet my parents because they don't fully except me' it was hard enough getting them to except me and my late husband." "So you just told him you don't know your parents" "I freaked out ok" "at some point you have to tell him the truth" "yeah I know kinda like telling me where you got that" "hmm I think I fell off my bed" "come on" "hey I think it's getting much better" "mhmm" I honestly wanted to get passed this whole thing i distance myself from Robert, I've completely ignored the bruise on my face and I've been letting everything get back to normal, I finally got jack to start talking to me again. It's been a long few days but everything is falling in place, I just can't wait for tomorrow where I can just relax with my friends on deans house boat and possibly a bottle of liquor.

Vic POV- "will you stop pacing, it's probably just a flu or something" "Vic if you had the flu you'd be worst then just throwing up" "I'm fine relax"

Once the doctor walked in and Vic told him everything

"Ok well we will do some test but I don't think it's anything to worry about" "ok thank you" the doctor left the room "Alright I'm going to go get something to eat" "really" "you know I stress eat" "alright" he left and I went on my phone

V- I'm really worried Andy
A- Did you tell the doctor
V- yeah when Lucas was out the room, but Andy what if I really am I don't think I'm ready for that
A- Vic you both want this. It may not be how you wanted it to happen but it's happening well maybe but still.
V- it feels wrong not telling him but I don't want to get his hopes up
A- If you want to tell him tell him, damn it I have to go I'll call you back later ok let me know how it goes
V- ok I will bye

She hung up and the doctor walked in "Is your husband here" "no" "ok well then here is your pregnancy test" "thank you so much" he nodded and walked out. Ok here goes nothing.

I'm sorry for the long wait between chapters🤦🏽‍♀️ along with that sorry this isn't decent quality. If your still here thx
As always stay safe❤️

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