School Trip

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Maya POV- Andy had come over before shift so we could go on a run "Hey so those kids are coming to the station today" "Yeah" "Are you going to be ok with that" "Yeah why wouldn't I be" "I don't know lately you seem like someone pissed in your cereal" "ok first ew second I'm fine besides nothing like a 6:00 run to get your blood pumping before shift" "I like how you think" she completely avoided my question I wonder if this has anything to do with why chief wanted to talk to her? I guess I'll keep pushing during our run.

On the run

"So what did the chief want with you?" "What?"  "Yesterday it sounded like he was upset" "No reason he just wanted to talk" "Look I know I'm not Vic but you can still talk to me" "Yeah I know Maya..... Fist one to the stop sign wins" she said then started running. I quickly caught up to her and soon passed her "No fair your literally a pro at running" "Well I'm never going to lose Andy thought you had learned that by now" "Hmm doesn't mean I won't stop trying" "Alright then" I checked my watch "First one to the station, our shift is about to start" "Maya did you forget our stuff is in our cars?" "Oh yeah. Well then first one back to my place" "Don't have to tell me twice" she ran without warning so I had to catch up

At the station

Andy POV- "Herrera office now!" "Damn what did you do" I rolled my eyes "Apparently I'm this weeks chew toy" "Good luck to whatever that is" I walked to his office I was getting tired of hearing my last name being yelled through the station as if I was a child getting in trouble. "Close the door" I closed it "Yes sir?" "What happened with you and Luke?" "Nothing I would like to speak about if that's ok with you" he sighed that's not what I wanted to talk about I'm not sure why I even asked, it just seemed like a good place to start a conversation and now I'm just rambling because I don't know where to start the next part of this conversation" now I was just lost, "Um ok, does this have to do with work" "no no I uh.... damn it here goes nothing. I was wondering if you would like to go out for dinner and I know you probably think it's dumb but whatever it is we have going I would like to see where it can lead but if your not comfortable because of how everything went down then you can say no of course things would be awkward but I hope we could still be friends" Why did it just sound like he asked me out yet dumped me in the same sentence and I didn't think it was dumb I would love to go to dinner with him I would but instead of saying yes I just stood there in shock. I was still trying to process everything he had just said "Right sorry I shouldn't have asked, I'm your boss your my subordinate just forget I said anything" "Wait wait wait no you just caught me by surprise that's all, I would love to go to dinner with you" now we were just looking at each other in silence until we heard a faint sound of laughter and people talking we realized that the kids had arrived "Can you grab the rest of the team" "yeah sure" I walked out and gathered everyone up. As we all walked into the barn I saw Robert shaking the teachers hands and introducing themselves "Alright well welcome to station 19 this is my crew we have different things set up for all of you so we are going to split you all up into four groups" he split all the groups up, me and Vic were the first group so I didn't get to see the rest of the kids but I guess I'll see them when we rotate. Me and Vic had the easy job of showing these kids the truck and all of the buttons they seemed to enjoy it. We ended up taking a break so the kids can eat, we were all in the kitchen talking about the kids "Oh my god I met the most adorable kid" Travis said "He pretty much knows everything about fire fighters" "Oh yeah we had that kid he was answering every question we asked he pretty much knew everything" "yeah he said he learned how to do CPR on YouTube so I told him to show me on one of the dummies, it wasn't the best but he had the right idea he's my favorite so far" "Travis your not supposed to pick favorites, anyway does he want to be a fire fighter or something?" "He said something about a family member being a firefighter I guess he idolizes them" "well can't wait till we get to meet the kid, what's his name so we know who to look for" looks like the only people who hadn't met the kid was me, Vic, Jack, and Ben "Uh his name was Jose I think" I instantly choked on my water and everyone looked at me, could it be my nephew has been here the whole time and I didn't notice, no it couldn't be if he saw me he would have said something it can't be him. "Alright let's go brake over!" Robert yelled to us everyone took their eyes off me and went to go back to the barn. As we were walking back to our station I started looking around for the kid they were talking about "Hey Travis where's that kid you were talking about" he started scanning the crowd of kids "Oh he's right there" he pointed to a boy and my heart dropped, has it been so long that he's forgotten me or maybe he didn't see me like I didn't see him. "Vic you can handle the truck for a little right" "Yeah I'm good" "alright" I went up to him and tapped his shoulder "Hey come here really quickly" his friend began teasing him thinking he was in trouble. Once we got far enough he said "Did I do something wrong Tía" "No not at all I just found out you were here I didn't see you" "Oh well dad said that you probably didn't want people to know about us so I should act like I didn't know you, I told him he was wrong but then you didn't say hi so I figured he was right" "He wasn't right I just didn't know you were here" "Are you embarrassed Tía? Is that why you don't see us anymore" "No I promise I'm not I just haven't got to see you guys lately, and I was going to see you this week I had texted your father" "Really?" "Yeah. Hey my friends tell me you know a lot about fire fighters" "Yeah!" He said excited "I want to be a fire fighter when I grow up, ever since you told me that story about your first fire" I smiled "Well I look forward to seeing you do that." "Herrera?" I looked up to see Robert "Yeah cap?" "What are you doing" "Just talking to..... my nephew" his eyes slightly widened "Nephew I didn't know Pruitt had another kid" "he didn't" "Mother's side?" "Nope" "Then how?" "Jose go back with your class" he nodded then ran to his group "Um foster brother" "Foster brother? As in" "Yes" "Oh uh" "Your the only person I've told about this so do not say a word to anyone" "Not even Vic?" "No, only three people know, who are alive thats you, me and Lucas" "wait luke?" "Yes he went behind my back and read my file" "so that's what yesterday was about" "Mainly yes" "well why don't you just let people know he's your nephew" "right and have them ask the same questions you just asked" "you don't have to answer any questions just let them know, you know family is family" I didn't know what to do honestly, was it time to come clean to my friends well it's not like I'm lying.

Robert POV- I could tell I probably hit a nerve "He a good kid, real smart" "Yeah" she smiled "When he was little I was always around him, during the summer he would make these cardboard shaped fires and use the water hose to put the fire out" "Wow, when I was little I would have started an actual fire" "He did once but I told him it was dangerous along with a story and he never did it again" I could see she enjoyed talking about him "What story did you tell him?" "Uh just something from my past" I did something kinda stupid and asked her "Why did you lose touch with your family?" Surprisingly she answered quickly "My father I guess, but that's a long story" she froze "I'm not sure why I'm telling you this I'm just going to go back and help Vic" she practically ran from me. Something about that woman just made it so hard to forget about her all I wanted to do is learn more about her.

I'm uh honestly this story might go very far from what I initially wanted to write about😭 but I like what I'm writing so I'm just going to go with the flow. Eww I just realized this chapter felt like a filler episode😭 so if you want the next chapter is already done so should I post it?????Anyway hope you enjoy thanks for reading As always
Stay safe❤️

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