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Andy POV- Lately me and jack have been arguing over literally nothing it started to get stressful. "Ever since you came back from the bar that day you've been acting weird actually a little before that to!" "Jack what do you want from me!" "I want you to go back to how things were!" "I can't do that!" "Andy we use to be happy what changed" "did you ever stop to think I didn't like how we were before your just assuming I was happy" "oh so I just made your life miserable!" "No that's not what I said but you think everything then was good, it wasn't jack" "What, what wasn't good about it huh when- when I stayed up all night with you when you were crying because your bestfriend died or- or when I made sure you had somewhere to go when your father died!" "You want recognition for helping me when I was weak fine I'll give you that but don't sit here and tell me it's my fault our relationship is changing!" "oh so who's fault is it mine!?" "You know what I can't keep doing this with you! I'm not happy!" "So that's it you just want to break up!" "I don't know I just I need time" "alright andy you take your time but don't expect me to wait for you" I got my stuff and slammed the door as I walked out.

Maya POV- I was sitting in the living room with carina when Andy came home and slammed the door "hey I wasn't expecting" before I could finish my sentence she had already slammed her room door "uh ok then" "I'll be back" she nodded. This is the kind of thing i would call Vic for but I decided to give it a try I knocked on the door "hey Andy" "what" "can I come in" "sure" I walked in and she was wiping her face "sorry for slamming the doors and ruining your date" "it's fine are you ok Andy" "yeah I'm fine I just want to be alone." I nodded and shut her door then I went back to carina "is she ok" "probably not but she doesn't talk to me I'm going to text Vic"

<Maya~ hey I think you should get over here Andy's really upset.

Vic~ what's upset like she yelling in Spanish or throwing things or worse she's silent.

Maya~ uh she's crying.

Vic~ I'm on my way.>

Within minutes Vic knocked on mayas door

Vic POV- "where is she" "in her room" I walked to her room I didn't even bother knocking if Andy was crying I knew it had to be bad "hey what's going on" she rolled her eyes "maya called you" "no, she texted me" I saw a small smile "there that smile is, what happened" "what happened is I'm a horrible person... me and jack were fighting and I told him I wasn't happy and I needed time and he told me that I shouldn't expect him to wait" "ok so why are you a horrible person" she pauses not sure if she wanted to tell me "at the bar you know how I went to the bathroom" "yeah" "well when I was walking out I bumped into captain and I was drunk so we apologized and then there was silence." She started rubbing her palm which she did when she was guilty "so he pulled me in for a kiss and I kind of kissed him back" now my face was in full shock "I pulled away after a while and it was awkward so I just decided to leave "Andy" "I know I know I'm a horrible person I'm even worse because I liked it but to make the situation it's self his girlfriend came by the station the other day and asked if something was going on between us and I started rambling like an idiot so now on top of ruining my relationship I'm might have just ruined his" she kept rubbing her palm "ok umm you kissed the captain" yeah "then when his girlfriend asked about it you freaked out" "yes" she said nervous "then you broke up with your boyfriend because you weren't happy and you want to be with the captain "yes. Wait what" "so you want to be with the captain" "no, I mean yes but he has a girlfriend and I don't even know if he feels the same way and....." "but didn't he kiss you back" she screamed into her pillow "what did I dooo!!!" "You made a mess that I'm going to help you clean" she put her pillow down "ok you broke up with jack because you don't want to be with him right it wasn't because you have feelings for another" "yeah I broke up with him because I wasn't happy" "ok so you stay away from him don't go back to him don't apologize don't asked if he can forgive you, you ended the relationship keep it that way. As for the captain just stop flirting" "stop flirting ok I can do that that's easy."

Vic stayed with Andy for about an hour just talking but Vic had to leave. The next day everyone was at there lockers getting ready for work

Andy POV- "ok ok ok so who's coming to the bar" Dean asked "I'm definitely going in need some liquor right now" Vic looked at me and raised an eyebrow "I'm going to" everyone agreed but jack "jack you coming" he looked at me "you know what yeah" "cool should we invite the captain" I immediately yelled "no!" Everyone looked at me "I mean I'm sure he has things to do" "yeah but he invited us so I feel like we should return the favor unless you don't want him to come?" He had a questioning face on "nope all good here" speak of the devil he walking in my eyes met his and I quickly buttoned my shirt "line up in 10 Herrera my office" damn it. "Oh wait captain" he turned "we're going to the bar after work wanna come"  please say no please say no "uhh yeah sure" he walked away damn it. I'm guessing he wanted me to follow him so I did, I walked into his office "have a seat" I sat as did he but not across from me right next to me. Shit ok relax Andy he just wants to talk remember what Vic said "so you wanted to talk?" "Uh yeah sorry uh I wanted to talk about the bar" I started rubbing my palm "what about it" "I Uh I wanted to apologize we were drunk I'm sure you didn't mean to kiss me back and it's not your fault if that's what your thinking" what I was thinking is I want to kiss you right now but I guess that works to "and uh your girlfriend" "what about her" "she kind of asked the other day if there was something between us" his eyes widened "I said no but I don't think she believed me, I mean there isn't anything between us because you have a girlfriend right" " yeah and you have a boyfriend right" "Uh no but that doesn't matter because you have a girlfriend" "great then we're on the same page" "yeah yeah of course" "well good" "yeah good" there was silence I don't like the silence because last time there was silence he kissed me at this point I couldn't control my body my eyes kept going from his eyes to his lips those damn lips.

Robert POV- we were sitting in silence looking at each other I was wondering what she was think about but then I thought I saw her looking at my lips no can't be I must be seeing things but then she did it again and again I had to do something before I did something I would regret "well uh it's uh it's time for line up" it looked like she snapped out of her thoughts "uh yeah yeah" we got up at the same time and since the chairs were facing each other we were inches apart. I heard her breath shake we stood there for a few seconds when she spoke "um you can go first" I put my hand on her arm and shuffled to the side I felt her shiver, did she do that because I touched her? I opened the door and she walked out as did I.

Well that's a lot of tension wonder what's going
to happen there🙈. Lmk what you think so far
As always stay safe and stay strong❤️

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