Should I

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Robert POV- I caught up with Andy "wait Andy please" she turned "what?" "Please come into my office" she sighed and followed me to my office I closed the door "Look I'm sorry ok I'm sorry that you have been my punching bag lately and your right I shouldn't have brought it into the job and honestly I shouldn't have treated you like this at all because you had nothing to do with my anger, and I know that's a shitty excuse I know you don't deserve how I'm treating you for something I did so I am sorry" she was looking at me with a loss of words "It's uh it's fine, I'm sorry about your girlfriend" so she did know "That had nothing to do with you just in case you thought it was" I doubt she did but I reassured her anyway "did she leave because we uh" I knew where she was going with this and I could see her struggling to complete her sentence "yes" "so it is my fault" "no it's not Andy I was the one in a relationship not you" "that doesn't matter I knew you were in one I'm not going to let you take all the blame for something we both did" she sighed "I think we should try to keep things strictly professional between us" I agreed and she left the room.

Vic POV- "hey what's wrong with you" "I'm the reason they broke up I promised myself I would never be that woman and now I am, damn it what did I do" I pulled her into a bunk room "look I'm not going to tell you you shouldn't feel bad because you should I would hate the woman who kissed with Lucas if it happened, but I will say it's not only your fault" "I know that Vic, hell I hate me right now" "so what are you going to do" "I don't know I ended whatever the hell was going on between us" "so your just going to act like it didn't happen" "no I know it happened but at least this way it won't happen anymore" I nodded and someone knocked on the door "yeah" "hey is Herrera in there?" I opened the door and it was someone from B shift "why?" "There's a woman at the front looking for her" me and Andy looked at each other confused and we walked to the front I never expected to see her here again and she asked for Andy this is going to be messy.

Andy POV- I saw rose I walked to her and kept a good distance because I remember what I did to the girl who slept with my ex "Rose, Uh you asked for me" she looked at me with pure anger "is there somewhere we can go to talk in private" I couldn't say I'd rather not becauses she's the wronged woman here "yeah we could go outside" she walked and I followed behind "So uh" "you lied to my face I came to you as a woman and asked you if there was something going on and you lied to my face and I know you don't know me but as a woman you should've told me" "I know this will never be enough but I am sorry, I hate myself more then you hate me right now and you have every right to. This doesn't help anything but it was one kiss nothing ever happened" shit I'm lying there was the bed incident but he thought I was her, that doesn't excuse it though "I don't care I just wanted to look you in your eye and let you know that you broke up a relationship I wanted to look you in they eye and tell you that I hate you and also do this" she swing on me but I dodged it "I know your angry but please don't do this" she kept coming at me and I grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall behind her "I'm sorry and I know that's not enough" if this was going to make her feel better.... then screw it I let go of her wrist and allowed her to punch me. I know that's going to leave a bruise she walked away and I sighed, I walked back into the station and Vic was waiting for me "what happened?" "Nothing we just talked" the alarm went off.

In the truck no ones POV- Vic, Andy, Maya and Travis we in the truck talking on the way to the call when Travis looked over to Andy "what the hell happened to you?" Vic looked back and saw Andy's face bruised Vic wasn't one for violence she thought rose had every right to hate her but not hit her she was beyond angry "She fucking hit you!" "Vic not now" "who hit her?!" Maya asked "No one can we just go to the call in silence please" Vic didn't agree with that "Did you let her hit you!" "Vic leave it alone" "who hit you!?" Travis asked and Andy rolled her eyes and sighed. Maya pulled into the scene and Andy got out immediately Vic following right behind her along with Travis and Maya "Why would you let her hit you" "Because Vic I did will you just let it go" "no I'm not going to let it go if she wants to hate you fine but she can't just put her hands on you!" "I deserve it can you just do you job!" "We aren't done with this conversation" Andy walked away but wasn't looking where she was going she bumped into Robert when she looked up at the significantly taller man he noticed her bruised "What happened?!" Andy walked away from him and help with the fire.

At the station

No one POV- "Vic why can't you just leave it alone" "Andy you shouldn't have let her punch you" "I didn't at first ok! I had her pinned to the wall but then I looked at her she was angry and in pain and if she felt hitting would help that why not" "Why not is because you have a fucking bruise on your face!" Robert walked in "who punched you?!" Andy sighed in annoyance and walked away from both Robert and Vic.

What would you do in Andy's situation? This was an interesting chapter to write and I happy that you decided to stick around and read it I know it's not the best writing but I try anyway thx for reading
As alway Stay safe❤️

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