Flashback Pt3

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Andy POV- I ran to him and shook him "Dad! Dad wake up please" he wouldn't wake up so I called 9-1-1 then Stefan (hey Andy wh-" "Stefan! I I did something" "What happened" "Me and my dad were arguing and I I threw something at him now he won't wake up" "Did you call 9-1-1" "Yes but I I don't know what else to do he can't die Stefan!" "I'm on my way ok I'll drive you to the hospital" "oh god I think I killed him" I began sobbing then hung up and I heard sirens

At the hospital

Stefan POV- "Andy he's ok he's alive don't freak out, just tell me what happened" "He he came home and we started arguing and he asked why I bothered coming back home and I just grabbed whatever was near me and threw it at him I I didn't mean to I don't want him to die Stefan" I grabbed her "I know ok I know" A nurse had come and taken Andy's blood we weren't sure why but it didn't matter she was just worried about her dad. Hours had passed and a nurse finally came up to me and Andy "Are you family" "Yea how is he" she said "He's fine he's awake a little disoriented but he'll make a full recovery" "Can I see him?" "No unfortunately not"  "What why?" She signaled for two cops "Andrea Herrera, your under arrest" the cop had said and read her her rights I tried to stop them but was quickly met with a wall

Andy had went to court and was sentenced to two years in a juvenile prison the judge said this was her last time, when she got out she would be 18 and if she was to get in trouble with the law again it wouldn't be juvie it would be prison. The last time Andy was in juvie she had made some enemies. A year into Andy's sentence her father finally agreed to see her

Andy POV- "Herrera you have a visitor!" When I got there my father was sitting at the table waiting for me. I sat down and it was quiet I hate the quiet, I noticed he had a big scar across his forehead leading down to his cheek "Hi" was all I managed to say "What happened to your face" he asked "I uh got into a fight" "Another one?" I'm guessing he was informed of every time I got into a fight "Yea" it was silent once again "what am I doing here Andy?" "I wanted to apologize" "So do it so I can leave" I could tell he was angry and he had a right to be "I'm sorry, I really am I I was drunk and I know that's not an excuse but I really didn't mean to throw anything at you" "27 Andy 27 stitches, not to mention the blunt force trauma" I looked down "I know, I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry" he sighed and there was a long pause "Besides the fighting how are you doing in here" "I'm uh I'm going to school well what they consider school anyway" "Good good" "Dad...... I know I've been a shitty daughter and I haven't made anything easy on you at all but please don't give up on me I'm going to get out of here and I'm going to get everything together I'm not going to disappoint you anymore I I just I don't want you to give up on me" he sighed once more "You could never disappoint me Mija never, get your life together and we'll go from there ok" I nodded "Herrera times up let's go" I got up and left

Andy had did her time and gotten her diploma although not without a few bumps, she had gotten into plenty of fights and gotten into plenty arguments with guards but they always threatened to get her time extended. Andy moved back in with her father and had did what she promised her father she had gotten her life together but unknown to him she had a lot going on in her head, while in juvie she had gotten forced into an anger management class which surprisingly didn't help just made her more angry but she knew if she wanted her dad to trust her she would have to try to change so she created a version of herself where no one would question her past she created a persona of sweet innocent Andy

Andy POV- "Dad I signed up for the fire academy" "What no" "Why" "No you can't be a fire fighter I won't allow it" "Last I checked I'm a grown woman" "Andrea no it's dangerous" "You do it everyday" "Which is why I know it's dangerous" "I already signed on ok" "How with your record you shouldn't even been able to walk into the building" "I got my records expunged" "When?" "A while ago ok I've thought about this for a while and I set everything up ok I'm doing this if you like it or not" he sighed "if you make it past the academy then I believe you could do it I won't approve but I will accept your decision" "Well I'm going to do well so you should just approve already" "We will see" I rolled my eyes at his disapproval he wanted me to get my life together and I did.

After the academy

Andy POV- "I told you I was going to make it and you said you would support my decision!" "That's because I thought you would make the right decision!" "This is the right decision and it is my decision! Why can't you accept that!" "oh because your so good at making good decision!" I froze I spent all this time trying to be better but it always comes back to my past and it always will "I'm sorry Andy I didn't mean" "Yes you did" "No I didn't ok I'm sorry" he sighed "What station did they assign you to?" "19" I said at a whisper "what?" "19" "19 as in my station" "Yes" "Fine" was all he said then walked away.

First day at the station

I was at my locker getting ready for my first shift "Wow they let you in?" I turn and saw Maya "Sound surprised" "I am I thought station 19 had standers didn't think they'd let you in" "Yeah same I was sure you had to I don't know care about anything other then yourself but guess we're both here so" we looked at each other then laughed "Glad you made it although I could have done without the competition" "You hear that Dean the probies think they won't have competition here" "I don't know Jack should we show them other wise?" "I mean we're not wrong I can see that just by looking at you" I said to the Jack guy and he smiled at me. Hopefully things will be different here maybe I can finally leave my past in the past. "What are your names" "I'm Maya bishop" "Andy Herrera" "oh your the caps kid" I rolled my eyes at the words "Nope I'm just Andy, not the captains kid" "Alright then not the captains kid, join us for breakfast you two can meet the rest of the team" we followed him and entered the kitchen "That's victoria but everyone calls her Vic" "Hey" she said "that's Travis, and that's Conner he's not here long getting out of the game soon isn't that right Conner!" He yelled and the man stuck his middle finger out "Nice to meet ya ladies" he said smiling "So you guys are the Probies" "Seems like it" "I like her, what's your name?" Vic asked "Andy" "Andy I can tell we're going to be great friends, and your name?" "Maya" "Good to have more girls, anymore guys and I would've quit" I smiled "Goodmorning team" my father said walking in "Andrea" I rolled my eyes and I heard Jack whisper to the rest "It's the captains kid" I turned to him "Sorry sorry it's Andy not the captains kid" "Look at that your learning" Vic and Maya snickered.

Alright that about does it for the flashbacks I don't know I might put more depending it's not much but this is what I could come up with Station19Obsessed , anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter 6ir74o5  I'm working on your request now. Also I found my new favorite emoji 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 Anyway as always
Stay safe🙃😊❤️

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