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Andy POV- "Why would you steal her car Andy" "Stefan needed a ride" "So why not tell Amy, you know the woman who has a driver license and who is responsible for your well being along with Stefans" "Stop talking to me like I'm dumb I don't give a damn if she wants to send me to juvie I'd do it again and again and again so screw you and the rest of whatever speech you have planned for me" "You think Amy is sending you to juvie?" "Andy you put a girl in the hospital" "She attacked me so self defense" "I saw the video, you lost it I know it and you know it" "You don't know shit" she sighed "One day you'll figure out we're only here to help" "If you wanted to help you wouldn't have taken me from my father" "We talked about this" "Whatever" ever since they took me I feel like I'm always angry

Once in juvie

As I walked pass every cell there was whistling and people saying that ones mine, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little frightened mostly because what I did to that girl landed me into the juvie with the dangerous kids which I guess I'm now apart of. I had gotten to my cell and there was a girl there who I'm guessing is my roommate per say it was clear she had the top bunk so I put my things on the bottom she was quite and didn't even look at me but once the guards left and I turned she was directly in my face "Three rules don't make noise at night no matter what happens to you I like my sleep, don't think that this is your cell as well it's not it is mine if you forget that you'll regret it, and three do not try to be my friend I hate you that won't change" Honestly when she spoke I wasn't really scared she didn't really give off a bad vibe "So how long you been in here" she looked almost shocked that I had just spoken to her "Relax I'm not breaking any rules just want to get to know you considering I am in your cell as you put it" "7 months" she responded "What for?" "Selling drugs" "that's not so bad" "Then I shot my mother" "Well that's a little bad" she looked offended "Oh what perfect little princess love her mommy, could never hurt a hair on her head" "Actually couldn't care less what happens to her, so why'd you shoot her" "Lights out!" The guards yelled "Remember no noise it will just make it worse." "What are you talking about" she laid on her bed and turned around away from me. I shrugged and laid down. The bed wasn't comfortable I couldn't sleep then I heard whispering and the door unlocked "Hey new girl" I stood up quickly but got punched down even quicker last thing I knew was about 4 girls jumping me and when I woke up I was in some kind of hospital well if you could even call it that guess it was the med wing for the prison when I sat up I had felt instant pain which was replaced by anger, when I was able to leave it was already meal time as they called it everyone's eyes were on me and laughing which made me more pissed so I scanned around the room for the girl and when I found her I stood right behind her, her friends signaled that I was behind her and she turned "Hey new girl, what happened to you" she said smirking so I punched her as my body moved I could feel all my injuries but the pain wasn't as bad as what I use to have so it didn't matter. she hit the ground but she didn't get back up that didn't stop me though I got on top of her and kept punching soon there was a crowd surrounding us and an alarm going off I didn't stop till I saw blood once the guards had grabbed me they put me in a new room aka solitary. When I had gotten back to my normal cell people had started calling me knockout I'm not sure why but it annoyed me "Nice fight" my cell mate said to me "Screw you, you didn't even bother to help me hell you didn't even bother to tell me what was going to happen so I could at least prepare" "Look I got my beating when I first got here so did everyone else there a chain of command in places like these princess" "And let me guess I just took out the top of command" "No you took out her guard dog, people are calling you knockout because you knocked her out with one punch that's going to draw attention to you which means me as well because we sleep and the same damn cell" "Yeah well I don't care I did what I had to now I can just do my time and get the hell out of here" "Right because that's what's going to happen" I was extremely annoyed when I realized I didn't even know her name "What's your name" "Ava" " Ava I'm Andy not knockout, remember that because I'm not going to forget yours" honestly I'm not sure why I said that to her like that but I did.

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