Old Memorys

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The past will always come back to haunt you. Whether it's to teach you a lesson, remind you of forgotten feelings or just to be a bitch

Vic POV- "I'm telling you full moons never end well" "Come on you guys don't really believe in that stuff do you" "Ben you use to work in a hospital, how do you not believe in it" "Ok yeah sure the day would be more packed with a bunch of idiots but it has nothing to do with a full moon" "So I guess you have no problem with doing the shift tomorrow" "I don't and you shouldn't either it's just another regular day, and you thinking that the moon actually does affect people or the calls you get them it's just going to freak you out and you wouldn't do your job correctly" "So what about the q word" "Whoa whoa whoa! That's a entirely different thing" "So you believe that but not the full moon" "Yes" the Captain walked into the kitchen "Cap what do you think about the full moon" "Well uh I've had a few shifts from hell on full moons" "Oh come on you believe in it to" "I don't believe in it, but you can't deny that people do act a little crazy on full moons" "You know what tomorrow you will believe" "Sure Vic"

The alarm went off and the team went out to the call

"Andy you believe in the full moon right" she didn't answer me "Andy?" "Huh?" "You alright?" "Yeah just thinking, what were you asking" "Do you think the full moon makes people act weird" "Oh hell yeah, I don't think I've ever had a Normal shift on a full moon" "Not you too Andy" "look believe in it don't believe in it either way sometimes you have to admit full moon are pretty bad when your the one working the shift" before we could finish our talk we had gotten to the call, cap told us where to go and what our jobs were. It was a crash on the high way, nothing to crazy but there were some injuries "Alright everyone treat who you can then we have to clean this mess up" "Got it cap" we all answered.

Andy POV- as we were helping everyone, either out their cars or just giving them medical attention I noticed Roberts eyes on me and I can't tell if it's because of what happened or he's just watching me work as my Captain, I mean it wasn't anything bad it was kinda weird actually after he found out about my brother we went to that dinner, we said we would just talk and get to know each other but we didn't last 15 minutes before we ended up back at his place having sex so I'm not really sure how he feels right now. "Hey Herrera!" Vic called so I ran to her "Yeah?" "I got a kid in the back can you help" "Yeah I got it" as I was helping the child the mother started talking "Herrera? As in Andy Herrera" Vic looked at me confused "Yeah, do I know you" "I guess not I looked pretty different you look the *cough cough* same though" "So how do I know you?" "Well for starters knockout you told me never to forget your name because you wouldn't forget mine then you kicked my ass but I'd say we became good friends after that" I couldn't freeze up I'm taking care of a child right now I can't freeze up don't freeze up "Ava?" "Yeah I look much better without the jump" "How has everything been" I cut her off and she looked at me "Oh I see" last thing I needed was Vic in my business much like Lucas "Well after I got out of my relationship" which I knew meant juvie "I tried to turn my life around, mostly because of you but it didn't work out I did a lot of shitty things and ended back up into a relationship only to find out you had just left like hours before I got their but then I found out I was pregnant I remembered what you told me about what would happen if I kept doing what I was doing so now I live by that and I'm doing well, funny *cough cough* isn't it, after everything that happened you and this kid are the reason I'm doing ok" "No your doing ok because you chose to, I'm happy for you though now come one let's get you and him out of here" "My name is hunter" "Damn got your mother attitude huh" he smirked but hid it "Unfortunately you got her personality to so don't act like that and tell me you name again" "I'm hunter" "much better, come on hunter" he got out and we brought them to the aid car, Ava kept coughing "You alright" "Yeah fine" "She's lying" Hunter said "She has something that I can't pronounce but it sounded like broccoli" "bronchitis" "Oh yeah that" "Are you taking anything" "Yes I am" "She's lying again, she's still afraid of doctors" "Really still" "Ok listen here knockout the doctor can be scary" "Knockout is that some sort of insult?" Vic asked "No that's Andy's nickname" "Your nickname was knockout? Do I want to know how" I smiled so she wouldn't suspect anything "It was a different time" "A time I would love to hear about on the way to the hospital" we got into the aid car "No I think we're good, by the way your driving" "Not fair I will get that story out of you" she started driving and Ava whispered to me "So hiding your past, that's not that Andy I know" "The Andy you know would like to forget about that" "Weren't you the one who told me I shouldn't be afraid of my past, I did a really bad thing and you told me I shouldn't be proud but I shouldn't forget" "Yeah well I didn't forget I'm just hiding it" "Is that your friend?" "Best friend" "And your hiding your truth from her" "It's my truth shouldn't I get my privacy" "Yeah you do but in my experience people always feel betrayed when they don't find out by that person, tell me something do you remember candy" "you know I do" "How did you feel when someone told you she was moving out of state when she was going to get out." "I was pissed and I didn't speak to her" "Then you never saw her again" "Mhmm" "My point is you were hurt, and I'm guessing these new friends *cough cough* you made aren't like me and you, I'm also guessing you've made a fake version of your self so you could fit in with them" I nodded "Tell them if you want but if I were you I would" I looked over to hunter "Is she always like this" "Try telling about your day at school I can't finish one sentence" I laughed "Try telling her you ate her pudding, I could never live that down" "Well no one told you to eat it, then had the nerve to offer me a new one" Hunter laughed. Alright we're here Andy"

At the station

Vic POV- "Guys, guess who name was knockout when she was younger" everyone looked at Andy "Ouu that sounds like a story please do tell" "It's nothing, I had gotten into a fight and knocked the girl out so I got the name which I hated by the way" "Hmm I wonder what little Andy was like as of recently I never thought you could hurt a fly" Maya said "I never could hurt a fly, a raccoon is a different story though" she shivered at the thought "Actually now that I think about it Maya is right we never talked about what you were like when you were younger every time we do you avoid the conversation" "Andy for good reason I have a dark and scary past ouuu" I joked "Haha come on what we're you like?" "I don't know your normal kid I guess I mean I got into trouble like any kid went through some things but other then that it was a fine childhood I guess" "Hmmm is that all we are going to hit out of you" I smiled "Yup" "That's not fair do spill more"
(Structure fire @) and that was our cue to run to the trucks

Ummmmmm at this point it's expected of me to go MIA 😭 sorry for the wait if anyone was waiting💀 anyway um hope you enjoyed 🙃🙃

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