Flashback pt2

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Andy POV- I was back, back in the home where no one wanted me. My mother is gone my father is always at work I can tell he doesn't want me here. As I sat in the car with him heading to work my phone dinged when I looked it was Stefan (Hey little sis, what are you doing today?" "Nothing I want to be doing" "Me and my friends are going out to a party wanna come" "Sure what time?" "10:00" "Alright cool" "I'll be there to pick you up" "You remember the address" "Yes what do you take me for🙄" "Ok then see you at ten") "Will you get off your phone please" I rolled my eyes "Why am I even going to work with you" "Because no school wanted to take except you yet and your not allowed to be home alone" "Whatever it's not like the assholes would know" "I told you to stop cussing!" He yelled "Yeah yeah it a stain on your perfect legacy" he sighed "Andy why are you being like this... you were such a sweet girl" "Yeah but that was before my mother beat the crap out of me for months then my father just let me get ripped away from him oh and my favorite sent to juvie so your sweet little girl is pissed off" he sighed once more as he parked in his spot "Of course you don't care why would you" I said getting out of the car and slamming the door. Then walking into the station "Hey Andy" I usually would say hi to them I didn't like being rude to people but I was really pissed of right now so I just walked past them. Right next to the kitchen is a common area so I just stayed there on my phone, once my dad walked in he snapped his fingers to het my attention so I looked up "The school still gave you a packet to finish do it now" he walked out before I could even inhale I pulled out my school work and started it but then got a text ("Hey little sis" "Hey what's up" "Do you remember Jonny?" "Um which one there were three" "Um little Jonny, his dad had the auto shop" "Oh yeah what about him?" "well he's throwing a pre party at his place then everyone is walking to Tony's house since they are one the same block" "Um ok so what?" "so what is do you want to come" "what time?" "Around five ish but I can pick you up now" "Please do" "Cool where are you?" "At my dads fire station" "Which one?" "19" "Alright I'll be there soon" I got my stuff ready then went to the entrance and waited I saw his car around the corner then saw my dad walking by "I'm going out" "What no you are not" "Yes I am, with or without your permission I just wanted to let you know" "Andy your not leaving" the alarm went off "Looks like you have to go" without saying anything else I went outside, I'm not sure why but I wanted to see if he was still there, if he was there waiting at least I'd know he cared then I'd probably go back inside so I didn't worry him but when I turned he was gone not going to lie it hurt a bit but I just continued walking to Stefans car. "Hey you alright?" "yeah let's just go" "Alright" "Want to get something to eat?" "No not really hungry but I do want to take a shower and get ready" "Yeah ok" "Do I still have some clothes at your place" "Yeah but nothing you could wear to a party just sleep clothes" "Oh" "Do you want to go shopping and get you some clothes" "I don't have money" "I didn't ask, I asked if you wanted to go shopping" I chuckled Stefan may have been an asshole to other people but never with me I almost forgot about that "Yeah sure"

They went shopping then got ready.

At the party)

Stefan POV- as soon as we got to the party she went to go talk to her friends so I went to go talk to mine. "Hey who's the hot girl you walked in with" Not many of them knew Andy was my sister so comments like that weren't rare it's not like I was keeping we a secret or anything I just never told them "Who her?" I pointed making sure they were talking about Andy "Yeah" "Oh Uh funny story she's someone you don't want to talk to" "Why wouldn't I" "Because a guy like you doesn't deserve to" Ouuuu was heard all around my friends "What the hell man is that your girl why are you being an asshole" "Im not being an asshole some girls are just to good for you and that's one of them besides she 16" "Ok I'll back off but only because she's sixteen not because she's too good for me as you put it" I laughed as did my friends. Truth be told no one was good enough for her in my eyes at least but Andy is a flirt so it's my job to protect her from assholes like my friends. An few hours into the party and Andy was tipsy, I made sure I didn't drink because I had to make sure she would be ok, I never drink when I take her to party's my friends called me boring and said that if she was drinking then I could as well but I know I can't, I have to drive her home and make sure she's safe. Before Andy I don't know who I was, when we were in the house with Amy she told me that she was happy I was in her life but I never told her she changed mine

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