First day

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Andy POV- I was parked across the street "Ok so that's the way your going to walk then you wait for the bus right there" "Ok and how do I know if it's my bus?" "It will have like a paper on the front window saying the name of your school" "Oh ok" I looked at the time and I had to be at work soon but I wanted to make sure sky would be ok. I saw the bus in the distance "Ok here are the house keys" "Aren't these yours?" "Your going to be home before me so I'll just give you these, we'll get copy's later" "O-ok" "and when you get home just use the house phone to let me know your home and safe" "alright cool" she got out the car "Bye Andy" she said excitedly and ran across the street. I only drove off once I saw her get onto the bus. I called Robert

Phone call

A- (Hello?)
R- (What?)
Shit he's upset
A- (I might be a few minutes late I just wanted to let you know since your my boss and all)
I said trying to lighten the mood
R- (Doesn't mean you'll be excused hurry up this will be your second time being late)
What did I do now jeez
A- (Yeah alright captain Sullivan)

I hung up before anything else could be said and sped up to get to work. I had already gotten dressed at home so I could save some time. I ran into work and got into the line before Sullivan got out, I felt Vic's eyes on me but I didn't look at her seeing as Sullivan had just walked in doing his usual inspections but completely walking past me, Honestly all I was thinking about right now was sky. I wonder if this is what my father felt, sky isn't my kid but I'm so worried about her ever since I started fostering her even before then. "Alright everyone understands their assignments?" Shit I wasn't paying attention "Um no sorry what was mine again" "I just said it everyone heard theirs why didn't you hear yours" "I just need a repeat I didn't hear you" "We're cleaning today, you'll be cleaning the front area" "Alright that's all I needed" I mumbled slightly annoyed at his attitude considering last time we spoke things sounded fine. I could tell my attitude annoyed him as well. I scoffed and went to go clean, I was shortly met with Vic creeping behind me "So how'd your talk go with Sullivan?" "It went well but he's being an asshole and for once I didn't do anything" "He's just upset you left without saying anything to him" "He was asleep and I had things to do, and to be fair I did text him" "Yeah that your calling out" "Yeah I don't see the problem" "Ugh Andy I'm only saying this because him and Lucas are exactly the same. They are the type of people who worry, even over the smallest thing they worry then they get upset sometimes it's annoying but I learned it's just because he cares even if he is being an asshole" I wanted to stray away from me and Sullivan "Speaking of how are things with you and him" but she shot right back "I see your still upset at him" I rolled my eyes "Yup" "He said he called you the other day and you hung up on him" "That's not exactly how it went but something along the lines of that" "I don't get it is this because he went through your file?" "No I got past that I actually went to talk to him about it l" "So what did he do" "Nothing it doesn't matter" "I think you should talk to him if it's not that important there's no reason for you to be mad" "Are you seriously taking his side right now" "He's my husband Andy" "He's invasive! What he did was really fucked up he's lucky I even took his damn call to begin with. so yeah I'm pissed. You think I want to be mad at him he's the closest thing I have to a brother besides my actual brother" I took a deep breath out of annoyance. "Who's your actual brother?" Maya said walking in, I assumed she only heard that part "Lucas, I was saying how he's like my actual brother" "Oh that's nice, I haven't spoken to my brother in ages" "When was the last time you saw him?" "A year or two ago he wasn't doing to well" "We're sorry Maya, we're here if you need us" "Yeah thanks" Sullivan walked in "Ladies this isn't a group hang out get everything done" he strode into his office and I mocked him while saluting "Yes sir" I said deepening my voice which made Maya and Vic laugh. I looked into his office and saw him watching me, I smiled. Not to be petty but because seeing him just made me happy, even if I didn't want to admit it I really did like him I just have a hard time showing it. Me and Vic finished up the front area and she had went to use the bathroom something about her not being able to control her bladder since baby in her stomach had been growing. So I decided to go into his office I knocked on the door but got no response so I just walked in. As I closed the door her walked out his bunk area while on his phone, he saw me but by the looks of it the phone call he had was stressing him out more because he put his finger up to hush me before I even started speaking. "No sir I understand that but things don't always work out I'm not sure what you want me to do" he paused to listen to what whoever was on the phone had to say "Again I understand that but as I just said things don't always work ou-" he was cut off "I know what I said to you but I already apologized and I paid for her flight to send her home." He started getting more irritated "I'm not raising my voice but you will stop speaking to me like a child I don't care who you are, I'm over with it and I'm over with her now don't call me again!" He yelled as his finger slapped onto the end call button. "Shit" he said slamming his phone on his desk "What do you want Herrera!" He said turning his anger towards me. "I haven't done anything to you don't misplace that anger" he noticed my words and my tone.

Robert POV- Her tone was gentle and calm but also stern and sharp "What do you need Herrera" I said a little more calm now but still upset from my previous conversation. "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for skipping out on you like that, I didn't plan on it really but I got a really important phone call and I've just had a lot on my plate so yeah I'm sorry if that bothered you" she said scratching the back of her neck, this woman was so different from any woman I've ever met but her type of woman is also dangerous. She's the type who can hide her emotions and replace them in even the most stressful of situations, even though she's presenting as nervous I don't sense a lick of nervousness in her. This is also bad because it makes for bad communication which doesn't really help for the plans I have with her in the future. This strong beautiful confusing woman standing in front of me, drives me absolutely crazy I can't stop thinking about her. I'm
cooking bam she pops into my head I'm watching tv bam she's in my head hell I'm doing paperwork and she's in my head. Ive never felt this way about a woman before. "I'm sorry as well, but that isn't why I've been snappy towards you. As you just heard one of the many problems I'm having right now" "Mhmm" she nodded "So maybe we should just keep things professional, you have things going on and so do I, we just don't have time for each other I guess." That was the last thing I wanted, I couldn't get enough of this woman. "I'm not sure I like that idea" "What?" She asked confused "Professional is boring, and while I agree as of right now we're just to busy to focus on each other why don't we be friends we skipped that step so let's just do that" she looked as if she was thinking "Friends?" I nodded "Fine but you can't be an asshole" "Excuse me?" "just saying if your upset just talk to me but this whole snapping at me thing not necessary" "Noted, now did you finish cleaning" "Yeah I"

Rescue @

We ran out the office and into the trucks. Once we got to the sight Sullivan started giving orders "Alright we have a a count of 15 people stuck under some collapsed rubble others injured, this building has failed inspection every time so everyone check every room before you walk in and proceed with caution" he looked among us "Herrera, Gibson, Montgomery, Miller, and bishop your on rescue. Huges, and Warren your on aid. Move safely and stay in a pair I want everyone out of here alive." We all nodded then ran inside. Me and Maya were together we checked room after room calling out to see if we would find someone. We found a few people five to be exact and brought them out they all had injuries we did what we could and once they were stable enough we left them to Vic and Ben so it would lighten their load a bit then we continued to search. I stopped in my tracks "Do you smell that" I asked Maya and she looked at me and began smelling for what I was stalking about "Gas" we said at the same time the smell was strong made me lightheaded me and Maya put on our mask that were connected to our O2 tanks {Captain} I called out on radio {What's wrong Herrera} {We have a gas leak we don't know where but it's strong we have to move quickly and keep any spark lighting tools out} {Alright everyone heard that move quickly and safely, I'll call the city to see if I can get the gas shut off. Make sure you all have your mask on} he said into the radio and everyone checked in. "Alright let's go" I said to Maya so we could continue our search for any one left trapped in the building.

😮‍💨 I busted my ass writing this chapter so small note don't walk and write at the same time 🥲

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