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Sp- Will be sky
Sf- Will be Stefan
When they are in the same 'room'

{also when you see these it means they are speaking in Spanish}

Stefan POV-

S- Let's go Jose.

J- Coming dad!

He ran to me.

J- Are we going to Tía house?

S- Well not if you don't get into the car.

He ran to the car immediately. When I got in he had his seatbelt on and big smile. I started driving to Andy's place so I called her.


A- Hey Stefan what's up?

S- Hey sis I'm on my way to your place now.

A- Alright sky should be in her way home from school and Robert is on his way as well.

A well known silence fell over the call.

S- Your boy toy is coming?

A- Sky invited him and he isn't my boy toy.

S- Interesting.

E- Baby we're going to meet sky not so you can interrogate Andy's boy toy.

A- Really Emma you too.

E- Sorry hun but until told other wise he's your boy toy.

Andy sighed.

A- Well I can't wait to see you all.

J- I can't wait to see you Tía!!

Jose yelled.

A- I can't wait to see you either!

Andy yelled back just as excited.

S- Alright I'll be there soon see you then.

A- Alright bye.

S- Bye.

Call ended)

E- Will you behave yourself.

S- I'm going to, what I can't have a conversation with him?

E- yes because any time you have a conversation about Andy it's calm.

S- Look I'm just going to have a conversation with him. Man to man that's all.

E- Mhmm.

J- mom why doesn't dad like Tía Andy's boy toy?

Emma chuckled

E- Yeah why don't you like The boy toy?

S- You'll understand when your older and you have to protect your sister from all the guys.

We drove to Andy's house and I knocked on the door.

Sp- Can I help you?

I heard from behind us so we all turned.

E- Hi, you must be sky.

Sp- Yeah who are you.

She was cautious, honestly she reminded me of Andy when she was younger.

Sf- I'm Andy's brother I believe I'm here to meet you actually.

The door opened.

A- Oh good you've already met.

Sky walked in past us.

Sp- I'm going to go change.

She said to Andy. We all walked in, Andy immediately hugged Emma and Jose.

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