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Robert POV- Something had felt different from the way I woke up I'm not sure what it was so I finally decided to open my eyes and see what it was. The position I was in was different then the one I fell asleep in, now I had my hands wrapped around Andy, she was really close but that's not what felt different. After some time of trying to figure it out it finally hit me when Andy had moved. Damn it, what are the chances she's asleep and doesn't feel that.

Andy POV- "Andy?" He whispered, but I wanted to avoid any awkward conversation that has to do with his little friend well not so little. So I kept quiet I felt him slowly pulling away hopefully to get up because like I said I would love to avoid any awkward conversation. I heard the bathroom door close so I got up I almost forgot I was wearing his clothes the shirt smelled like him "Andy?" I didn't have to go to work till 1 so I wanted to go for a run "Andy" which meant I had to go home which meant I have to talk to Robert. I was so deep in thought I hadn't even realized him talking to me "Andy!" "Huh oh sorry" "You alright?" "Yeah I was just thinking" "Alright" "Do you mind taking me home?" "No let me just get dressed" "Yeah me to" we both got dressed, I kept his shirt on I just used a hair tie to keep the shirt up "You ready?" "Yeah" we got into his car and he drove me to my place.

Vic POV- "So she didn't come home last night" "No I thought she was with you or something" Hmm last thing I knew was she was with Sullivan. We both turned our heads when we heard key's jingle the door opened to reveal Andy "Oh hey Vic" "Don't hey Vic me where have you been" she laughed "Well I'm about to go on a run" "Who's shirt is that?" Maya asked and I hadn't even noticed it wasn't hers "I didn't even notice that" Maya gasped "Andrea Herrera, are you sleeping with someone?" She chuckled "No I just slept at a friends house and they let me borrow their shirt" "Likely story" "Oook well I'm going to get ready for my run" Once she got dressed she practically ran out the house avoiding our questions.

Start of Shift

Robert POV- I haven't spoken to Andy about what happened this morning she came into work not to long ago, she's still on desk duty every now and again we would make eye contact but it would never last, one of us would end up looking away it was frustrating, I wanted to talk to her but every time I tried all I could think about was this morning.

Andy POV- "Hey Andy" "Hey Jack" "You remember when you told me you weren't happy and we broke up" "Yes?" Why was he bringing this up "Well you'll never guess who I ran into" "Who" "the captain's girlfriend, yeah she seemed pretty pissed started asking me how I was ok with everything, and you know as you can guess I was pretty confused and she told me the funniest thing" I have a feeling I know where this is going so I got up and pulled him outside "Mhmm what did she tell you" "Well funny she told me my ex girlfriend was fucking my Captain, now you know you are your own person so at first I didn't really care but imagine my surprise when she tells me you were fucking with him while we were together" "Jack stop" "No no if you would have told me you wanted to break up so you could fuck other people that would have been fine" "Jack just stop" "No, just like back then right you were fucking Ryan and me at the same time" that upset me I felt my hand ball up "Oh you want to hit me, go ahead Andy hit me or will you only fight me if I'm dating Sullivan" I was about to hit him but then I heard a familiar voice "Everything alright out here" Jack chuckled "Peachy Captain, isn't that right Andy" before I ended up punching him I just walked away and back inside

Robert POV- After Andy went back inside me and Gibson looked at each other for a few but then he went to walk back inside. Right before he passed me I grabbed his arm "I'm not sure what Rose told you and I don't care, next time you have a problem about me and Andy you bring it to me not Andy, understood" "I'm sure screwing a subordinate is against the rules isn't it" "yeah good thing I'm not sleeping with her now I'm sure trying to start a fight with a coworker can get you benched for a while, understand me when I say this is a pissing contest you won't win Gibson so like I said next time you have a problem you are not to bother Andy about it you can come to me, is that understood" "Yes sir" he said sarcastically I let go of his arm and he went back inside. Then I noticed Lucas standing watching what had just happened, he walked up to me "What was that about?" "Nothing I couldn't handle. What's up" "As curious as I am I just wanted to ask you something" "huh?" "Could you keep Vic on aid car for a while" "why" "um, she's pregnant" "What? When did you find out" "3 hours ago, but turns out someone knew before me so we kinda got into an argument" "Let me guess Herrera?" "Yeah" "you mad at her" "No I can't be mad that Vic told her first" "Mmm" "Now as fire chief, what was that about" "Nothing I was just handling something with my subordinates chief" "anything you want to write on paper before the station become liable" I know what he was asking, he was asking if I needed to put on paper that me and Andy are together and if me and Jack were going to be a problem which neither of those were true "Nope nothing" "Alright then you wouldn't mind if I hang out here for a while and supervise" "Course not chief, now when you say supervise do you mean babysitting or just your normal check in" "Why can't it be both" he laughed and I rolled my eyes but chuckled. "Hey while I'm here do you mind if I use your office really quickly I just wanted to read something" "Yeah sure, do I want to know what your reading" "Oh nothing just boring chief stuff" "Alright then" I saw him go into my office and he took out a file I wondered who that was for.

This seems like a good place to stop lmk what you guys think so far Anyway, as always
Stay safe and stay strong❤️

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