Family day

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Andy- We laid in bed, sky had to be at school soon and since we've been suspended we've been taking her to school. We.. I don't like how comfortable I've gotten with him, how secure I feel around him.

R- Morning

A- Morning.

I replied softly.

R- So last night I was thinking.

A- What about?

R- You know how sky's been wanting to go see that movie.

A- The avatar movie that came out ages ago?

R- Yeah, I was thinking we go see it.

A- Clearly you didn't do much thinking last night because they don't show that in theater anymore.

R- Ok first off ow I'll have you know I did plenty of thinking, and second I found a spot that's showing it today at like 1:30.

A- Sky has school?

R- Right which is what I'm getting to the part I was thinking. We have three more days off.

A- Suspension not days off.

His face scrunched up.

R- Your negativity is not appreciated.

He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

A- Sorry go ahead.

R- Anyway as I was saying why not spend the day with Sky instead of only having a few hours because she has homework then has to sleep.

He got up grabbing a towel to go take a shower

A- So you want Sky to skip out on school today.

R- Well yeah why not. We could get breakfast hang out a bit go do other small things. You know a little family day.

My heart dropped as he walked out the room and into the bathroom.

R- Only if she wants but I mean what kid wouldn't want to voluntarily get out of going to school.

He said casually as if he didn't just say what he just said. Family day? Is that what we are, is that how he sees this, is that how I should see this?

R- So what do you think?

He called out from the bathroom.

A- I uh, yeah I mean sure why not but we'd still have to ask sky.

R- Alright

I got up and went into the kitchen, I made coffee and sky ended up coming into the kitchen asking for a cup.

A- Your 13, what are you doing drinking coffee.

S- I'm a 13 year old in honors classes in one of the best schools because of you.

A- Ah I see.

I poured her a cup.

A- Hey, I don't want you thinking you have to do those classes. That's just where you placed but if it's draining you to much let me know I'll get you transferred into easier classes?

It's not that I didn't think she was smart enough or now hard working enough but I don't want her thinking she has to do anything. Let alone drain all her energy just for some extra credit classes. Her well being is more important to me than anything.

S- No I can handle it I just have to get adjusted. Thank you though.

A- No problem, just let me know if you change your mind.

She nodded and drank out of her cup.

A- Oh also Robert has a whole day planned for us all but it kinda requires you to skip out on school for today.

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