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Um possible TW

A- Stefan.

He got up abruptly, Andy followed after him. Robert wanted to get up but noticed Emma was sitting not even worried about what just happened.

R- Who's Danny?

E- Andy's Ex when she was younger.

R- So he's focused on something that happened when she was a child?

E- You don't understand.

R- Then please explain it to me I feel so left out I want to help but I don't know what's going on.

E- She doesn't need your help! She doesn't need Stefan's help either she wants to keep her past far away from her future yet you people at her work just keep pushing. Stefan keeps pushing..... she just needs time to gather herself. Trauma doesn't just go away especially the way she's handling everything.

Shock washed through Robert. He knew Andy must've had some kind of messed up past but he didn't care he just wanted to be with her through all of it so she wouldn't have to be alone. He knew what alone felt like and he didn't want her to go through that like he did.

R- No she can feel how she wants to feel. She can think that what happened to her dictates her life or hell maybe she just wants to leave it in the dust and forget about it but I'm not letting her go through it alone. She may have had to before but not now I won't let her.

Emma smiled at me.

E- Shes in good hands then.

Andy POV-

A- Stefan what's going on with you, I know your protective but this is much more then usual. What does Danny have to do with any of this.

S- Don't do that.

A- Do what don't talk to you!?

S- Don't act like you do know why I'm upset about Danny! You may want to forget everything but I can't ok!

A- Stefan I got over it ok it happened and I can't change that.

S- Damn it Andy it isn't always about you!

He sighed

S- Fuck that's...

He sighed

S- that's not what I meant.

He rubbed his head. At this point I don't even know what to say.

S- I get what happened to you was shitty hell I seem more angry about it then you do but I was the one who walked in while it was happening, I was supposed to protect you and I couldn't even do that.

A- Stefan you protected me just fine.

S- do you even remember what happened...

I wanted nothing to do with this conversation I wanted to close my eyes and when they opened again this would all just be a bad dream. I don't want to be here right now.

A- Bits and pieces......

S- Yea well I remember it all. When I first walked in I had to look away and I threw up. I threw up before I even thought about helping you.

A- It's a reasonable response Stefan.

S- No it's not Andy, I saw him on top of you I saw you crying I I should've-

A- You should've nothing ok, you got him off of me in the end ok. Robert isn't like him

S- He acts just like him don't you see that.

A- No because Danny was pretending to be a good guy, Robert actually is one.

S- How are you not affected? He raped you Andy and you just you act like it never even happened.

A- Stefan just leave it alone I get it what you saw traumatized you.

He scoffed cutting me off

S- God how do you do it, nothing can faze the great Andy. All feelings just go out the window and nothing ever matters or is ever spoken about.

A- Just shut up about it, it wasn't a big deal.

S- Rape is a big deal!

A- I said shut up about it!

S- You know what no! God Andy you haven't spoken to me in years, I was just another part of your past that you wanted to scrape away it's not that easy is it. To forget the people that made you.

I shoved him

A- You didn't make shit!

I yelled whispered still trying to keep my voice low

A- I'm here now because of me and yes you did help me but I made myself into the woman I am.

S- Oh please your still that little girl to afraid to talk. Hell I'm surprised that one didn't run away yet it was never me that made all the men in your life run away Andy it was you it's always you!

A- Oh screw you.

S- what hmm your going to say it's not true? If I didn't take you under my wings you'd still be that little girl crying that her mommy beat her. Then you use this bullshit to explain why your such an asshole!

My fist balled up.

A- Do you want to know why I stopped fucking talking to you! It's because all you do is leach off of everyone and everything. Yeah you helped me out when I was younger and I helped you out but ever since then you've acted like a lost fucking puppy clinging to the first thing you see!

S- God I hope you don't screw that girl up just like you are.

A- I could say the same about your kids, and much more. You don't like who I am now then you can get the fuck out of my house.

He scoffed then shoved past me.

Stefan POV- I went inside then told Emma to get Jose. Andy watched as we grabbed our things and out of pure anger as were walking out I see the boy toy.

S- I'd be careful if I were you, right where your standing is where she almost killed her father. Lot of history in this house ask her about it.

We both look at Andy, as she heard what I said.

A- Get the fuck out.

She said through her teeth. I walked out.


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