I got you

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Andy POV- me and captain got caught in the blast and it slammed me into a wall and captain across the hall when I got up I Immediately went to the captain who was laying on the floor "hey are you ok" "uh my pride is hurt a little but other then that I'm fine I laughed and got a sharp pain in my back but I didn't tell him. Then I heard maya calling us on the radio I tried to answer but my radio was busted "hey does yours work" he tried "nope" "alright can you stand" "yeah" it took him some time but he got up. Luckily we got everyone off the floor before all this happened.

Robert POV- Andy was helping me up and once I was up I noticed blood on my hand I started checking myself to see if it was me but I wasn't "hey are you hurt?" "No I'm fine why" "well one of us is because there's blood on my hand" she looked around her body and I saw a Metal shard in her back "I'm fine for now let's just get off this floor" I know she's not fine but she was right we had to get out of here. Half way to the exit andy collapsed I caught her before she hit the ground "nope not losing you now come on" "captain" she said gasping for air "damn it your ok alright I got you" I picked her up and went toward the exit I looked at Andy and she had passed out when maya came running through the door with Ben "what the hell happened" "we got caught in the blast and a shard of metal got her help me get her down" maya radio that she found us when we got to the aid car I told maya to take over the scene and I would go to the hospital with Andy she reluctantly agreed and we left to the hospital

Some time later Robert was still waiting in the hospital for Andy and he was watching the news his team was still fighting the fire and to make matters worse it spread to the buildings next to it

Robert POV- a Doctor had told me Andy was up and I wanted to see her I walked to her room "hey how you feeling" "like someone is sitting on my chest" I smiled "yeah it's going to be like that for a while" "hows the team doing" "their still fighting the fire I'm going back to help them I just wanted to make sure you were ok" "thanks to you I am" she smiled

Jack POV- we were still fighting the fire but I saw captain helping I ran over to him "Where's Andy" "she's at the hospital" "and you left her alone" "yeah I was needed here" I was upset that Andy was alone "Gibson she's fine I checked on her before I left" "I need to go to the hospital" "what you need to do is your job you can worry about Andy later" "I swear to god if she's not okay when I get there!" "Gibson go do your job!"

The team continued to fight the fire 2 hours had passed and they finally got the fire out and the team rushed to the hospital Vic was the first one to see Andy

Vic POV- "hey how you doing" "I'm fine where's the team?" "Their on their way I came in with a patient so I got here first" "how was the call" "we'll no one died so that's always good. Jack yelled at the captain" "what why?" "Something about leaving you alone" she rolled her eyes "he's just worried" "yeah there's always an excuse" "hey are you and him ok" "yeah I guess but are you and Luke good" "yeah it's just like I was telling Travis we want the same thing but different times you know" "he started asking about he baby thing again?" "Yeah Travis told me to tell him to get his head out his ass" we both laughed "that's what he always say" just then jack ran in "hey you ok" "yeah I'm fine" then the rest of the team.

Robert POV- I walked in and I was happy to see she was laughing and smiling then she asked "so who won the search and rescue" dean had a big smile on his face "meeee!" "Yeah I was worried about Andy so I was distracted" "excuses excuses" "haha pay up" the team was happy and I didn't want to interrupt that so I left and went to the station to fill everyone in.

Andy POV- I saw captain leave I was kind of disappointed "hey you ok" jack asked me "yeah sorry" everyone stayed for about an hour but then they left jack stayed and fell asleep in the chair next to me.

1 week later

Vic POV- Andy was finally coming back to work I was so excited I actually waited at the door for her. When jack walked through the door I expected to see Andy but she wasn't behind him "where's Andy I thought she slept at your place" "nope she stayed home we got into an argument" "what did you do" "why do you assume I did something wrong" "because you always do jack" he rolled his eyes then walked away, minutes later Andy walked in I immediately ran to her and hugged her "about time girl" "yeah sorry I woke up late" "jack said you guys got into an argument what happened" "nothing I want to talk about" "ok that's fair" "hey did you hear about the captain" "no what happened" "he's been a hard ass lately especially to jack and dean" "why" "not sure" Andy was about to put on her shirt "nice scar" she smiled then put on her shirt we walked to the kitchen and everyone was eating breakfast and cheered that Andy was back

Andy POV- "so what did I miss?" "Travis got a boyfriend" "what who!" "He won't tell us" "Andy knows him she was there when I met him" I was confused but then I remembered something that happened a month ago

1 month ago

Travis POV- Andy and me went to a party and she introduced me to one of her friends we started talking and drinking when he suggested body shots I agreed and I ended up going home with him. I told Andy about everything the day after but I found out he was leaving town for a while.

Andy POV- it was a long shot but I asked anyway "body shots?" he nodded "oh my god when" "4 days ago" "hey why are you withholding information who is it" "sorry guys can't say" "woooow" "line up!" "He sounds angrier then usual" maya said "wait what did I miss with the captain" Vic looked at me "I told you he's been a hard ass lately" we all headed to the barn and he was inspecting our uniforms and he skipped over me again I ignored it for the time being. When we were done with lineup captain called me into his office when I got there he looked stressed, I knocked on the door "you wanted to see me sir" "yeah close the door." I closed it "how are you doing" "better" "that's good, I just wanted to check on you" "hey if you don't mind me asking are you ok" "what do you mean" "I heard you've been different lately" "I'm fine nothing you need to worry about" "alright, well sorry I asked" I walked away

Robert POV- {damn it I didn't mean for it to come out like that.} my phone rang (hello- -hey babe is it ok if I come by the station later- -yeah is everything ok- -yeah just wanted to see you- -alright-)

An Hour later

Robert POV- I was getting ready to work out when I saw Andy she was getting dressed "so you really weren't kidding when you said your shirtless a lot" she chuckled "nope but I do usually have a reason" "what's the reason this time" "going to the gym how about you" I looked down and had completely forgot that I didn't put on a shirt. I laughed "well this wasn't on purpose but I'm going to the gym" she was looking at me and smiling

Andy POV- captain was embarrassed when I asked him about his shirt but he laughed it off I thought it was cute and smiled. "Oh there you are" I looked to the door and saw his girlfriend "oh am I interrupting something?" "No, no I'm headed to the gym so I'll leave you two" I walked away {stop acting jealous your not single and neither is he}
What do you think so far🤔
Stay safe and stay strong❤️

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