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If I repeats something from a different chapter I'm sorry I have really bad memory😭 also I have a bunch of drafts of possible story lines I like so I can't remember if I put it in the story or not so if something sounds repetitive I'm sorry anyway enjoy🙃
Vic POV- she had just finished telling me about her father and everything that happened after, she told me that Lucas only knew some of the story so I couldn't tell him "So why tell me?" "Well I hadn't planned on it but then we saw Ava and she was talking to me and when Jose came to the station he said that I didn't want anyone to know I was his aunt and I don't know I just I needed to tell someone even though it's my past and I shouldn't have to share it with anyone it was eating at me and your my best friend" it was a lot to take in but it's not like I love her any less, Andy is like a sister I never had. "Ok" "Ok?" "Ok" "I-is that it?" "Andy you've excepted me for all the things I've done it would be wrong of me not to except you, if I had that type of past I'd hide it to everyone will understand that if you choose to tell them" she had sighed in relief "Since I'm spilling secrets, I may or may not have slept with Sullivan" "Andy!" "I know I know, but have you seen the man" "That's going to be messy I mean I like it but still messy" "Who says it has to be anything we've only slept together 1 and we haven't really talked and I may have given him a small attitude and Stefan might've also given him one" "Andy!" "Ok ok I can admit it's wrong on my part" "I will not accept this, now that I know the whole picture you guys would be really good together" "I don't even know how he feels about me" "You slept together I think that gives you enough information to make a guess" "Text him or call him but you should talk to him" "Yeah but he wants to talk about my past" "So just keep the conversation away from that" my phone dinged "Ok I have to go for my appointment but you better call him Andy" "I'll think about it, bye" "bye" I left and got into the car "What were you doing at Andy's?" "talking to her" "Anything I should know" "No why?" "I'm just asking I mean she did know about my child before me" I sighed "We're going to be late can we go"

Andy POV- Vic had left and I took her advice except I didn't call or text I went to his door and knocked. Once it opened I really didn't know what I was going to say but moment of truth because the door opened "Oh Andy hey" "Hi can I come in" "Yeah of course" I walked in and he closed the door "Um what's up" "Can we talk?" "Thought you didn't want to talk?" "There's only enough room for one asshole in this well whatever this is" he smiled "yeah we can talk" "Things have been different since well the dinner and I just don't know why I mean it's mostly my fault I'm not sure why I haven't been talking to you but I regret ignoring you because your actually really easy to talk to and it's nice to talk to you and I'm sorry for being an ass lately I've been going through things and kinda taking them out on you but I also now sound like a hypocrite because I got mad at you for doing it to me and now I'm rambling so feel free to jump into the conversation." I took a breath and avoided eye contact "Andy" he put his finger under my chin and tilted my face up to him "If your going to apologize for being an ass I'd like some eye contact" he said smiling "I'm sorry" "Mmmm for what?" "Yeah no" he smiled "Mmm worth a try, do you have any plans today?" "No not really" "Wanna stay for a movie maybe some food" that actually sounds peaceful and I needed peaceful right now "Yeah sure" "Great, I was about to hop in the shower when you knocked so feel free to hang down here while I do that" "Yeah ok" "If you need anything it's the first" "Door to the left, yeah I know I've been in your shower before Robert" "Yeah right I forgot" he chuckled then went to shower. I looked around his place was nice considering her moved out from his girlfriend not to long ago. After a bit I decided to walk around because he took to long in the shower I headed to his room. The theme was still dark, black curtains black bed sheets the whole thing I just walked around his room looking around. My fingers brushed against his bed and I had instant flashbacks to that night. I looked around more and I found a picture of him on a horse "Huh" I said looking at the picture "That was two years ago, his name was champagne I think" I turned and saw him in a towel, no surprise the towel was black so I chuckled "I see you like the color black" "that obvious huh" "It looks nice at least your curtains aren't closed then I'd be a tad bit worried" he chuckled "You ever ride?" He pointed to the picture good thing to because that's not at all what I thought he meant "Oh uh yeah all the time" "Well then we're going to have to go together one day and see if you have any skill" "Probably more then you" he smiled and walked into his room towards his closest he pulled out a pair of basketball shorts then threw them onto his bed and was about to take off his towel so I turned to his bed and I heard him chuckled "Why are you laughing" I didn't get a response "Ass" I mumbled "What was that?" I heard and this time much closer then he was when I first turned "You do know I'm in the room correct" "Oh god what have I done it's like you've never seen me naked before" he said sarcastically so I turned which was stupid of me because he was much closer then I thought but I didn't plan on letting him win "Your not funny you know" "I think I'm pretty funny" he said stepping closer "Whatever your doing it's not cute" "That's not what you said last time you were in this room" he said kinda in a singing way and stepping closer "yeah well last time I was getting fucked so I just said whatever" "Right right, well then you won't mind if I just" he reached his arm and I stepped back and fell onto the bed he walked to the bed and grabbed his shorts then smiled "Your an ass" "I can be, oh you didn't think?" "Shut up and let's go watch the movie" I said rolling my eyes he extended his arm to help me up. Once I stood he didn't let go of my hand he spun me around and somehow his arm was around my throat and his head rested on my shoulder. "you do remember that night don't you" "It's kinda hard to forget, now are we going to go watch that movie?" "Sure what movie do you want to watch" honestly last thing I want to do was watch a movie especially the way his body was pressing up against me. I moved his arm away from me and I turned around to face him "You are teasing me aren't you" "Who me I could never" his hand reaching for my throat "Your beautiful you know that" I couldn't do anything but look into his eyes and he looked back. (Ring ring) my phone buzzed, I was quite literally saved by the bell "Um I have to" "Yeah I'll go get the movie started" he moved his hand and left the room.

Robert POV- Andy had walked downstairs "Hey everything ok" "Yeah wrong number" "Ok well the movie is ready" "Good what are we watching?" "Well depends, you don't have a problem with blood and gore stuff like that right" she squinted her eyes and scrunched her eyebrows "You do know what I do for work right" "Right ok then do you mind the movie nobody?" "Sure why not" we sat on the couch we went through a few movies before I felt her leaning onto me when I looked she was drifting off to sleep but she was fighting it. I picked up her leg and put them onto my lap then I put my arm around her and pulled her in closer so that when she went to sleep it would be easier to carry her without walking her. As soon as her head hit my shoulder she fell asleep, the movie only had about ten more minutes so I finished watching it when it was over I looked down to Andy she was beautiful and she slept so peacefully. I placed my hand on her lower back and my other under her legs then I stood up and walked to my room I gently laid her on the bed then left to clean everything up. Once I finish I went back to my room and pulled out a shirt and boxers then put them on the nightstand after that I crawled into bed Andy instantly rolled over laid her head onto my chest and her arm wrapped around me and I put my arm around her to hold her closer and I drifted off to sleep.

Welp that's what I got take it or leave it😭😅 but still how you liked it if you didn't then not much I can do about that. 6ir74o5 Anyway here's your request and I'll put more in the next chapter this was just a little small thing.

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