Normal day?

718 34 4

Warning ⚠️ this chapter will be talking about abuse.

Andy POV- "Guys I'm fine honestly I'm telling you the trees in this city are evil" "Andy we aren't dumb a tree didn't do that to you" "although that would be funny" Travis added "ok maybe it would be but unless you were punching that tree those wounds on your hands wouldn't be there" "Fine fine you caught me red handed I'm apart of a secret fight club, it just a way for me to make easy money" I tried to keep a straight face but I ended up laughing "no but really guys it's nothing" "Line up!" Robert yelled "you got lucky" Dean said as we went to the barn for inspection. Robert started going down the line of us and when he got to me he stopped I guess he took this time to inspect all my wounds "Herrera" "Yes sir?" It's not like he didn't know where theses are from so he can't really say anything right? "Your a first responder, can you remember that the next time you try to fight a... as you lightly put it a tree" Dean snickered and Robert went straight to him. What the hell was that, next time I fight a tree

Structure fire @

We got into the trucks and went to the scene, once we got there a girl and a man ran out I'm guessing father and daughter. "Herrera, Hughes handle the family" "got it cap" we went to the girl and her father. I went straight to the daughter and Vic to the father "Hey I'm Andy, what's your name?" "Her name is Sky" "Hey sky are you hurt" she nodded her head no "She's fine" he said going to put his arm around her which I wouldn't find odd if the girl didn't flinch, Vic didn't notice it but I did and it pissed me off "I did burn my arm though" "Alright Vic you got that" "Yeah what's up" "Nothing I just want to make sure she didn't inhale any smoke" "Alright yeah I got it here" "Ok I'll be back Hey hun come on, let's go get you checked out" she was hesitant at first but after some reassurance she came with me. I showed her where to sit and I sat next to her "So, sky do you know how the fire started?" She nodded her head quickly "Are you sure, it's ok if you do no one is in trouble I just want to be able to tell my team that everything is safe, I don't want them to get hurt you understand that" she nodded her head yes "So do you know how the fire started it" "I- I started it" it was the first time I heard her voice "Ok that's alright can you tell me why you started it" she nodded no "Ok how did you start it, was it with gas or no" "No I- I just wanted to make a small fire but the curtain caught on fire" "Alright it's ok your alright now, can you tell me why you started it now" "I wanted the fire department to come" "Ok" there was a small explosion which made her turn her head and I saw bruises on her neck "Hey it's ok, you see my team their working to get that fire out so you don't have to worry about it, it's just me and you talking. Why did you want the fire department to come" "I" "Herrera, the father good she can go back with him now" she grabbed my arm tightly, "No please" "Ok just hold on" I got up and went to Vic "Vic I need you to keep the father busy" "What why" "Can you just keep him busy till I'm done talking with the girl" "Andy" "trust me" "Alright but hurry I don't know how much time I get but you" "ok" I went back to sky "Do you mind if I check you to see if your hurt" she nodded "Ok then" I did a quick eye scan she had most of her body covered so I couldn't see much. "Sky can I ask you something" "Yeah" "Where did you get those bruises from" "W-what bruises" "The ones on your neck" "No no please you can't tell him you saw them" "Hey I'm not ok remember It's just me and you, does your father hit you" she didn't answer me "Hey I know it's difficult to speak about it, trust me I thought staying silent was the best thing also" "Y-your dad hit you?" "No my mother, she use to tell me if I told my dad I would get in trouble. One day he saw one of my bruises and when he asked me about it I just broke I started crying and I told him everything he was so quiet I thought I was in trouble but you know what he did. He hugged me and told me everything would be ok that day he packed all my things, all his things and he moved us out he didn't say a word to my mother he didn't say anything we just left and he promised me I would be ok and I was I never saw my mother again and she never hurt me again" "My mom died, t-that's when...." "Is that when it started" she nodded "Sky I want to help you but only if you let me" "I..... I don't want my dad to hurt me anymore" "Alright" I pressed on my radio "Captain" "Herrera fire is out we going to finish here then leave did you finish with the family" "Captain I need you out here now" "What's going on" "Just get out here when you can" I called the cops and CPS a few minutes later Robert was walking over to me "Andy what's going on?" I explained the situation to him and he was shocked "That father is not going near her" "That's what I'm trying to keep from happening" "Ok we will try to stay longer then need till the cops show up for now just bring her to the aid car and do a check up on her" I nodded and quickly brought her to the aid car. We sat silently at first but then she started talking "What, what happened to you face" "I uh got into a fight" "but your old" I chuckled "I'm not that old and old yet young adults can still make dumb decisions" "Why did you get into the fight" "um I did something bad" "What did you do" "uhh you know the details aren't that important" "My old friend got into a fight once for kissing another girls boyfriend" "huh really" "yeah.. I got into a fight once" "Why?" I didn't think this girl could get into any trouble she looked so sweet "The girl said something about my mother" "And what happened after the fight" "dad hurt me" "Sky when the police come you have to tell them what your telling me or I can't help you. "D-do you ever remember what she did to you" "every day like it was yesterday" "does it still hurt to know you had to go through that?" Yes yes it did it hurt more then I knew more then I could putt into words. "Yes" was all that managed to come out then we heard police sirens "Hey don't say anything about starting the fire ok. Just talk about your dad" we saw her dad arguing with police "Herrera let police handle that "I have to leave I'm going to be right over there" she didn't respond so when I turned I was surprised that she grabbed my hand. I looked over to Robert and he nodded at me so I stayed with sky.

After the talk with police and the father tried to fight the cops

"Well CPS hasn't shown up yet and it might be a while so we will take her to the police station and wait with her. "Can can you come with" "I I can't I have to go back to my station" she attached herself to me "I wanna go with you"  "I see no problem why CPS can't just show up to your job if you want to take her with you" the cop said "Please" "Yeah, yeah ok come on" I went up to Robert "Can she come with us" "Andy?" "Just till CPS comes I'll be responsible for her" "Alright then let's wrap everything up" the girl hugged me and I groaned in pain, of course Robert had noticed "Let someone check that out" "I'm fine besides I'm not asking anyone to check on me" "My office once we get back" I nodded. We cleaned everything up and got into the trucks to go back to the station.

So what do you think so far sorry for the wait I just started writing again. Anyway thank you for reading and as always
stay safe and stay strong❤️

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