House boat

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Vic POV- "Ok no excuses everybody is talking shot, after the week we had I don't want to hear anything but the glass hitting the table after you drink" dean said. I exchanged looks with Andy and she nodded "Well Vic can't drink" "what why?" Everyone asked "I bet her she couldn't go a year without drinking" "why" "because we got into an argument about being alcoholics and she said she didn't need liquor so we bet, if I win she has to do laundry for 4 months at the station" "and if she wins?" "I have to show all of you the tapes of my salsa competitions." I was a little surprised at how quickly she came up with that lie it's was kinda scary "Vic I swear if you don't win I will never speak to you again" Travis said I smiled and went along with it. "Ok well then the rest of us will drink for you" "Sounds good to me" Andy said grabbing a shot glass "Whoa whoa wait!" Everyone yelled it was a 19 tradition to take the first shot together after that get as drunk as you want "Hurry up I've had a really shity weak" Andy says as everyone grabs their shots "1.2.3" they all took their shots after a lot more shots everyone was pretty drunk well besides Vic "Ok ok was anyone else completely shocked that caps girlfriend showed up to family dinner" "yeah I thought we all agreed it was just going to be 19" I noticed Andy roll her eyes "Why are we talking about her she's took over enough of our week" everyone noticed what she said and kind of agreed. I pulled her aside "Hey you wanna cool down on the drinks?" "What no why would I, this is the best I've felt all week" "yeah well it's not going to feel so good tomorrow" "Thaaats tomorrow's problem mama's" we had this thing it was weird and I don't really know how it came to be but when we called each other mama or mama's it meant we were either really hurt or really angry it was the best way to let each other know we need to talk but she's drunk so I don't know what's going on. "Just relax ok" by the looks of it she ignored my last sentence, "Let's do another!" She said and Dean started pouring more "Ok this one is for a much better week to come!" "I'll drink to that" "And for this damn bruise to go away" she added laughing. They took the shot and the rest of the night was shot after shot after shot, I could see Andy slowly starting to lose her filter so I stoped her from drinking. "Entonces quiere actuar como si todo fuera bueno, nunca puede estar bien cada vez que lo miro bien lo has visto así que sabes (Then he wants to act like everything can be okay, it can never be ok every time I look at him well you've seen him so you know)" {keep in mind I got this from google translation Idk if it's proper or not but, on to the story😭} she started rambling in Spanish "Andy you know I can't understand you" "yea I know, that's why I do it" she said hugging me. "Ok come on let's get you on the couch" once her body hit the couch she was asleep and everyone else was heading to sleep I sighed and sat down looking at everyone else who was in a drunken induced sleep.

Andy POV- I woke up to a very unappreciated blinding light and an even more unappreciated headache. I'm not sure what woke me up until I heard knocks at the door they were light but still loud I quickly went to the door and opened it "What?" I said groggy an in pain "Morning to you to Andy" I looked up to see Lucas "sorry hang over" "figures I brought coffee, breakfast and aspirin for everyone." We hugged then he walked in "Thank you" "did Vic drink to?" "Um no" "huh that's not very Vic like, you know I'm worried about her she's been throwing up and we went to the doctor the other day but she wouldn't tell me anything. I'm thinking she's pregnant and if she was you'd probably be the first to know so what's going on" "From what she told me it was just food poisoning" "Then why wouldn't she drink unless she couldn't?" "Because she couldn't, we made a bet not to long ago but if something was wrong I'm sure she would tell you so don't worry about it" wow I've done enough lying this week, hopefully "Yeah I guess your right, thanks Andy" I nodded and started eating "Don't you all have a shift today?" "Mhmm" I answered mumbling because my mouth was full "Shouldn't you wake them up" I swallowed my food "And have them try to steal this food, no way" "Andy this isn't just for you" he laughed "No I know, honestly I'm dreading work" "I can take a wild guess as to why" he gave me a look "No it's not like that, well it is but it's not" "Andy he has a girlfriend" "What no I know I have no problem with that, I already spoke my peace but it's like everywhere I turn shes there at the station. Oh don't even get me started on the face she makes when she sees me" "you mean the face a woman would make if she saw the woman who kissed her boyfriend" "No see I would be fine if she made that face but she doesn't she makes this face like she taunting me like as if she's won in some game I didn't even know we were playing" "Look rose has always been petty it's just the way she is just ignore her" "I know I know I want to but all off my instincts are telling me not to" "Andy your a sweet heart your instincts are be caring" "listen I've calmed down a lot since I've been at 19 but I wasn't always like this ok" "look I'll talk to Robert and tell him to talk to rose and now I'm definitely taking a look into your past" "No no it's fine I just need to get over it and continue on right" he nodded I finished my food "I'll wake them up" once I woke everyone up I told them I would see them at the station then left to go shower at home.

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