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I had no time to proof read this so sorry🤷🏼‍♀️
Maya POV- We quickly made our way around the corner {Alright our head count says we're just missing one more person, Herrera Bishop everyone else is out here treating their people find the last person and get out of their} we heard on our radios, {Got it cap, did they get the gas off?} I asked seeing as besides the person we were looking for my main worry was not blowing up. {Were working on it} me and Andy looked at each other, we knew what this meant and it was nothing good "Should we split up?" She asked "What no, we stay in pairs" "Maya it takes one spark and this place is up in flames, we need to find them and get them out of here" she was right but I still didn't like the idea "Fine but as soon as we don't them radio it in" "Got it" we split ways "Hello SFD can anyone hear me!" I yelled in hopes of finding whoever was the last person, this was the first floor everyone else had cleared the other floors. Once the floors were cleared cap ordered that no one went back in once they came out. I looked and screamed but I found no one {Herrera you find anyone?} I got no answer {Herrera?} I called again {Andy!} {Yeah I'm here sorry my hands were busy} I let out a sigh of relief {Did you find anyone?} {No but I'm running low on O2 we have to go} shit maybe they got the head count wrong, we searched everywhere theres nowhere else to look. {Alright I'll meet you out there} {Yup} I started making my way outside and once I saw the door I walked out "Bishop where's Herrera?" Sullivan asked "She said she was coming out she's not here yet?" "No" I looked back so I could run back in "Hey hey no! No one goes back in!" "she could be lost or stuck!" "Radio her first you don't know what your walking into" I was upset mainly because he was right {Herrera where are you} it took a few seconds but she responded {I need you guys to get away from the building} {What?} now everyone was in on their radios listening to what she said {Herrera what the hell are you doing?} Sullivan said.

Andy POV- How do I keep finding myself in these situations. {Herrera you find anyone yet?} shit what do I do, they are going to tell me to leave {Herrera?} I won't leave him {Andy!} {Yeah I'm here sorry my hands were busy} {Did you find anyone yet?} {No but I'm running low on O2 we have to go} {Alright I'll meet you out there} Come clean Andy just come clean why is it so hard to tell the truth {Yup} I sighed at my answer "Alright sir let's get you out of here" "It's not possible young lady I told you just leave already" "I told you I'm not doing that" he laughed in frustration "I've lived a long life lady just let me die" it took me some time to realize "The gas isn't bothering you?" "This room has a lot mor ventilation then the others the air isn't to bad" "Good that gives me more time to help you" "No, even though not strong it's still gas one spark" "And the whole thing goes boom I'm well aware" "The moment this beam hits the floor we're both dead I'm the only thing holding it up" I rolled my eyes "What's your name?" "Richard" "Richard I'm Andy, I've been told I'm a bit stubborn so it doesn't matter what case you pled I'm not leaving you here and that's final {Herrera where are you!} shit {I need you guys to get away from the building} {What? {Herrera what the hell are you doing} I now heard Sullivan voice {Something dumb with a bad outcome but I'm not letting him die and unless you plan on sending more people in I'm all he has} {You know I can't it's against protocol} {Then get away from the building} {Herrera get out of that building now that is a direct order!} I didn't have time to argue I lowered my radio then continued to think "Ok something here has to be strong enough to hold that up in your place" "Your not going to give up will you" "Nope so might as well help me" "There are some boxes over there if you can get to them" as I went to go get the boxes I heard shuffling and I immediately thought more rubble was falling but I was instantly proven wrong when my entire team besides Vic of course ran into the room "Herrera what do you need help with" Dean spoke with urgency I didn't have time to be shocked though "His body is the only thing holding this room up as well from keeping a spark from happening I want to move these boxes so we can lift the beam and replace it with the boxes" "Alright you heard her let's go!" Jack said everyone helped me and once the boxes were ready we held the beam up "Hurry up!" We yelled in struggle, Ben pulled the man out and Maya pushed the boxes under the beam we let go and the boxes were holding. Richard was bleeding and Ben stoped it for now until we could get him to the hospital. I saw the boxes slowly start crushing "Guys let's go!" We helped grab Richard and ran out the building. I was the last out the building "Move!" I yelled and everyone ran back some rolled under the fire trucks as a huge blast shot me forward, I could feel the heat from the fire. As I fell my head hit the ground I'm almost sure it wasn't concussion worthy but it definitely cut skin, my thought was proven right when Sullivan pulled me up and started examining my face. I noticed blood dripping down his hand as he touched my forehead I didn't feel it though probably adrenaline.

Sky POV- School was finally over so I got onto the bus I laid my head on the window which is the most uncomfortable yet comfortable thing in the world, the window is nice and cold and seeing the outside pass by me as we drive is really calming but something about my head slamming into the window just isn't enjoyable.
Once I got to my stop I walked to the house remembering my path as I went and I made it. I opened the door, first thing I did was try to call Andy like she told me to do but I got no response so I assumed she was working a fire or something so I went to shower. A hot shower which was much needed, I forgot how tiring school was. Dad never really let me go after a few bruises wouldn't go away within a few days later. I got out of the shower did my homework made sure everything I had to do was done so I wouldn't upset Andy when she gets here. I turned on the T.V of course the first channel was the news which I quickly skipped over seeing as during history today we had to watch yesterdays new and have a debate or just talk about it and she said that's how her class would go from now on so I'd most likely see the same thing tomorrow.

Andy POV- "Vic I just got stitches and they said I have no signs of a concussion will you stop worrying it's not good for the baby you know, or me" I mumbled the last part "Are you crazy staying in that building your lucky our team is just as stupid as you" "Yeah yeah I'm glad your ok too Vic" our conversation was interrupted "Hey Andy" Ben said popping into the room "Yeah?" "sorry but I'm while you went to the hospital to get stitched up, I had your phone you dropped it" "Oh thanks" I grabbed it "Yeah um I thought it was weird, your house phone had called you but I figured it was a glitch or something since you live alone and all" my eyes widened how could I forget about sky how did I forget I have her living with me. Damn it It's going to take longer then I thought to get use to having someone else in my home I just hope she isn't upset with me."Yeah maybe, excuse me for a sec" I said leave the room then going into my bunk and immediately calling sky. The phone rung twice then sky answered

Phone call
A-(Hey, sorry I missed your call)
S-(it's alright I figured you were at a fire)
A-(You made it home safe right, no issues or forgetting where to walk?)
S-(No everything was great)
A-(Good good listen I'll be home around 5ish so just make sure you lock the doors alright)
S-(Yeah I'll double check)
A-(ok I'll talk to you when I get home and you can tell me about school if you want)
It was silent
S-(Y-yeah sorry I'd love that)
A-(Alright bye I'll be home soon)

And with that she hung up, I took a breath of relief knowing she was ok, even though I had forgotten it still felt like a weight had been lifted just knowing she was safe.

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