Chapter 43

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Vic- God I'm huge, I need this baby out of me now! Doesn't help that last week that woman told me it would be the worst pain in my life. Then continued to push her kid out into my arms, it was a very confusing thing. I'm not sure why but I thought giving birth would be easy, I delivered plenty of babies but when I saw that woman it clicked, that was going to be me soon except way worse because that was already her forth kid.

L- Hey so I was thinking we could put fire truck paintings all over his wall?

V- What if it's a girl?

L- It won't be.

V- Mhmm anyways why fire trucks?

L- Because both his parents are fire fighters Duh

I rolled my eyes at him.

V- That's not a reason.

He turned and I saw the bruise on his face that had begun to heal.

V- How's your face?

I asked sadly.

L- It's better. Still sore when I open my jaw though.

V- I'm sorry I should've grabbed Andy as soon as I saw her in there.

L- No it's my fault, she told me to mind my business and I didn't.

V- Oh well that's not a reason to hit someone, especially Sullivan.

I don't care if Sullivan is fucking Andy, he should've hit him for something that had nothing to do with him.

L- Eh it's fine. Me and sully use to box, I'm use to his right hook. Andy though took me by surprise, she's the one who got me in the jaw.

I'm kinda pissed at her too, if I'm being honest with myself I'm pissed at everyone.

L- Have you spoken to Andy? Like how she's doing?

V- we texted here and there but nothing really important. Have you tried calling Sullivan.

L- I was going to invite them both over for dinner so we could all talk. I mean they do come back to work tomorrow and I'd rather there be no conflict.

V- Doesn't help that their hooking up.

L- Exactly, so I have no doubt their on the same page with each other.

Lucas didn't know they were kinda together in the beginning, honestly he was pretty clueless. After the captains ex left he thought that was the end of Andy and Sullivan but then he came to me one day saying he saw him and her kissing at some park and he thought they were together. I didn't tell him anything but then he kept bugging me so I told him.

L- Alright so what's our game plan going to be.

V- You want to invite them over for dinner and you don't even have a plan.

L- Well that's kinda why I'm asking you.

V- Well you know Sullivan best so how do you want to approach him?

L- He only punched me because he cares about Andy.

V- Right.

L- But I don't know why Andy punched me.

V- It was once you grabbed her, probably just triggered her is all.

L- Alright so I start with a simple apology and we move on from there.

V- Great.

Sky- I woke up and wiped all the drool off my face. I must've been really tired because I never drool. I went into the kitchen and saw Robert cooking.

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