The day

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This is mainly going to be sky's POV

Andy POV- I woke up with the sun shining on my face. It was a warm feeling, along with the feeling of being held. My head slightly tilted to see a sleeping Robert, I was happy I took Vic's advice to talk to him because I really enjoyed our night even if it was just something as small as a movie night. I slipped out his arms grabbed my phone and slipped out of bed. I was walking into the bathroom until I saw a missed call it was only a minute ago and the name on the screen worried me so I quickly dialed it and ran downstairs

Phone call
?- (Hello?)
A- (Hi you guys just called me, I'm sorry I want near my phone at that time I was just wondering if it was anything important?)
?- (Alright can I get you name please ma'am)
A- (Um Andrea Herrera)
I heard clicking on a keyboard letting me know she was typing
?- (Ah here you are, yes we called to let you know that today is your house check)
Instant excitement hit me
A-(Oh that's amazing ok um Im a little new to this so do you mind telling me what happens after)
?-(Yes of course, well after the house check if everything goes well they give you a time to come in and do some paperwork and within the week you will receive the foster child)
A- (And she's still there? Sky I mean?)
?- (yes Shes quite excited we told her not to get her hopes up as sometimes these house checks don't go as planned but she says she trust you so)
A smile washed over my face
A- (Ok well thank you very much)
?- (of course, bye now)

Call ended

Shit I have to get to my house, shit Roberts still upstairs he's going to think I just left but I don't know when their coming I don't want to miss them. I'll just text him. I practically ran out the house and drove to my house. I cleaned up a bit and organized then showered and got dressed after that I just waited felt like I was waiting all day but really it was just an hour or two. The knocking on my door startled me but I quickly got up and let the woman inside.

Vic POV- I walked into work and I didn't see Andy's car on the way in. I got to the locker room and everyone was getting ready. "Anyone know where Andy's at?" I questioned and everyone looked around "Uh No she hasn't come in yet" Andy late? Doesn't sound right, I called her but it immediately went to voicemail mail. Everyone had gotten dressed and went into the kitchen, Jack and Travis started cooking when the captain walked in. "Morning everyone" he said dryly then it hit me, I told Andy to go talk to Sullivan "Morning cap" everyone replied as he grabbed a banana and walked out so I followed after him "Hey captain" he turned "Yes Vic?" "Do you know where Andy is, she was supposed to come in today" "She called out, said she had personal business or something" he said almost annoyed so I decided to pry "Any reason that particularly bothers you?" He locked eyes with me with a look of confusion "How do you mean" I just cut to the chase I had no intention of prolonging this conversation "I know Andy went to your place so I'm guessing the conversation didn't end well because you seem upset" "Listen your my best friends wife so I'm going to speak with caution me and Andy is none of your business" I could tell he was just trying to get me to leave him alone "While it may be true that your none of my business Andy is my best friend so that makes her my business, and she is damn near a sister to your best friend so I don't really care if you think it my business or not I just want to make sure she's ok, she has enough going on and I don't need her worrying if her boss/whatever the hell you two are is going to be more of a distraction to her that's all" he looked shocked at how I just spoke to him honestly so was I but truth be told with all these hormones rushing through my body I've been a tad bit more snappy then usual. He sighed "I'm sorry alright, come into my office I don't need the others hearing" I walked to his office with him "She did come to talk to me yesterday and it went well or at least I think it did, we watched a movie she fell asleep so I went to sleep and when I woke up she was gone. She had texted me that she's needed to call out for something personal that's all I know, now do you think you can fill in some gaps?" "No I can't not yet but I'll find out" I walked out his office I texted Andy but the alarm went off so I didn't have time to do anything else.

Caught between two worldsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora