Chapter 21

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Game day.

I was very nervous but at the same time I was excited. Today I was going to make my debut.

I got out of bed and got up to go brush my teeth in my bathroom. It was almost impossible for me to think straight I had my mind on a lot of things. After I finished brushing my teeth I went to take a shower. After my shower I realized I had a text from Leo.

Leo: Good luck, you know I wish I could be there, but Anto really wants to just stay home today.

Anto? She loved me, she was more excited than I was when I told her that I was going to be playing professionally.

Me: Um, okay...

I really wasn't in the mood to argue, but it still made me feel upset that he wasn't coming for such a dumb reason.

I couldn't get emotional right now. I have to get my game face on, I couldn't worry about him not being here, even though it really hurts and sucks that he can't make it.


I went to my closet and got out my new jersey. I just looked at it and admired it. Taking a second to realize that this was actually happening.

I took my warm-up shorts, shin guards, socks, slides, and soccer pants on top, and slide them on, putting my shirt on last.

I walked downstairs and knocked on Lucia's door.

"Rise and shine, Luica. I have a big day ahead of me and you're coming." I could hear her groan through the door.

She came out of her room with her hair pointing every which direction.

"Hmmm..." I mumbled pointing to her hair.

"Sorry, I'm no Sleeping Beauty..." she said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well, get ready and I'll cook you some breakfast." I said.

"Thanks, that's sweet."

I grabbed the pancake mix and some water and started making a few batches of pancakes.


I over at my phone and noticed I was getting an incoming call from Oscar.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Maria, well I hope you had a good nights rest and are ready for today."

"Yep, I did and all ready for the game. But of course I still feel a little nervous. I don't want to screw up and cost the team a lost. Ya know?"

"Yeah, that's exactly how I felt my debut but I did fine and so will you. Im 100% sure Leo would tell you the same thing. Speaking of Leo, has he called or anything to wish you luck?"

"Yeah, he called earlier his morning but sadly he can't attend..."

"Really, why? I was looking forward to meeting him." He said somewhat sarcastic.

"Haha, apparently Anto would rather him stay at home and just have a do nothing day. Which is a little odd because Anto kept talking about how big this is."

"Ah, well I'll be there! Speaking of which I'm outside. I'll be in in a second."

"Okay." I said laughing.

After a few seconds of whisking the pancake batter Oscar walked through the door.

"Sir, I don't remember giving you a key to my house..."

"Since when did I become a sir? And when I bought this house I gave myself an extra key to come in anytime I need to."

"That's not weird at all!" I said sarcastically.

I continued whisking and spooned some of the batter onto the pan.

"Ah, speaking of which, I haven't ate breakfast. Would you be so kind as to make me some?" He said batting his eyelashes.

"Whatever, how could I say no... BUT I have to hurry because I have to be at the stadium by 8. And its 7:30. You do the rest."

I soon finished with all the pancakes.


I sat down and quickly ate my one pancake. I didn't really like eating before a game. Like knowing that there is food in your stomach and sometimes feeling it while you run. It just doesn't make me feel good at all.

I gathered the rest of my stuff together and put stuff where they were supposed to be. By the time I finished all of this, both Oscar and Lucia were done and ready to go.


Oh god we needed to hurry up. I quickly got my stuff into the car and left. Lucia went in Oscar's car and they were driving right behind me.

We had finally arrived, there was so much on my mind that I could barely contain myself. I got my stuff and walked into the stadium.

It was very hard for me to get through the crowd at the front entrance. I didn't at all expect this much people. But this was different, they seemed to be idolizing someone in the center.

I bumped through the crowd and saw that in the middle of it was, Leo.

"OH MY GOD!!! HEYY!!" I squealed dropping my stuff.

Leo had Anto and Thiago there with him along with the rest of my family. He gave me Thiago to hold.

"You actually thought we would miss your debut?" Leo asked.

"I was falling for it."

"I would NEVER IN A THOUSAND YEARS miss your debut for your first club!!!" Anto nearly yelled. I gave her a hug along with the rest of my family.

"Well I got to go warm up. I'll see you guys after the game."

We all waved goodbye. And I gave Thiago back to Leo. Until Ana showed up. Lord help us all.

"O.M.G. ITS THE KING MESSI, THE ACTUAL MESSI NOT SOME RIP-OFF!!!" She screamed referring to me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Your grace," she said while curtsying. "Please excuse my clothes. I wasn't aware that your highness would be here. Please excuse me."

All Leo did was laugh, what he usually does. She held or her hand for Leo to shake, which he did.

"Thank you your highness." she said curtsying once again while leaving.

Lucia poked my shoulder. I turned around to face her and Oscar.

"Is that that Ana girl?"

I nodded as she did the same.

I waved to my family and friends once again and went out to warm-up.

"MARIA, ANA! Right on time!" Coach Hayes yelled. "Go out on the field along with the rest of the team and get your stretches and warm-ups in."

We did as she said. Before I knew it, practice was over and it was time for the game. I stood in my position jumping and shaking everything off.

"MARIA!" Ana yelled from her position.


I turned to her.

"If you trying to-"

"No, Maria, ever since you started coming here, I've been jealous. For you to take my spot or shit like that..."


"Wait! It's only because you're my competition. I've been trying to compete with you to make sure you don't waltz in and be better than I am. I kept dragging you down to see how strong you are. And on top of that, no one was looking forward to a new player. You're really good Maria. You'll do just fine, you don't have to worry." She said with a comfortingly smile.

"Thanks!" I said getting teary eyed.

I looked up at the stands. Wow, was this really going to happened. I'm seeing all my dreams unfold in front of my own eyes. And it's been amazing. I just had a question... HOW THE HELL HASNT THE REF BLEW THE FREAKING WHISTLE. And as if on que he blew the whistle.

This is going to be one of the best days of my life.

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