Chapter 29

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Back to Maria's POV

I woke up the next morning, I heard Leo talking on the phone with someone. Being the nosy person I was, I leaned my ear onto the door to listen to his conversation.

"Really!?.... Yeah it did happen....I can't believe this..... yeah that's what I wonder to..... Well at least you remember now...... Are you sure you want to tell her?...... Might be awkward for her though.... Yeah, weird right...... Maybe after such a long time you just forgot since she didn't remember you....The dream should've felt real considering it happened.... Hahaha okay, see you at practice....Okay, bye" Leo finished.

I could hear him put his phone away and walk over to open his door where I was at. I tip toed to my room quickly and shut the door behind me.

"Maria! You up?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Practice is in 30 minutes, are you coming?" He asked.

"Yeah sure" I replied.

I could hear him shut his door. I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.

Who was Leo talking to? At least I know that they were on his team,that narrowed down a few people that I had in mind.

Whatever, it wasn't my business anyways, it's not like they were talking about me. I should just stay out of people's business. I had business of my own to deal with. Im pretty sure Lucia is still mad at me, and here I am worrying about some random person.

I needed to clear things up with me and Lucia. I walked over to her door and stood there about to knock for a while but way to scared to. I gained up my courage to knock on her door.


I waited a few seconds and then Lucia finally opened the door.

"Can I... um, can I come in?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah sure" she sighed.

I walked into the room.

"If you just came to ask if I was going to Leo's practice-" Lucia started.

"No, I came to apologize for my behavior last night. I took things a little to far and I honestly can't apologize enough for it. I said some things that shouldn't have been said and please just forgive me, I didn't mean any of that stuff that I said about you and Neymar. I realize that there isn't anything going on that I should get super mad about. Again I'm-"

"Shut up and get over here to give me a hug" Lucia said laughing.

I walked over to her and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

"*cough* you can let go now *cough*" she wheezed.

"Oh sorry," I said releasing her. "Are you coming to practice?"

"Yeah, I guess" she says.

"Well we better hurry up because we only have a few minutes to get ready" I say chuckling.

I left her room and went into mine and freshened up to make myself presentable. I put on some regular clothes and stuffed my soccer clothes into a bag, since I had my first practice with Marc today.

"You guys ready?" Leo called from downstairs.

"Yeah" Me and Lucia replied.

We went downstairs and I noticed Lucia was really dressed up. She was wearing leggings, mint heels, a mint shirt that puffed out a little by the waist, and bow on top of her lightly curled hair.

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