Chapter 18

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Back to Maria's POV

We both just sat there in silence. There wasn't much to say.

"I guess she remembers as well and doesn't want to forget. The psycho might want you to reunited." I sighed.

"Yeah, but I don't care. We have a date later tonight and we're not just going to be glum about this. I mean this doesn't have anything to do with anything. It was in the past, we were both drunk, nothing is going to happen... just trust me."

I nodded and buckled my seatbelt.

"So, how was your practice?" I asked.

"Normal, the real question is... how was yours?"

"Well, I can't say good but I can't say bad. Most of Ana's jokes stopped at about the middle of practice and so not much to talk about there. But I'm hungry." I said looking at him with my best puppy eyes.

"Haha, anywhere in mind?"

"McDonald's after practice sound really good right now."

"I told you you would love it."

He reared out of the Chelsea stadium and drove to McDonalds.

"Well we are here."

He ran to my side of the car and opened the door. I looked up at him and smiled at his cuteness. I've only known this kid for a few days but man was I loving him.

"Order 131!!"

We went up to go get our food. We thanked them and took it back to our table.

"Maria, you got something right there." Oscar said pointing to his chin. I tried getting it off but he kept doing the same motion. "It's right... HERE!" He said smacking ketchup in my face. My mouth was open very wide still in shock he did that while he on the other hand was dieing in laughter.

"Oh my god!!" He continued to laugh. "Here are some napkins."

He got up and took a napkin and carefully focused on cleaning my face.

"Oscar, it isn't that hard to clean someone's face. You don't have to concentrate so much." We laughed.

"Well I'm almost done. And...We...Are...Finished." He said backing away like he was looking at some type of masterpiece.

"You're such a dork." I said

"Whatever, lets get eating." he said while rubbing his hands together.

We dug into our food and talked and laughed some more. I was really starting to love this kid. And tonight was going to be our first date.

He told me not to wear something dressy, that I should just wear something that I would wear any other day.

After our McDonalds visit I went back to the hotel.

Lucia came in and we talked a lot. She was by far my closest friend in England. She talked about how much she hates her job because of all of the disrespectful people staying at the hotel. And whatever chance she gets to leave she will take it immediately.

I was talking to her about me wanting to move out of the hotel and into an actual house. The only thing I was dreading about moving would be staying home alone and bored majority of the time. She gave an idea for her to move in with me. I was loving the idea. She said she would quit her shitty job and get a new one to help me pay rent every month. Which I really wouldn't need I could simply ask Leo for anything and he would give it to me. Only because I'm his "little girl" and he would do anything to keep me happy.

After Lucia left, it was about 5:30 my date was at 7. So I figured to go ahead and start getting ready. I got into the shower and took one of those long enjoyable showers. Once I got out I put on leggings a white sweater with a burgundy scarf along with rider boots and white socks that peeked above my boots. I put my hair up into a bun and applied my makeup.

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