Chapter 14

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The waitress brought over our food and we ate while I talked about Argentina and my mom and brothers and Oscar told me about Brasil and his family.

When we finished eating Oscar invited me over to his apartment, when we got there Oscar handed me a bowl of ice cream and we ate silently watching some TV. After the ice cream Oscar took me back to the hotel.

When i got to the hotel the first thing I did was call mom, just to check if she was fine and all.


"Mom? I was just calling to check on you."

"Oh, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm good, i just finished eating dinner."

"Thats great! I got to go talk to you later."


I hung up and decided to go look around one of the shops in the hotel. I ended buying a cute white shirt that says 'I'm in London anything can happen' with a faded picture of 'Big Ben' in the background.

I went back to my room and took off my makeup then changed into leggings and a t-shirt and made myself some tea. I took sips my tea while scrolling through my social media after awhile i decided to go though the pictures and videos we took from today. I sent Oscar a few of them.

I went on Instagram and Oscar had posted that video of him messing with one of those guards. I laughed at our fun times.

I placed my tea cup into the sink. Tucking myself into my bed I thought about nothing except me and Oscar's date and dreading practice tomorrow.

Very Short Chapter

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now