Chapter 8

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The waitress asked what drinks we wanted and then we got up for the Buffet. Lunch was delicious besides the fact we only got 20 minutes to eat in order to get back in time.

Oscar dropped me off at my stadium.
I thanked him for the lunch. Again he ran out of his side of the car to open my door.

"Want me to walk you in?"he asked shyly.

"I would love that!" I smiled like an idiot.

He offered his hand and I took it. I guess I forgot to let go of hi hand because we were walking hand-in-hand.

"Hey Leo's sister!" I heard Ana yell. Both me and Oscar turned around. I rolled my eyes. I looked up at Oscar and said

"She was the girl making jokes about me and Leo." Oscar nodded slowly.

"Excuse me, but I don't think Maria appreciates you talking about her brother like that." He said.

"I apologize. I forgot to introduce my self Im Ana." she bowed. "I forgot royalty only dates other royalty. You guys are a couple correct?" She asked pointing to our hands.

I again rolled my eyes. "And Oscar.... Don't worry I will not make jokes about your fair maiden." She chuckled while walking away.

"Sorry about that." I said to Oscar.

"It's fine, sorry but I have to get back to practice. I'll pick you up. And I'll show you around the place as in London." he smirked. He kissed my head and ran to his car.

I was walking back to the stadium when I heard the one and only, Ana.

"How was your lunch with your knight and shining armor?"

"What's the matter with you? Ever since I got here you have always been rude! Why?"

"Ask your brother. After all where would you be in life without him?"

"Farther than you..." I mumbled

"What was that?!" Ana yelled

"I said farther than you!"

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now