Chapter 15

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"Ahhh!" I screamed while falling out the bed.

Why would I even think to put my alarm so close to my pillow? Slamming the alarm, I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went to my luggage. What to wear, what to wear... So many choices. Like Oscar said, I should give Ana something to talk about. I picked up my brothers jersey to put on. Considering they haven't gave me a warm up kit yet. I got on some black shorts and regular soccer socks and my Messi cleats. This was going to be funny. If she doesn't take it way to far. And I'm pretty sure I've heard all the jokes in the book by now. I just hope her mouth doesn't say anything that hurtful to send me crying again.

Waiting outside the hotel for the Chelsea Ladies bus I checked my social medias. This time I checked it, it was different. I already had quite a lot of DM's and followers because I am Lionel Messi's sister, but this time, my DM's were blown up and I gained more followers. I looked through some of my DM's and noticed they were all pictures of me and Oscar yesterday saying things like 'is it true' 'are you dating him' 'stay away from Oscar' etc. I kind of just laughed about it. In less than seconds the Chelsea Ladies bus arrived.

"Hey, how was your first day of practice? And where did you go? I came to pick you up and you weren't there." The bus driver asked

"Well it went pretty bad and I ran to the hotel. Ya know, to stay fit for the #10 jersey."

He nodded and that was all he said. The rest of the ride was silent. He pulled up to the stadium. I took a deep breath, and got up.

When I first put on Leo's shirt I was so sure that this would be funny thing to do for Ana. But as I walked closer to the stadium I felt more and more unsure about this.

Well whichever way it went, there was no getting out of it.

I entered the stadium and put my soccer bag away on the benches. I walked up to Coach Hayes.

"Nice jersey Maria." she said.

"Thanks, and I'm sorry, I wore this because I haven't received my warm up kit yet."

"No, it's fine. Well I will give it to you after practice, I don't have it so I'll run back and get it at my house during lunch break."

"Okay, thank you. Ill start on my laps. Starting early, ya know."

"Of course, go ahead as everyone comes in they'll join you." she assured

I started running forgetting about the jersey. Until Ana started to catch up.

"I see you're wearing Leo's jersey." she said laughing

"I see you still don't have anything better to do than make comments about my brother."

"I see that you still have to live through your brother, you wore that jersey to represent him, that's also why you're hear, to represent Leo."

"That's cute, so you don't waste your breath which I know you'll need to finish doing the laps, let's make this short. I don't live through Leo."

I sped up and ran in front of her, I didn't have time for her jokes about Leo, I needed to worry more about training. She was the least of my worries.

"Great job everyone!! Nice laps, nice way to push through!" Coach Hayes complemented. "Go ahead and get some water everyone, then meet me at the goal post. And we will do our drills"

I grabbed my drink of water.

"Hey Leo!!" Ugh, Ana.

I turned around.

"Oh! Sorry I should have known it wasn't Leo because one looks talented the other doesn't. One is getting paid a lot the other not at all. I guess I just make silly mistakes." She laughed while walking away.

Being the fool I am, I chased after her and grabbed her arm.

"I don't know who you think you are but-"

"I KNOW who I am. People call me the Ronaldo of the Portuguese National Team. You on the other hand haven't even played a World Cup. It's not me who should check who they are... its you."

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now