Chapter 33

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Plenty of shots later

"You're turn Maria!!" Lucia slurred.

Everyone was very drunk, you could smell their breath and instantly know that they have been drinking. I can't say much about it because I was just as drunk as they were.

"Let's get down to business!!" I yelled.

I trudged over to where Leo kept his alcoholic beverages and grabbed a bottle of alcohol and popped the top off and took a gulped that left only half of the bottle left. My throat burned a little from the alcohol's strong taste.

"What's my daaarrree?" I asked slurring every word. Marc found me first in hide and seek therefore he had to tell me what my dare was.

"Hmmm... Lemme think about it" he said tapping his chin. "Any suggestions?" He asked.

"I GOT ONE!!!" Leo yelled laughing uncontrollably while trying to walk. But he kept tripping over his feet.

"What?" Marc asked.

"Petó!!" Leo slurred.

"What?" I asked letting out a belch releasing some of the alcohol stench from my breath.

"It means, kiss!!" Leo yelled slugging himself around.

"Leo tends to speak Catalan when he's drunk, and that's a lame dare" Anto says slurring every word just like the rest of us.

"Not for them it's not, they probably haven't even held hands before. Plus, I'm doing Marc a favor, you know, since he's had that big crush on you" Leo said laughing uncontrollably.

We all just started laughing for no reason at all. We were just a bunch of people that had a little too much shots.

"C'mon!! Kiss already!!" Oscar yelled banging his fists on the table gulping down another shot.

I quickly connected my lips to Marc's and kissed his lips passionately, I had no clue what I was doing, I was drunk.

The night went on and we hid and had more and more dares to do.

The morning after...

"Ugh." I groaned as I woke up.

I had a massive headache.

I held my head and sat up noticing my surroundings.

Where was I?

I was sitting in a bush.

I looked beside me and noticed a body. I couldn't tell who it was, I could only see his bare back. He was laying down next to where I was before.

I poked his back.


I pushed his shoulders so that he would flip over. I looked at his face and wasn't surprised at all.

It was Oscar.

I laughed just by looking at him.

"Ahhhh!!" I screamed into his ear.

"Ah!" He yelled, breathing hard.

"Haha!!" I rolled on the ground laughing uncontrollably.

"What was that for?" He asked still trying to gain his breath back.

"Because it was funny, now c'mon we have to get ready for your plane's departure" I said tugging him.

"Okay, okay" He replied giving up.

I threw him his shirt that I found laying beside the bush. I had a small panic attacking and felt myself to make sure I was clothed and that nothing happen last night. Thank Jesus I was still fully clothed.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now