Chapter 48

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Maria's POV

"Hey Marc" I wave.

"Hi" he smiles.

Would it be bad to say he looks good in that coat?

We're just looking into each other's eyes and smiling.

"How about we get going" Lucia says breaking the silence.

"Sure" Marc and I agree.

We get into the car and start driving to my house and talk about things they've done in Barcelona.

"Let me help you all unpack" I say grabbing some suitcases from the back.

"No, you don't have to" Marc says grabbing his suitcase from me slightly touching my hand.

I look up at him and slightly smile letting go.

I helped get them unpacked whether they wanted me to or not and about an hour later we were done.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to bed" Lucia groans trudging upstairs.

"Okay" I laugh.

Marc and I sit in the living watching TV for a few minutes.

"I have a lot to explain... Don't I?" Marc laughs/asks.

"If you don't want to you don't have to" I tell him.

"I want to... I actually need to. How about on a picnic in the backyard?" Marc asks.

"Sure" I respond.

"Stay in here while I get everything ready" Marc says getting up.

"Okay" I laugh. He runs around the house looking for things for the picnic and I just laugh and continue to watch the show on TV.

"Ready!!" Marc yells from outside.

I get up and turn off the TV and go outside.

"Wow even a basket" I laugh at Marc's basic ways.

"What's a picnic without a traditional wooden basket?" Marc laughs.

I sit down on the blanket and dig into the basket and see what Marc prepared.

"Wow, classic sandwich sliced in half with a... Pineapple?"

"You don't like it?" He questions.

"I do, but you ruined the basic theme you had going on" I chuckle.

"So... I want to apologize for calling you a whore" Marc spit out.

"It's fine, but... Why'd you say that?" I wonder.

"I was mad. I was just jealous okay? I was jealous that Oscar got you..." He told me.

"What do you mean?"

"Maria, I like you. I don't think it's like anymore. I think I love you! We've been friends for a long time and I was about to make my move before the pole incident. But then you didn't remember me and I knew that my chances were over. You came back into my life and I've fallen even more in love with you... Then of course with my way of screwing everything up, I helped Oscar ask you out. I was just angry... Not at you but at myself, for being so foolish!" He pours out.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now