Chapter 16

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"Actually it's not. I have no clue what your problem is with me. I did nothing to you, you started hating me when I got here. Just because I was related to Leo. Leo isn't my life I don't live through him, so before you start going around assuming shit that isn't true. Check you incorrect facts!" I yelled.

"What about what I've been saying isn't true?! The part where you live through Leo? Or the part where-"

"All of it. I don't want to hear anything about my brother come out of your mouth anymore. I'm tired of it."

"That's cute, I'll keep your proposal in mind for the rest of my life."

Instead of taking everything she said to heart, I was going to have fun with this.

"Thank you. The people of the kingdom would very much appreciate it." I smiled.

"Tell King Messi that his sister shouldn't be fooling around in the soccer world, it's not healthy for her."

"One second. His line is currently being used, you'll have to wait." I said making my hand a phone.

"You finally get the point! Tell King Messi that I would love to be in his presence in the future, so I can tell him myself." she said.

"I will make sure that happens."

"Good and one more thing!"

"And that is?"

She came up close to me in the ear and whispered...

"Stay away from Oscar."

I froze what did she have against me and Oscar? Did she know him or something? Have they dated? All these questions flooded into my mind. What is her problem?

"MARIA! Hurry up and get over here." Coach Hayes yelled getting me out of my thoughts. "Everyone get started with your stretches and when you finish go get your ball and do your drills and by the time you finish all your drills it should be lunch break. If you're not done with your drills by then just come back early from lunch. And YES! I will tell you when it's lunch."

I did my stretches and completed all of my drills so I was currently juggling my ball until it was time for lunch. I could see Ana coming up to me smirking. I still couldn't get what she said about leaving Oscar alone. What was her point. Was there something that I missed? Was it before I was in the picture? Or did she just like him?

"LUNCH!!" Once again I was interrupted by Coach Hayes.

I quickly put on my pants and slides. I ran to Oscar's car, he was there on his phone.

"Ready? And why so anxious to go? And by the way nice jersey." He laughed while opening my door.

"Thanks and well, I have a question to ask you."

"What is it?" He said while backing out of the parking lot.

"Well, that Ana girl yesterday...."

"Yes... what about her?"

"Have you met her before?"

"Not that I remember, why?"

"Oh, nothing." I didn't want to tell him about what Ana said. It might make him feel uncomfortable also I didn't want him worrying about my problems.

"So our date..." He said with an adorable little smirk.

"What about it?" I laughed

"Well, I know exactly where we are going and don't bring your wallet! I'm paying for everything. I'll pick you up at your hotel at 7:00." He said with a somewhat cocky smile.

"You're too cute." I giggled.

"I know right!!! Well here we are!"

"McDonalds?" I laughed.

"Yeah, have you ever had McDonalds when you come back from practice?"

"No, that sounds gross!"

"OH MY GOD!!" He yelled scaring me, literally making me jump out of my seat.

"ITS DELICIOUS!! We're going to do that everyday until you get sick of it... Which usually takes a really long time."

"Whatever." I laughed

We went in ordered our food and ate. McDonalds did indeed go down very well coming from practice. Then we went back to the stadium.

"We'll see you later Oscar."

I looked over to him and he was just staring ahead of the drivers wheel. It looked like he saw a ghost.

"What's the mat-"

"I remember her..."

"Sorry what?"

"I remember her..."


Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora