Chapter 30

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We drove to the cruise just less than an hour from Leo's place. And the car ride insisted nothing but laughter and constant talking.

"Well here we are" Marc said as we pulled into a dock.

I looked out the window to see this enormous black boat with red around any windows and on any open spot. This looked amazing.

"Oh my god Marc, thanks for taking me... its beautiful" I gushed.

"Justlikeyou?" He murmured.

"What?" I asked.

I couldn't hear what he said, how could I be said it so fast.

"Um, I said lets get going" he replies.

"Yeah, sure" I say.

He holds out his hand as I take it and we walk into the boat. The first place we went into was the lobby. It was absolutely gorgeous! It was silver, gold, and white. There was a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling that was gold and brought out a warm white color. The couches was white and the carpets were silver.

"C'mon, lets go get signed in and then we can go and tour the place" Marc whispered into my ear.

"Mhm" I whimpered.

He once again took my hand and led me to the front desk that was gold and white.

"Name?" The person at the desk said without looking up from her computer that she was typing frantically on.

"Marc Bartra" he said while he rocked on his feet with hands in his pockets.

"Marc..." she said slowly while typing. "Bartra"

She stopped typing and looked up at us. With wide eyes she opened her mouth so wide that you could place a softball in it.

"Wait, you're THE Marc Bartra?" She asked looking at him in disbelief.

"That's me" he said with a small sigh. He obviously hated when stuff like this happen.

"OMG!!! Can I take a picture?" She asked.

"Sure" he says.

"*cough* *cough*" she said looking at me.

I looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"Can you take the picture?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure" I said taking her phone.

"3, 2, 1... Smile!" I said as I snapped the picture.


"Yep, I guess that's me... and no, how about you call him instead?" I said.

"AHHHHHHHH!" She said jumping higher and higher each time she jumped.

I dialed Leo's phone number and he answered after a few rings.

"Hey, Maria what is it?" He asked probably just waking up from his sleep considering he yawned plus he just sounded tired.

"Code 5" I whispered into the phone.

"Oh goodness" he sighed into the phone.

Me and Leo had different Codes on rate of how crazy the fans are. Code 1 is that they are adorable and it would mean the world to them to talk to Leo. Code 2 is that they are in a bad place in their life and would like to talk to Leo. Code 3 is that they are regular fans. Code 4 is that they are a bit crazy. Code 5 is when they are crazy and are annoying you and being freakishly loud and screaming. Code 6 is when they keep constantly asking and claiming that they are his biggest fans and asking for his number or anything personal along with them talking a lot. We haven't met a fan that's a Code 6.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now