Chapter 23

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Back to Maria's POV

Wow, did he really just ask that? There was so much going through my mind.

I starters tearing up for some unknown reason.

"Uhm, Oscar, I... Um, while I didn't except this." I said looking at him. His face started out happy but then got sad.

"But, Oscar, we have barely known each other, I mean we know each other very well but... We haven't known each other for a while and I just don't know yet. I'm really sorry."

His eyes got watery.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand. I'll give you some space and some time to think about all of this. I won't rush you, but when ever you know the answer just talk to me. Okay?"

His said it so normally but by the tone of his voice I could tell that he was hurt.

"Yeah, I'll still text you, and everything, but I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us."

"Definitely and no, this won't make anything awkward between us. Nothing will even change between us, it's just now you know how I feel..." he said with a smile I could tell was completely fake.

I gave him an enormous hug. I want to make sure that nothing would change between the two of us.

"Well, I'll meet you here in a second... Anto wanted to talk to me after the game. So..."

"Yeah, go ahead."

I got onto my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. When I walked away, I looked at my feet. I couldn't really believe that this was happening. And here I was just a second ago saying everything was moving really fast but I loved it, I mean it's not that I don't love Oscar, because I do. It's just that this was a little to fast for me. First I get a house with Lucia for only knowing her for a few days, then Oscar asks me out. Like someone can only handle so much.

Changing is usually good for me, but when it's not, changing is just a big complicated part of life everyone has to go through.

I wanted to put the title in that... That's why it's capitalized ;)

I reached Anto, everyone was where they were before.

"Oh hey Maria!" Anto said a little to excited.

"Um, hey?"

"Why do you sound annoyed?" She asked

"I'm not annoyed just a little thrown by surprise."

"Why, hun, what happened?"

"Well, Oscar just asked me out..."

"Oh. Did. He. Really?" Anto said robotically.

"Anto is there something that you know that I don't?"

"Nope not at all!" She said really fast.

"Who told you that Oscar was going to ask me out?"

"Well, Oscar told all of us at halftime. That's why I texted you, so Oscar could get the chance to get everything ready. But I guess he did it his own way..." she huffed rolling her eyes.


"OH? What did you answer!?"

"I told him that I wasn't ready. I mean we are moving a little to fast, you know?"

"Ah, I see. Well if you need to get space away from England for a week or two you are always welcome to me and Leo's place."

"Wow, good idea Anto, I might just do that. But do you mind if I bring a friend?" I said referring to Lucia.

Changing (Oscar Emboaba & Marc Bartra) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now